Chapter 1099

Lu Dongting was a late-stage Nine Star Martial Saint, but he couldn't catch even a dragon's breath from the evil dragon.

Seeing the scene in front of them, many monks present were all shocked.

The strength of this evil dragon is truly terrifying.

Perhaps, the head of the Heiyuan Sect may not be the opponent of this evil dragon.

Lu Dongting originally wanted to call the evil dragon a damn beast, but he didn't dare to speak when the words came to his lips.

He was afraid that the evil dragon would strike him again, and at that time, even his life would be gone.

The ancient tomb was broken, and almost all the immortal artifacts inside were obtained by people.

The masters of those silver-level powers also looted from the broken ancient tombs one after another.

Behind them, there were mostly less than ten monks left, and these monks were still wounded.

Originally, there was not much danger in ancient tombs, but the human heart is often the most dangerous thing.

In order to get the inheritance of the fairy artifact inside, they fought each other, and they fought to the death.

These people may gain something, but what they lose may be more than what they gain.

The masters of these silver-level powers stared blankly at the huge dragon in front of them, which was as majestic as a mountain.

They all swallowed secretly.

In the land of returning to the ruins, almost no one has seen a real dragon.

It is conceivable that the giant dragon in front of them shocked them.

Although the evil dragon has now planted a dragon soul contract with Jiang Mo, it is entrenched there, exuding a faint sense of coercion, which is enough to make people feel uneasy.

"Okay, little guy, I hope this evil animal can help you in the future. I am an old man, I don't have much power left, and it will dissipate soon."

"Remember the words of the old Taoist, do more righteous things!"

Taoist Lingxuan said with a smile, but his figure became more and more illusory.

This time, perhaps he will finally appear in front of the world.

If it wasn't for suppressing this evil dragon, he would have disappeared into the long river of history long ago.

All the people present respected Taoist Lingxuan.

Even those monks from Heiyuanmen did not dare to be presumptuous in the slightest.

"Thank you senior for your gift and teaching!"

Jiang Mo bowed respectfully towards the direction where Taoist Lingxuan disappeared.

With Taoist Lingxuan's seniority and strength, even if he didn't give Jiang Mo this great opportunity, he still deserved this gift.

Afterwards, the illusory figure of Taoist Lingxuan turned into streaks of light and disappeared.

"This time, it's a good harvest." After Taoist Lingxuan left, Jiang Mo carefully calculated the harvest this time, and said happily in his heart.

This time, besides Qin Haotian, a total of [-] elite men from Zhentian Pavilion were brought along.

Among the 30 people, except for those who fell, almost all the rest of the elite have received the inheritance of martial arts or the inheritance of immortal weapons.

There was even a monk who was originally stuck at the peak of the Seven-Star Martial Saint, after this trip, he broke through the bottleneck and reached the realm of the Eight-Star Martial Saint.

As for Jiang Mo himself, he obtained the Great Sealing Formation comparable to the Immortal Formation.

Such a level of formation, when Jiang Mo mastered it proficiently, even a half-step Martial Emperor realm monk could suppress it.

If they were well prepared, monks at the Martial Emperor Realm might not be able to escape from the Great Sealing Formation.

More importantly, the current Jiang Mo only needs to rely on the black and white sword in his hand to control the evil dragon.

In this way, even if it is as strong as a gold-level power like Heiyuanmen, Jiang Mo doesn't need to be afraid.

"Okay, it's time to go back now." Jiang Mo jumped up and rose into the air.

"Your Excellency is a little too much, isn't it? We opened the Heiyuan Gate to invite you to enter the ancient tomb. Now that you have a great opportunity, you just want to pat your ass and leave like this?" Lu Dongting endured the pain and stood up. , said coldly.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo turned around, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Oh, what else can Vice-Master Lu give me advice?"

"I don't dare to advise. I, Heiyuanmen, invite you to come here, not only for the ancient tombs. The Northern League Conference also requires everyone to participate to discuss the future situation of the Northern Territory." Lu Dongting said.

This matter was personally entrusted to him by the head of the sect. If the ancient tombs were destroyed, the evil dragon was taken away, and even the Northern Alliance Conference was not reached, then the lord of the sect master would definitely come down.

At that time, even Lu Dongting will be very troublesome.

"Hehe, the Northern Alliance Conference? It's just a good-sounding cover. How did your Heiyuanmen think highly of us silver-level forces?"

"I can guarantee that once you participate in the so-called Northern Alliance Conference, your Heiyuanmen will definitely come out, raise your arms, and ask our silver-level forces to respond. At that time, your Heiyuanmen will be respected."

"After the real war with Changsheng Mountain, we monks of silver-level forces will be the first to bear the brunt and be sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder."

"Even this time, with the opening of the ancient tomb, why didn't you people from Heiyuanmen want to use the blood of us silver-level power monks to lure out the evil dragon and use it for you in the end?"

"Unfortunately, you made a wrong calculation."

Jiang Mo's series of words made Lu Dongting's complexion extremely ugly.

Almost everything he said was in line with Heiyuanmen's plan.

After he finished speaking, the rest of the silver-level powers also showed anger.

Being treated as cannon fodder, even a clay figurine might have a temper.

"I will not accompany you!"

"I didn't expect that the people of Heiyuanmen have such dark hearts!"

"It's really taught."

Some of these masters of silver-level forces may have seen through the wishful thinking of Heiyuanmen.

However, due to the power of Heiyuanmen, no one dared to speak out.

Now, with Jiang Mo in the lead, everyone dares to vent their dissatisfaction.

Indeed, this time, too many elites died, and there was anger in their hearts.

After the voice fell, a series of forces rose up out of nowhere, wanting to leave.

Lu Dongting's complexion was extremely ugly, and he messed up this matter.

He secretly vowed in his heart that as long as he had the chance, he would definitely make Jiang Mo pay a heavy price.

"Governor Jiang, come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, when I am the Heiyuanmen, where is it?"

Just as Jiang Mo's figure broke through the air, an indifferent voice suddenly came from above.

That voice was extremely cold, as if without a trace of warmth.

Accompanied by it, there is also monstrous black air.

It's like a black cloud pressing down on the city.

"It's the master of Heiyuan Sect!"

"It's terrible, this breath actually makes my soul tremble!"

"With such strength, I'm afraid no one can resist!"

"There are rumors that the head of the Heiyuan Sect has crossed the peak realm of the Nine-Star Martial Sage. I don't know if it is true or not!"

A series of frightened voices came from the mouths of those masters of silver-level forces.

Jiang Mo raised his eyes and looked into the black cloud. A middle-aged man with a pale complexion without a trace of blood walked slowly down from the black cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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