Chapter 1098 Dragon Soul Contract
"Senior Lingxuan!"

Seeing this vague old figure, Jiang Mo was startled for a while, and then he was extremely pleasantly surprised.

"I didn't expect this evil beast to break through the seal in the end!" Daoist Lingxuan sighed as he saw the ferocious appearance of the evil dragon.

"Since there is a senior to take action, then it will definitely be able to seal it again!" Jiang Mo said.

"Hey, don't count on the old man too much. If the old man still has the strength of the past, he would have mobilized the Feng Ming formation long ago to suppress this evil animal. Why would we wait until now?"

Taoist Lingxuan shook his head.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo's heart sank slightly, if that's the case...

"The last little bit of power left will help you perfect this dark sealing formation. Even if you can't seal this beast again, it won't make it too easy."

Daoist Lingxuan sighed softly, and then he saw black and white rays of light gushing out, sweeping across the world and enveloping the entire sword formation in an instant.

When the black and white light merged into the sword formation, Jiang Mo felt a palpitating energy fluctuation released from the sword formation.

Is this the true power of the Great Sealing Formation?
So strong!

The evil dragon roared up to the sky, and said: "Old ghost Lingxuan, based on your current state, you still want to seal this emperor? Is it impossible to dream?"

The sound of the evil dragon's roar fell, and it was covered with a monstrous red brilliance, sweeping out, and charged towards the sword formation.

However, the sword array began to move rumblingly, with black and white brilliance wrapping each sharp sword, slashing at the evil dragon extremely fiercely.

The sword light that filled the sky seemed to cover the sky and the earth.

Even Lu Dongting and the others who had been waiting there for a long time were extremely shocked.

How could a cultivator in a silver-level power erupt with such terrifying power?
Thinking of this, Lu Dongting swept his body and came towards this side.

"Seventh Heaven of Sword Dao!"

Jiang Mo growled, and he integrated the way of the sword he had comprehended into the formation of sealing darkness.

In an instant, the power of the sword array increased a little again, which made Taoist Lingxuan slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, this white-haired young man's attainments in the way of swordsmanship are so high.

Maybe, in the future, the Sealing Formation of Darkness will unleash even stronger power in his hands.

Flame and ice continuously spewed out from the mouth of the evil dragon, blasting towards the rain of swords that filled the sky.

However, the flowing black and white brilliance blocked the evil dragon's attack.

On the contrary, in the sword array, every sword thrust would cut through the dragon scales of the evil dragon, and within a short period of time, blood would surge from its body.

The huge body of the evil dragon rolled and roared in the void, however, the sword formation composed of 81 flying swords was like a cage, trapping it tightly.


The evil dragon roared, and its huge dragon claws could easily tear apart a mountain, but it couldn't tear apart this sword array.

"Let me suppress this old man!" Taoist Lingxuan raised his hand and pointed, the sword light all over the sky converged into 81 flying swords, and those 81 flying swords merged again, turning into an extremely sharp giant sword.

The giant sword took shape, as if it could cut through the world.

That sharp sword glow was too terrifying, just a single ray of it released could cause a mountain peak in the distance to split into two.

The incision is as smooth as a mirror.

Lu Dongting gasped.

Even he felt a little danger from this giant sword.

With a glance, he saw Jiang Mo and the phantom of Taoist Lingxuan.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he said: "This evil dragon is too cunning, I will help you capture it!"

After the voice fell, he waved his hand, and the soul-controlling formation behind him, which had been prepared for a long time, came towards this side.

It's like a heaven and earth net, trying to catch that evil dragon.

This soul-controlling array is also extremely powerful, but it was built at a huge cost by the Heiyuanmen.

The purpose is to capture this evil dragon.

Jiang Mo frowned slightly. From the beginning until now, although Lu Dongting gave people the appearance of a good old man, Jiang Mo always felt uncomfortable.

The soul-controlling array struck from behind the evil dragon, making its tumbling body even more violent.

Compared with the Great Sealing Formation, it seems to be more afraid of the Soul Control Formation behind it.

It's not that the soul control array is stronger, but the soul control array is more cruel.

Taoist Lingxuan's Great Formation of Sealing Darkness only sealed its freedom.

However, the Soul Control Formation seems to be able to refine its soul and make it a battle puppet.

This was induced by the evil dragon's instinct.

"Old ghost Lingxuan, I am willing to accept this kid's driving, but I want to keep my dragon soul!"

The evil dragon said.

It compromises.

Facing the soul-controlling formation of Heiyuanmen, it had to compromise.

If Taoist Lingxuan hadn't come forward to sacrifice the Great Sealing Formation, restraining most of its power, it wouldn't be afraid of a mere soul-controlling formation.

It's like two strong and strong warriors are fighting, but behind them is an ordinary person who comes to attack with a sharp knife.

If you confront ordinary people with sharp knives head-on, warriors will definitely not be afraid.

However, if you attack from behind, even a warrior will be stabbed to death with a sharp knife.

This is exactly the embarrassing situation that the evil dragon is facing at this time.

In addition, it was not entirely because of this reason that it was willing to surrender to Jiang Mo. There was also the little spirit. In the dark, it always felt that the little spirit seemed to be connected to itself.

Although the current evil dragon cannot see with eyes.

"So much the better!"

Taoist Lingxuan raised his hand and pointed, the black and white brilliance fell into the giant sword, then the size of the giant sword began to shrink, and then turned into a palm-sized black and white sword, piercing into the head of the evil dragon.

"Little guy, give me a drop of your blood." Taoist Lingxuan said to Jiang Mo as the black and white sword pierced the head of the evil dragon.

It was said that Jiang Mo's fingernail lightly wiped on his finger, and a drop of blood flew to Taoist Lingxuan.

He believed that this Lingxuan Taoist would not deceive himself.

Taoist Lingxuan grabbed Jiang Mo's blood with his left hand, and sucked it with his right hand, and the black and white sword flew out of the evil dragon's head, bringing out its blood essence.

Taoist Lingxuan melted Jiang Mo's blood into the black and white sword, and then the light blazed, and the black and white sword flew towards Jiang Mo.

"I have planted a dragon soul contract in this black and white sword. If you violate the contract, just one thought from Jiang Mo can kill you."

Taoist Lingxuan said seriously to the evil dragon.

At this time, Lu Dongting manipulated the soul control array, and had already swept behind the evil dragon.

Seeing Lu Dongting and the soul-controlling formation emitting monstrous black light, the evil dragon erupted in anger.

If these guys hadn't intervened, how could he have been planted with the Dragon Soul Contract again by Taoist Lingxuan?
You know, once this kind of contract is planted, it must obey Jiang Mo's orders.

After a thousand years, the contract will expire.

Thinking of this, it opened its mouth, and spewed out an extremely violent dragon's breath, covering Lu Dongting.

At the same time, it swept away with its huge tail, hitting Lu Dongting's body, and even the soul-controlling formation broke apart.


Lu Dongting flew upside down and hit the ground hard.

Poor Lu Dongting, who wanted to reap the benefits of a fisherman, ended up being seriously injured when he didn't get anything!
(End of this chapter)

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