Chapter 1064 Integrating the Forces
Under the shocking eyes all over the sky, a dazzling radiance erupted from the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, and a ray of incomparably fierce sword intent pierced through the head of Patriarch Gui Sha.

The blood shot out, and the vitality of Gui Sha Patriarch slowly died out. His body froze in place, and his eyes were full of reluctance and doubt.

When he died, he might never have imagined that he would fall here, nor would he have imagined that his life would be terminated by a six-star martial saint.

At this moment, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword burst out with an extremely strong buzzing sound, and the Suzaku Sword Soul whizzed out, turning into a huge fire bird, and the wings of the hanging clouds spread out, shocking everyone's minds.

At the same time, when the vitality of the ancestor Guisha died, a black primordial spirit gushed out from his celestial spirit cover, it was so tiny that it was hard to spot if you didn't look carefully.

With a cry, Suzaku Sword Soul devoured the spirit of the ghost ancestor.

Immediately, its body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene made Jiang Mo somewhat unexpected.

Jiang Mo did not expect that it would take the initiative to come out of the blade of the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, just to devour a primordial spirit.

"Could it be that this primordial spirit can nourish Suzaku Sword Soul and restore its strength?" Jiang Mo secretly asked in his heart.

However, now is not the time to dwell on this issue.

"Ghost Patriarch is dead, from now on, there will be no more Seven Star Ghost Palace!"

Jiang Mo stood in the void, looked down at everyone below, and shouted loudly.

"If the remnants of the Seven Star Ghost Palace are willing to bow down to Chen Chen, I, Tiange Town, can make an exception and save your life."

"If you continue to resist stubbornly, you will be killed without mercy!"

Jiang Mo's majestic voice came from above, causing the monks in the Seven Star Ghost Palace below to turn pale.

Patriarch Guisha, that was the pillar of their hearts, unexpectedly, he is also dead now!
Died under the cooperation of Jiang Mo, Qin Haotian and others.

Even the ancestor Guisha died, one can imagine how desperate these monks of Seven Star Ghost Palace are.

Their morale was greatly reduced, and the army of 15 ghouls rushed out fiercely at this time, forming a siege with the monks of Zhentian Pavilion, and surrounded the stragglers of the Seven Star Ghost Palace.

Most of the monks in the Seven Star Ghost Palace chose to surrender.

However, there are still some loyal monks from the Seven Star Ghost Palace who continue to fight to the death.

However, now that the situation is so clear, they don't have the slightest chance to stir up trouble, and they were suppressed at a loss.

So far, the decisive battle between Qixing Ghost Palace and Zhentian Pavilion ended with the destruction of Qixing Ghost Palace, and the beheading of Guisha Patriarch and Youying Ghost King.

Those forces who were watching from a distance gasped, the shock in their hearts was hard to describe in words.

Those masters of power who previously thought that Zhentian Pavilion would be difficult to hold on, now feel extremely absurd.

Under the counterattack of Zhentian Pavilion, the veteran silver-level power, Seven Star Ghost Palace, was defeated so quickly.

This simply refreshed their cognition.

"Hey, from now on, here, I'm afraid the sky will change!"

"Even the Palace of the Seven Star Ghosts has been destroyed. I really don't know which force will be able to fight against Zhentian Pavilion alone in the future?"

"I estimate that Zhentian Pavilion will make some moves soon. After all, this battle has already established Zhentian Pavilion's reputation!"

"This time, if it weren't for the Night Devil Knights, Zhentian Pavilion would not have won so smoothly."

"Hehe, it's really hard to say. Didn't you see that the moment the 10,000+ ghoul army appeared, even Patriarch Guisha's expression changed?"

"Hey, I really don't know how Zhentian Pavilion became so powerful."

"Obviously just a few years ago, it was still a small force that didn't flow at all."


There were bursts of discussions around.

The most tangled thing in my heart is still the suzerain of Tianji Sect, Liu Gongquan.

Before, in order to prevent the attack of Seven Star Ghost Palace, Tianjizong and Zhentian Pavilion made a covenant.

As long as one party is attacked by the Seven Star Ghost Palace, the other party needs to send troops to help unconditionally.

However, today, Liu Gongquan chose to stay out of the matter in order to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

At the beginning, he expected that there was a high possibility that one side would win, but the casualties would inevitably be heavy. At that time, it would be the best opportunity for Tianji Sect.

However, now it seems that it is not what he imagined.

Zhentian Pavilion didn't seem to be injured, whether it was the top combat power or the army of monks at the grassroots level, they were all ridiculously strong.

Especially the Night Devil Knights, and the 15 ghoul army, the aura exuded made Liu Gongquan feel terrified.

If they crushed Tianjizong, Liu Gongquan really didn't have the confidence to stop them.

At this moment, Liu Gongquan felt very bitter in his heart.

"From now on, all the land with a radius of [-] will be under the jurisdiction of Zhentian Pavilion. Every faction must hand in tribute on time. Including primordial stones, exercises, martial arts, pills, etc. At the same time, you can Get the protection of Zhentian Pavilion."

Jiang Mo's voice came from above the nine heavens.

He is for this day, and only by integrating all the forces in this area can it continue to grow and develop.

After hearing Jiang Mo's words, the masters of power looked a little unwilling.

They are all local overlords on their own land. On weekdays, they need to look at other people's faces and be restrained by others.

Now, Jiang Mo actually wanted them to belong to Zhentian Pavilion, which was naturally hard for him to accept.

"Governor Jiang, why do you have to control the land of [-] people in Tiantian Pavilion? You know, even if they were as strong as the Seven Star Ghost Palace before, they didn't dare to do this!" A power master stood up and asked. .

Jiang Mo sneered, Qin Haotian stood beside him behind him, and the Knights of the Night Demon, an army of 15 ghouls, stood neatly and solemnly, giving people a sense of silent oppression.

"Hehe, why?"

"Just relying on the strength of my Zhentian Pavilion, do you think it is enough?" Jiang Mo sneered, exuding a cold aura all over his body.

The faces of the masters of many forces are very ugly.

They never thought that this day would come sooner or later.

"Don't compare my Zhentian Pavilion with the Seven Star Ghost Palace. They are already history. If you don't want to, then I will send you to the Seven Star Ghost Palace to reminisce." Jiang Mo released a powerful force of oppression .

This land of [-] miles must be integrated.

Only in this way can we become stronger.

"Hmph, does Pavilion Master Jiang think that with your own strength, you can counter all our forces?"

At this time, another force stepped forward, as if they thought that as long as they joined forces, they would be able to resist the coercion from Zhentian Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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