Chapter 1065 Surrender
The Palace of the Seven Star Ghost King was destroyed, the Patriarch Guisha and the Ghost King Youying all fell, and even Yuanshen couldn't escape.

As for Zhentian Pavilion, it seems that it has not been greatly affected.

The pavilion master, Jiang Mo, stood far away in the void, looking down at the crowd, asking them to submit and integrate the forces in a radius of [-] li.

"The suzerain of Yuntai Sect, Li Ran. The five-star martial saint is in the realm of great perfection."

Jiang Mo looked at the leader of the opposing force, and said calmly.

Hearing this, Li Ran only felt that his whole body was like falling into an ice cellar.

In fact, Jiang Mo didn't intend to kill him, but just read his name and realm.

However, this gave Li Ran the feeling that he was already on Jiang Mo's death list.

No wonder, today's Zhentian Pavilion is too huge.

If you want to attack Yuntaizong, you don't need Jiang Mo at all. Any general under his command can easily destroy him.

Except for Li Ran, the suzerain of the Yuntai Sect, almost all the other bronze-level forces think this way.

"I am in Tiantian Pavilion, and I have the Artifact Refining Pavilion and the Pill Pavilion. With the current level, I can refine thousands of fifth-level and even sixth-level elixirs every day. As for the low-level elixirs, there are countless."

"The daily production of Zhenwu treasures in the Artifact Refining Pavilion is only above the sixth rank, at least three thousand handles!"

"Besides, Zhentian Pavilion also owns the Night Demon Knights. Even if you join forces, can you resist?"

"I'll give you two hours to think about it carefully."

Jiang Mo said lightly.

Although we already know that Zhentian Pavilion is strong enough, hearing these words from Jiang Mo's mouth still makes the masters of power tremble.

Unknowingly, Zhentian Pavilion has become a huge war machine!

They can mass-produce pills and real weapons every day. This advantage can quickly arm Zhentian Pavilion with powerful combat power.

When these bronze-level powers are still at the stage where they will not hesitate to pay a huge price for a high-level pharmacist or weapon refiner, Zhentian Pavilion already has the ability to produce in batches.

This made these bronze-level forces similar to Yuntaizong feel unable to compete.

"If everyone is willing to submit to Zhentian Pavilion, in the future, when Zhentian Pavilion dominates the entire land of return, you will be the first batch of heroes. At that time, the benefits that can be obtained will be greater than your imagination!"

At this time, Wu Nu also stood up and spoke.

When Jiang Mo was away, she was in charge of Zhentian Pavilion, and she was a veritable female pavilion master.

She is naturally qualified to say this.

Everyone's eyes flickered, obviously still hesitating.

"What about Tianjizong's opinion?" Jiang Mo glanced at Liu Gongquan.

The Tianji Sect is a silver-level force, and it has much stronger voice and influence than other forces such as the Yuntai Sect.

As long as you win the Tianji sect, then it is equivalent to a breakthrough.

"I, Tianji Sect, am not ready to submit yet." Liu Gongquan said.

In fact, in his heart, he was very unconfident.

Up to now, he is only in the realm of a six-star martial saint.

Jiang Mo has already caught up with him in terms of realm, and his real combat power is much stronger than him.

"Then give Sect Master Liu two hours to think about it." Jiang Mo said indifferently.

Hearing Jiang Mo's words, the corners of Liu Gongquan's mouth twitched. After all, Tianjizong is also a silver-level power, how can it be compared with those bronze-level powers?
"Governor Jiang, is it too much for you to do this?" There seemed to be a trace of anger on Liu Gongquan's face.

His confidence is naturally greater than that of Yuntaizong.

"Excessive?" Jiang Mo looked at Liu Gongquan with a sneer, and asked, "Who signed the covenant with Zhentian Pavilion?"

"Just now, the army of the Seven Star Ghost King's Palace is overwhelming, who is hiding behind and acting like a turtle?"

"Hehe, perhaps the description of a shrinking turtle is not appropriate." Seeing Liu Gongquan's ugly face, Jiang Mo suddenly turned around.

Hearing this, Liu Gongquan's face softened a little. He thought that Jiang Mo was taking care of his face.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Mo said, "I think Sect Master Liu wants to be that fisherman who sits on the mountain and watches tigers fight?"

"If Zhentian Pavilion and Seven Star Ghost Palace both lose, I really can't think of who would be more willing to see this situation!"

As soon as Jiang Mo said this, the whole world fell silent.

A hit!

No force will tolerate Liu Gongquan's behavior.

Once the war is over, the Tianji Sect will inevitably be purged.

If Jiang Mo ordered those bronze-level powers to surrender, it was a bit overbearing, then it is reasonable and reasonable to destroy the Tianji sect who broke the covenant and wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The cold sweat on Liu Gongquan's back wet his clothes in an instant.

Unexpectedly, it was still impossible to avoid this topic.

"How does Pavilion Master Jiang want me from the Tianji Sect?" Liu Gongquan's tone became weaker, without the momentum he had before.

In this matter, what Tianjizong did, or Liu Gongquan's behavior, was originally unreasonable. Even if Zhentian Pavilion wiped them out, it would be their own fault.

Judging from the current strength of Zhentian Pavilion, it fully has this strength.

"Submit, or perish!"

Jiang Mo spoke lightly, and every word was resounding.

At this time, Jiang Mo seemed to have an aura of being the master of the world, and Wu Nu, who was standing behind him, had beautiful eyes twinkling and her heart beating endlessly.

This kind of aura is fatally attractive to Miss Wu.

Liu Gongquan sat slumped on the ground, as if he had lost all energy.

He knew very well in his heart that it was very difficult for the current Tianji sect to be alone.

There are really only two roads to go.

However, he was very reluctant to give up Tianjizong to Zhentian Pavilion.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mo ignored Liu Gongquan, and the next decision would be related to the life and death of Tianji Sect.

The monks of the Tianji sect who came here felt extremely bitter in their hearts.

On the other side, the remnants of the Seven Star Ghost Palace have been completely suppressed.

Those who resisted were killed on the spot.

As for those who surrendered, they were imprisoned and lived in chains.

If they pass the screening of Zhentian Pavilion, they can enter Zhentian Pavilion to serve in the future. Those who are not qualified to enter Zhentian Pavilion will be exiled to the frontier.

Time passed slowly, and finally at a certain moment, Liu Gongquan spoke.

"I am the Tianji sect, and I am willing to submit to the Zhentian Pavilion and be under the jurisdiction of the Zhentian Pavilion!"

In fact, the intermediate process did not take two hours.

Liu Gongquan has always been fighting against his own thoughts.

Later, he figured it out, instead of being wiped out by Zhentian Pavilion, he disappeared in the land of returning to the ruins.

It's better to choose to surrender, maybe in the future we will really see the prosperity and prosperity of the land where Zhentian Pavilion is unified and returned to the ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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