Chapter 1085
On the uninhabited mountain top, Jiang Mo has ordered that all surrounding areas be sealed off.

This time, sending the big yellow cat back to the Immortal King's Tomb must be kept secret.

The matter is of great importance. Once the news and the secrets of the ancient magic book of Heavenly Dao are leaked out, Jiang Mo can predict what kind of catastrophe Zhentian Pavilion will suffer.

This time, the reason why he chose to use two thousand void magic stones to send the big yellow cat away was because the latter had a great possibility of bringing out a peerless treasure from the tomb of the fairy king.

Even, directly bring out the strong man who has been hidden for many years.

If this is the case, then Jiang Mo will have a little bit of confidence in the confrontation with Empress Xingshuang.

Otherwise, even if Jiang Mo went to the Miluo Heavenly Palace with the Void Magic Stone, it might not be possible for Linger, mother and daughter to come back smoothly.

"Take out the ancient magic book of Heaven and Dao." The big yellow cat stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the rolling mountains surrounded by clouds and mist, and unexpectedly exuded a kingly attitude, which made Jiang Mo a little dazed.

Jiang Mo nodded, and the Ancient Magic Book of Heavenly Dao appeared in midair, spinning slowly, emitting bursts of strange power.

In fact, the power to reverse time and space, even if relying on the ancient magic book of heaven, Jiang Mo can't do it now. He is also curious about how the big yellow cat can do it.

At this time, I saw a big yellow cat soaring into the sky. Its fur exudes a golden luster, which is completely different from the past.

A series of mysterious runes slowly turned under its feet, like some kind of ancient writing.

shh, shh...

It raised its front paws, and mysterious power flowed within the sharp claws wrapped in golden fur.

Afterwards, it carved in the void, and the golden runes gushed out, wrapping the Ancient Magic Book of Heavenly Dao.

"Bring the void magic stone." The big yellow cat said.

Jiang Mo directly ejected the storage ring.

Afterwards, the big yellow cat raised its front paw, and two thousand void magic stones immediately merged into the rune vortex.

Suddenly, an incomparably vast force of the void swept across the world, and even Jiang Mo felt a shocking wave!

The power of the void is unpredictable!
The golden rune and the void magic stone gathered together, releasing terrifying power. Immediately afterwards, it seemed that a black door of time and space was opened, and the surrounding space seemed to be swallowed up.

The terrifying roar resounded endlessly on the top of the mountain, and countless huge boulders were instantly turned into powder. It can be seen that this force is terrifying!
Fortunately, the surrounding area has been blocked, and no one is allowed to come up, otherwise they will be greatly surprised when they see this scene.

"I'm leaving. When I find my things, I will bring a real strong person to help you!" The big yellow cat said to Jiang Mo, and immediately stepped into the black door of time and space.

In the next moment, the gate of time and space was closed, and the original world returned to normal again.

However, where the door of time and space opened, space folds have already formed, and it may not be easy to eliminate them.

Looking at the place where the big yellow cat left, Jiang Mo took a deep breath, hoping that it would not disappoint him.

The ancient magic book of Heavenly Dao fell into the palm of Jiang Mo, and he walked down the mountain.

In the past few days, there have been news about Heiyuanmen and Changsheng Mountain.

The two powers have really started a war.

From time to time, the top powerhouses fall.

In the past ten days, both sides have lost a strong nine-star martial saint, causing the surrounding silver-level forces to sigh.

The confrontation between gold-level powers is indeed terrifying!
Originally, Jiang Mo wanted to stay out of the matter, and the collision of gold-level forces was not something that silver-level forces could meddle with.

If you are not careful, you will be crushed to pieces.

However, within a few days, all the major silver-level forces in the Northern Territory received invitations from Heiyuanmen.

Even the chief rudder of Tianwu bank got the news.

This time, Heiyuan Gate opened an ancient tomb. It is said that there are many relics passed down in the ancient tomb, and even the birth of a peerless fairy artifact!

This makes it difficult for many silver-level forces to calm down.

Since Heiyuanmen has made this news public, it must be to share it with many forces.

However, if the relics inside were so easy to obtain, how could they be willing to take them out?

Moreover, Heiyuanmen even organized a grand ceremony for this time, which is called the Northern Alliance Conference.

As the name suggests, it should mean the Northern Territory Alliance.

Now, the situation in the Northern Territory is very turbulent. The two gold-level forces are fighting, and countless ordinary people have suffered.

Not to mention ordinary people who can't cultivate, during this period of time, there was a silver-level power that was not too powerful, which was mixed between Heiyuanmen and Changsheng Mountain, and was directly wiped out.

This faction, named Qiyun Pavilion, was in the center of the storm at that time, and the two major forces crushed it. The owner of the Qiyun Pavilion was very proud and unwilling to submit to any party. As a result, he fell directly.

Since then, all major forces in the entire northern region have been trembling.

The forces that are a little further away from the center of the storm are even better.

This time, Heiyuanmen invited all major silver-level forces to participate in the Northern Alliance Conference.

Moreover, the ancient tomb was opened for many forces to enter, and there may be a deeper meaning behind this.

Moreover, Heiyuanmen also stipulated that the forces going to participate in the Northern Alliance Conference this time are not allowed to bring the entourage of the Nine-Star Martial Saint.

The implication is that they must guard against the people of Changsheng Mountain.

Think about it, once the Northern League Conference starts, if there are strong men from Changsheng Mountain to make trouble, it will damage the prestige of Heiyuanmen.

And Zhentian Pavilion, as the leader of a land with a radius of [-] li, was naturally also invited.

In the invitation letter, Heiyuanmen highly praised Zhentian Pavilion for accepting millions of refugees.

Show a very sincere attitude.

As for the Star Reaching Holy Envoy, they didn't mention it at all.

Jiang Mo didn't believe it. Heiyuanmen didn't know about it, maybe they already knew about it, but for some reason, they didn't explain it.

"My lord, shall we go to Heiyuanmen's invitation this time?" Wu Nu asked.

She was very worried, if the Heiyuanmen held a Hongmen banquet this time, then if Jiang Mo went, it would be bad luck.

After all, the Holy Envoy of Picking Stars from Heiyuanmen fell here in Zhentian Pavilion.

In the conference hall, Qin Haotian, Ba Prison King Kong and others are also here.

"My lord, this time, I will escort you. With me here, my lord will definitely be safe and sound." Ba Prison King Kong said.

"Over the Heiyuan Gate, it is not allowed to bring the strong Nine-Star Martial Saints. This time, I will bring Commander Qin there. In addition, I will pick another [-] monks with good strength and good talent to go with me. Let's town The strength of the Tiange is still a little weak. Taking advantage of this opportunity to open the ancient tomb, we will complete a transformation in the Tiange!"

(End of this chapter)

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