Chapter 1149 Gu King
Swish, swish, swish...

When Jiang Mo was surrounded by sword energy, a cultivator named Zhen Tiange also flew up, and the sword in his hand was out of the sheath, and it was aimed at Jiang Mo!
"You controlled them?"

Jiang Mo glanced at these monks, and found that their eyes were dull, without any emotion.

It's like a puppet.

If Jiang Mo remembered correctly, these monks should be the patrolling guards of Qingyun Peak.

When Jiang Mo came here to practice, he never allowed outsiders to disturb him.

"Basically, it's just that the Gu worms ate their brains."

Miao Hongyue said lightly, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter.


Jiang Mo chopped off the soles of his feet and let out a cold snort, as an invisible power of divine sense swept across the surroundings like a wave.

In an instant, the patrolling guards at Qingyun Peak lost control and fell to the ground.

They were already killed by Miao Hongyue, but Miao Hongyue controlled their bodies, which was different from Yanchen.

Yanchen relied on innate magic to control the entire undead army on a large scale.

And Miao Hongyue relied on Gu techniques.

Jiang Mo's seemingly random stomp just now shattered the Gu worm controlling Qingyun Peak's guards.

"How strong is your spiritual power?"

Miao Hongyue asked in surprise.

Just now, Jiang Mo just shot casually, and Miao Hongyue noticed the tip of the iceberg.

As a Gu master, Miao Hongyue's spiritual power cannot be underestimated.

"At least it's enough to keep you here."

Jiang Mo flitted out, unsheathed the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, and slashed directly at Miao Hongyue.

The terrifying sword energy tore everything apart, but Miao Hongyue let out a faint smile, and suddenly his right palm came down, colliding with the ancient sword of Heavenly Punishment.

The two collided, and there was a roar of gold and iron immediately, and a large number of sparks flew out.

Jiang Mo slashed out with all his strength, and Miao Hongyue just took a step back. It's hard to imagine how powerful the vitality in his body is with only the realm of an eight-star martial saint.

"You are strong, although I don't know how you killed my ghost flame Gu worm. But this time, you will never be at the mercy of escaping the Gu worm."

Miao Hongyue sneered, and immediately behind him were overwhelming Gu worms, which turned into a torrent and swept towards Jiang Mo.

This scene was extremely shocking.

The fight between the two immediately attracted the attention of other monks in Zhentian Pavilion, and they rushed towards this side one after another, each with a nervous expression.

Jiang Mo didn't answer.

81 flying swords are suspended in the sky, forming a circular sword array.

And at the center of the sword array was Miao Hongyue.

For Jiang Mo, this kind of enemy is even more difficult than a strong man in the pseudo-emperor realm. His Gu skills are hard to guard against.

Therefore, since Miao Hongyue came to his door this time, Jiang Mo absolutely had no reason to let him leave.

Swish, swish, swish...

The sword formation moved, then tore through the space and roared down.

The entire sky seemed to be enveloped by sword intent, and those Gu worms were cut into pieces immediately, and fell to the ground one by one.

The black torrent decreased sharply, and at the same time, Jiang Mo activated the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame, and the monstrous blue flame surged out, turning into a net of flames. Those Gu insects hit the net of flames, and all of them sneered. sound.

However, this time, not so many Gu worms were burned to death.

It seems that the Gu worms refined by Miao Hongyue are very resistant to flames.

This made Jiang Mo even more suspicious.

Back then, the ghost-flame Gu worms planted in his body were not afraid of being expelled by the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame.

Now, these ordinary Gu worms seem to be very resistant to flames.

"Who dares to trespass into my Zhentian Pavilion?"

"How dare you attack Lord Pavilion Master, you are looking for death!"

Many disciples and elders rushed out of Zhentian Pavilion and surrounded Miao Hongyue.

Originally, Miao Hongyue prepared more powerful Gu worms for Jiang Mo, but he thought that this time, Jiang Mo could still be recruited.

But it was unexpected that it attracted other people here.

"Go away, otherwise, you will all be buried here!"

Miao Hongyue made a move with the palm of his hand, and those Gu worms that had not been killed by the sword array and the flame net flew back.

"Now that you have broken into my Zhentian Pavilion, do you still think you have a chance to leave? Do you think my place is too much of a joke?" Jiang Mo sneered.

"My town, Tiange, is not a place like Tianwu Bank. I come and go whenever I want."

This time, Miao Hongyue must be kept here no matter what.

Seeing the increasing number of monks around, Miao Hongyue suddenly laughed, and said coldly, "Could it be that, do you really think that I can't kill them all?"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the bone flute at his waist and played it by his mouth.

Immediately, a very strange melody spread out from the bone flute.

The countless Gu worms actually started to merge, turning into a huge Gu worm.

This Gu worm has a pair of scarlet pupils and long tentacles. It has eight legs, like a desolate beast.

"This is the Gu King I refined, if you don't want to die, you all go away!"

Miao Hong said coldly, and then the Gu King roared and rushed towards the many monks.

"How can we let this arrogant man go crazy in our home court of Zhentian Pavilion?"

Many monks blasted out a burst of Yuan Li to practice, and Jiang Mo also slashed out a sword, attacking the Gu King.

However, it seemed to be able to ignore everyone's bombardment, and opened its mouth to spit out an extremely foul-smelling black breath.

The black air swept across, and all the cultivators in Tiantian Pavilion fell down, and lost their vitality in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mo was shocked, and Miao Hongyue said, "Do you think that the Gu King I refined is so easy to defend against?"

"To tell you the truth, there are tiny Gu worms in this black Gu Qi. Once they enter the body, almost none of the monks under the Martial Saint can resist it."

"So, if you don't want Zhentian Pavilion to become a dead sect, it's best to let them go away."

Miao Hongyue was actually a little scared. Zhentian Pavilion had nearly [-] monks. If the tide came, it would be difficult for even him to escape.

Therefore, he sacrificed this Gu King, this is his way to suppress the bottom of the box.

"In that case, if the living can't deal with you, then I will use the dead to deal with you!"

Jiang Mo yelled, "Everyone back down, even the monks in the Martial Saint Realm also back down."

The reason why Jiang Mo ordered the monks in the Martial Saint Realm to retreat was because he was worried that Miao Hongyue still had ghost flames and Gu worms.

If that's the case, even monks in the realm of martial saints can't stop it.

Jiang Mo suffered from the ghost-flame Gu worm.

Seeing Jiang Mo ordering everyone to retreat, Miao Hongyue's face brightened.

However, when he was about to leave, he suddenly discovered that the temperature in this world seemed to drop suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, dead bones that seemed to have come out of the ice and snow, a total of [-] dead bones, enveloped the place.

The six corpse generals on horses held ice and snow spears, and there seemed to be a hint of sanity in their empty eyes.

This is, the ghoul army!
(End of this chapter)

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