Chapter 1084
The area ruled by Zhentian Pavilion is hundreds of thousands of miles wide.

However, in a land of a hundred thousand miles, there are not many ordinary people who cannot practice. Most people, as long as they have a little bit of talent, will choose to practice.

Because, in their view, practicing martial arts is far stronger than ordinary people.

This also led to the fact that in the land of [-] miles, wars have been taking place in the past few years to rob land resources.

Although Zhentian Pavilion has now unified a radius of [-] li, the number of ordinary people here is too small.

Even monks need the services of ordinary people.

Most of the cultivation of elixir and the mining of mineral veins are done by ordinary people.

The monk's time is mainly used for cultivation.

However, ordinary people are now scarce, and the overall strength of Zhentian Pavilion is still affected to a certain extent.

Wu Nu has already talked to Jiang Mo about this matter many times.

Jiang Mo paced back and forth outside Zhentian Pavilion, thinking about this question.

It didn't take long before Wu Nu hurried over here.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Mo looked at Wu Nu and asked with a smile.

"My lord, the two gold-ranked factions, Heiyuanmen and Changshengshan, have been fighting fiercely recently. Many common people have suffered a lot."

Wu Nv said.

"Heiyuan Gate, Changsheng Mountain?" Jiang Mo frowned, he still knew about these two gold-level forces.

However, for some unknown reason, there was a conflict.

"Well, the fighting between the two sects was very fierce. Many people fled their homes and became refugees. Other silver-level forces in the Northern Territory did not take them in at all. So there are nearly a million refugees, all towards us Coming here!" Wu Nu said worriedly.

If the number is small, it’s okay to say that the number is too much. Once refugees flood here, it may cause turmoil and bring impact to the original life of the people.

That's why Miss Wu rushed over to discuss with Jiang Mo.

She can't make such a big deal by herself.

"Nearly a million refugees?" Jiang Mo thought for a moment, and said, "Since no other place will take them in, let Zhentian Pavilion take them in."

"But, son, if this is the case, the order we have finally established here may be chaotic! You know, there are millions of refugees who have no food to eat and no clothes to wear. Maybe they will rob the local people. Clothes and food for the people." Wu Nu dissuaded.

Jiang Mo waved his hand, and said, "With the current strength of Tiange Town, we can manage millions of refugees without any problem."

"This year, we will take over Tiange and provide them with food, clothing, housing and transportation. But remember, we are not helping them for nothing." Jiang Mo said with a smile, "Since they come to us, they must abide by the rules. Township The Tiange has a radius of [-] miles, and there are many places that are barren land. Let these millions of refugees go to open up wasteland and farm. After this period of time, they survived, and there will be a harvest in the coming year. Slowly , will settle here. It is a great thing for the development of our Zhentian Pavilion!"

In fact, Jiang Mo saw it much more profoundly than Wu Nu.

Before, he was still worried that if there were no ordinary people to do those basic and boring labors, then monks would not be able to practice well.

Now, the entry of these millions of refugees has solved the urgent need of Zhentian Pavilion.

Hearing what Jiang Mo said, Wu Nv also showed a look of sudden realization.

She used to think that she had done well enough, but now it seems that the gap between her and Jiang Mo is still far away.

This is not a question of details, but a question of vision and pattern.

If all these millions of refugees could live and work in peace and contentment within the territory of Zhentian Pavilion.

Then, there is no need for monks to do those elixir planting, ore mining, iron manufacturing, etc. by themselves.

More importantly, who can guarantee that among these millions of refugees, there are not some geniuses with terrible talents who have been buried?
Moreover, even if all of these millions of people are ordinary people who cannot practice martial arts, then they can also replenish the strength of the Night Devil Knights.

You must know that people who are often unable to practice martial arts have a super understanding of magic elements.

This is the fundamental reason why Jiang Mo is willing to take in millions of refugees.

Perhaps at a deeper level, he also has a hint of compassion, but he hasn't found it yet.

"The slave family will arrange these things now." Wu Nu said with a bow.

When Wu Nu left, Jiang Mo added another sentence, saying: "Give these refugees enough respect, and don't let them feel that we are giving them alms. Anyone has self-esteem, if this It is time to save them, but embarrass them. I am afraid it will bury hidden dangers."

Jiang Mo's exhortation was not entirely unreasonable, and taking in millions of refugees was indeed like charity.


Wu Nu nodded and left, and Jiang Mo also put down a stone in his heart.

"It's no wonder that a Nine-Star Martial Saint died in Heiyuanmen, and he was indifferent. It turned out that he was busy fighting with the people from Changsheng Mountain!"

Jiang Mo let out a foul breath.

Some time ago, he had been worried that Heiyuanmen would come to retaliate. After all, the opponent was a gold-level force, and Jiang Mo did not dare to take it lightly.

Now it seems that it's not that they don't retaliate, but that they are restrained.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

During the period, Miss Wu handled the matter of millions of refugees very well, and there were almost no major problems.

Those refugees probably knew well in their hearts that if it wasn't for Zhentian Pavilion, the war between the two gold-level powers would be enough to destroy them, ordinary people.

As for those silver-level powers that rejected them, these refugees have already left a cold-blooded and ruthless impression in their hearts.

Perhaps, in the future, these refugees will live and work in peace and contentment in the territory of Zhentian Pavilion, and reproduce their children and grandchildren.

They will tell their children and grandchildren about this tragic past.

"My lord, under the urging of General Qin, these days, our brothers from the Shadow Wolf Legion have been mining around the clock, and [-] void magic stones have been mined out."

Zuo Yuan came to Zhentian Pavilion again, his eyes were black, his hair was messy, and his clothes seemed to have not been washed for many days.

He offered a storage ring.

"Thanks for your hard work, brothers! From now on, the Shadow Wolf Legion will be the heroes of my Zhentian Pavilion!" Jiang Mo sighed deeply.

From the state of Zuo Yuan, it can be seen that the other sergeants must be rushing to work day and night these days.

"It's an honor for our Shadow Wolf Legion brothers to serve the Lord Pavilion Master!"

Zuo Yuan grinned and said with a simple and honest smile.

"Go and rest. Bring these pills to my brothers." Jiang Mo took out more than a dozen bottles of precious pills from Zichen's space and handed them to Zuo Yuan.

Then, he left here.

Today, I will try to see if I can send the big yellow cat back to the tomb of the Immortal King.

(End of this chapter)

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