Chapter 1148 The Plague
"Hehe, since the Pavilion Master is so humbly asking for advice, then, this old man will express his own opinion."

Elder Bai said quite arrogantly.

To be honest, if Changsheng Mountain hadn't been destroyed, he might not have been willing to appreciate such a silver-level force inviting him over.

He also thought in his heart that it was their luck that he was able to come to the elders' home in Zhentian Pavilion to give advice.

"All the borders of Zhentian Pavilion must be sealed off, and people from Heiyuanmen must not be allowed to take the opportunity to enter."

"If they infiltrate into the Zhentian Pavilion's sphere of influence, at that time, they will attack the enemies outside, and then the Zhentian Pavilion will be in danger."

Elder Bai stroked his beard and said, with an air of a master.

"Zhentian Pavilion has a radius of [-] miles, how can there be so much power to completely block the border?"

An elder asked doubtfully.

However, this Elder Bai from Changsheng Mountain glanced at him indifferently, ignored him, and then looked at Jiang Mo, saying: "It is not easy to control the overall situation and use all the power to block the border. The old man estimates that , Pavilion Master Jiang's experience may not be very rich."

"I can do it for you and help Zhentian Pavilion establish a defensive front."

"Of course, the premise is that Pavilion Master Jiang entrusts me with the power."

Elder Bai spoke leisurely.

Hearing this, the other elders suddenly became furious, and said, "Elder Bai, we invited you to join the elders' house for the purpose of discussing matters, and it's really interesting that you want to seize power in delusion."

"Hmph, so what if you are the elder of Changsheng Mountain, I don't need others to command the Tiantian Pavilion."


All the elders said angrily.

"This statement is wrong. I am in Changsheng Mountain, and I have held an important position. The experience I have is not comparable to yours. It is already a great gift for me to condescend to come to Zhentian Pavilion. You must know the good and the bad. Hearing someone questioning him, Elder Bai raised his brows and said angrily.

"Since you have such a strong sense of superiority, then get out and find your Changsheng Mountain."

Jiang Mo tapped the back of the chair with his fingers and said calmly.

This Elder Bai is really arrogant. Longevity Mountain has been destroyed, and he still can't see the situation clearly. He thinks he is a high-ranking elder.

In fact, he is already a lost dog.

Zhentian Pavilion took him in and invited him to join the Council of Elders because of his prestige and experience, not to say that he could dictate here.

Moreover, Jiang Mo would not allow anyone to shake his authority.

"Hmph, what a bunch of short-sighted people, since you don't know gold and jade, then the old man will leave. Moreover, the old man will take away the disciples of Changsheng Mountain. I hope you will not regret it."

Elder Bai waved his sleeve robe angrily and said.

"No. However, the disciples of Changsheng Mountain joined our Tiantian Pavilion at a time of crisis. Tiantian Pavilion has given them enough protection. At this time, if you want to take them away with one sentence, it will not be so easy thing?"

When Jiang Mo changed the subject, everyone could hear the coldness in his tone.

"What? Could it be that the disciples of Changsheng Mountain, as an elder, I don't have the right to take them away?"

Elder Bai said angrily.

"You can try."

Jiang Mo didn't bother to pay attention to this person anymore, as long as he dared to do something that was not good for Zhentian Pavilion, Jiang Mo would kill him without hesitation.

However, in the end, Elder Bai didn't seem to have the courage to resist Jiang Mo's authority, so he had to leave Zhentian Pavilion in despair.

"What a Zhentian Pavilion, such an arrogant and domineering pavilion owner. When the old man makes a comeback, the Zhentian Pavilion will be destroyed."

Elder Bai cursed secretly in his heart, then he left Zhentian Pavilion with a flash.

"My lord, another major event has happened, and you need to solve it yourself."

The deliberations in the Presbyterian Court hadn't lasted long, and a monk ran over in a panic and said.

"what's up?"

Jiang Mo asked, all the elders also looked at the monk.

"In the sphere of influence governed by Zhentian Pavilion, there are large areas where the plague has occurred. The number of ordinary people who died cannot be counted at all. There are even many monks who were unable to resist the plague and died."

After the monk finished speaking, the meeting hall fell into silence.

Jiang Mo frowned and said, "There is still a plague?"

"Order people to investigate the cause of the incident immediately. If it is a natural disaster, then try to save the lives of those who have suffered from the plague."

"If it is a man-made disaster, we must find out the culprit behind the scenes and kill him!"

Jiang Mo didn't need to discuss this matter with the elders' house, his words were orders.

"As ordered!"

At this moment, in a small town thousands of miles away from the southeast of Zhentian Pavilion headquarters.

On the street, those ordinary people who couldn't practice fell down one after another on the street, howling one by one, looking extremely miserable.

However, on the street, a person suddenly walked out. He was wearing a very strange costume, with a bamboo tube and a bone flute on his waist.

Inside the bamboo tube, there are Gu worms that many people have never seen before.

This person is indeed the Southern Border Gu Refining Master.

The plague in the area under the jurisdiction of Zhentian Pavilion was caused by this gu master.

"Jiang Mo, let me see how you cut off my connection with the ghost-flame Gu worm."

The Gu master smiled grimly, and then flew towards the headquarters of Zhentian Pavilion.

This time, due to his arrival, nearly [-] ordinary people died of the plague.

Ever since they learned that Heiyuanmen had the ambition to annex the entire Northern Territory, the disciples and elders in Zhentian Pavilion practiced even harder.

They are very clear in their hearts that only with strong strength, others dare not invade them.

Even the gold-level power Changsheng Mountain has been wiped out, and the monks in Zhentian Pavilion dare not take it lightly.

Jiang Mo sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

A trace of vitality was absorbed, passed through his pores, and entered into the limbs and bones.


Just as he was practicing in peace, there was a hissing sound in his ears. He looked to the front left, and saw several colorful poisonous snakes spitting at him.

Behind Jiang Mo, there was a palm-sized red spider crawling towards him, baring its teeth and claws.

With a flick of his fingers, he blasted out a wisp of energy, blasting and killing all the poisonous substances.

"Governor Jiang's killing intent is so heavy, it seems that he has completely recovered."

Just as Jiang Mo was killing these poisonous substances, a cold voice came from the clouds.

When he heard this voice, Jiang Mo's eyes froze, and his whole body became murderous.

How could he forget this voice, the ghost flame Gu worm was planted into his body by this person.

"Unexpectedly, you are quite courageous, and you dare to come to my Zhentian Pavilion to seek death!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Mo suddenly had infinite sword intent rising from his body...

(End of this chapter)

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