Chapter 1150

At the beginning, the army of [-] ghouls was divided into two by Jiang Mo, one part was guarded in Zhentian Pavilion, and the other part was guarded in the Moon Well.

Now, in order to deal with Miao Hongyue, Jiang Mo mobilized an army of [-] ghouls, which is enough to think highly of him.

At the same time, Yanchen's undead army is also rushing towards this side.

"What? What kind of monster is this?"

When he saw the army of ghouls, Miao Hongyue's face immediately turned cold.

He couldn't feel any vitality from these ghouls.

This is terrible!

"Everyone should beware of Gu worms, once they are invaded by Gu worms, it will be extremely troublesome."

Jiang Mo shouted, and at the same time, the cultivators of Zhentian Pavilion retreated to the outer layer, and the army of [-] ghouls had already surrounded Miao Hongyue.

"Destroy these damned monsters for me!"

Facing the unknown, Miao Hongyue's heart began to fear.

He ordered Gu King to attack!

The black aura kept spewing out from Gu King's mouth, which made people feel terrified.

However, those ghouls were completely unconscious.

Gu worms entered the blood and brains of the monks, eroding their internal organs, and finally turned the monks into Miao Hongyue's puppets.

However, ghouls simply don't possess the things that these Gu insects rely on to exert their power.

Therefore, Miao Hongyue's method has no effect on the ghoul army.

Even though it was shrouded in black mist, the ghouls still charged wildly, with an extremely astonishing momentum.

The army of [-] ghouls is already well-equipped, controlled by six ghoul generals, and they have also mastered the terrifying formation of the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation, which seems to be more terrifying than an established army.

Boom, boom, boom...

The black breath kept exploding, and Gu King's attack had no effect at all here.


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"I have worked so hard to use the Heavenly Gu to refine the virtual fire to create the Gu King, how could it be impossible to deal with these monsters?!"

Miao Hongyue's face became more and more frightened, and he couldn't believe the current situation at all.


The Gu King opened his mouth and spewed out black flames. The moment the black flames appeared, the temperature of the whole world suddenly changed.

The temperature is very strange, as if it can burn the soul of a person.

After realizing such a terrifying scene, the monks immediately backed away in a hurry.

"Heavenly Gu refining virtual fire?"

Hearing Miao Hongyue's panicked words, combined with the strangeness of the black flame in front of him, Jiang Mo frowned suddenly, feeling a little shocked in his heart.

In the Tianwu Continent, the top ten peerless fierce fires, the Heavenly Gu Refining Void Fire ranks eighth, the black fire is so powerful that it can refine people's souls!

This sentence is absolutely not false.

"If he really possesses the Heavenly Gu Refining Void Fire, he must be caught, so he will have to interrogate him."

Jiang Mo even felt in his heart that each of the top ten peerless fires was well-deserved.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Mo understood why he couldn't burn the ghost-flame Gu worm to death with the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame.

It is very possible that the Ghost Flame Gu worm was also cultivated by Miao Hongyue, who used the Heavenly Gu to refine the Void Fire.

In this way, it will make sense.

After all, the ranking of the Eight Desolation Fentianyan is still lower than the Heavenly Gu Refining Void Fire.

Black flames swept across the world. However, the strongest power of this flame, the power to refine souls, was useless to the ghoul army.

Because their souls have already dissipated.

Today, it's just a killing machine.

Under the control of the six corpse generals, the ghoul army formed a formation and bombarded the Gu king continuously.



A sound of mournful cries came from Gu King's mouth. Under the bombardment of the ghoul army, the black energy on its body continued to dissipate, and its size also rapidly decreased.

In the end, the six corpses shot at the same time, and the six ice and snow spears bombarded out at the same time, like lightning piercing through the void, with irreversible force, they held the Gu king tightly, unable to move at all.

"What other methods do you have, can you use them all? It may also open my eyes."

Seeing that the Gu King had been restrained, Jiang Mo said to Miao Hongyue lightly.

The reason why he didn't act in a hurry was because he was worried that Miao Hongyue still had some hidden cards. This kind of Gu refiner could be said to be the most difficult.

Although their strength may not be really strong.

Hearing Jiang Mo's words, Miao Hongyue smiled miserably, the Gu King was his greatest support, and now that the Gu King was captured, Miao Hongyue was at the end of his rope.

Seeing Miao Hongyue's face, Jiang Mo guessed something, and gently put down his raised right hand.

Old Man Tianshi and Bayu King Kong, who had been hiding in the dark and were on standby, shot at the same time!

Bayu King Kong made a direct attack, distracting Miao Hongyue's attention.

The old man Tianshi controlled the earth prison. Six huge earthen walls enveloped Miao Hongyue from all directions, trapping him in it.

The nine-star martial sage's unique skill to become famous is not difficult at all to trap Miao Hongyue, the eight-star martial sage.

When Yanchen and his undead army arrived, the battle was over.

The young man was a little bit unsatisfied, he directly controlled the dead Gu worms, and floated into the air again.

Seeing the Gu worms flying up, all the monks' hearts skipped a beat.

"Don't worry, these Gu worms are dead. Now, they are members of my undead army, and they will be used by me in the future."

Yanchen scratched his head shyly.

Hearing this, everyone was relieved.

"Just now, you mentioned the Heavenly Gu refining the Void Fire?"

Before Jiang Mo walked to the earth prison, Miao Hongyue's meridians had been blocked, so there was no need to worry about him making any dirty tricks.

"You know it too? Those are the top ten peerless fierce fires, a small place to return to the ruins, how could anyone know?"

There was surprise and fear in Miao Hongyue's eyes.

"If my guess is correct, the kindling seed that Gu refined the virtual fire that day should be in Gu King's body, right?"

Jiang Mo asked again, he didn't need to know Miao Hongyue's answer, he just needed to judge from the expression on the other's face.

And the shocked expression on Miao Hongyue's face told Jiang Mo that what he guessed was correct.

"If that's the case, let's forget the old and new hatred together."

"Tianshi, kill him."

Jiang Mo said lightly, Miao Hongyue is too dangerous to keep.

The old man Tianshi nodded. He put his hands together, and the earth prison began to squeeze Miao Hongyue. The terrifying pressure made the veins on Miao Hongyue's forehead bulge, as if they were about to burst.

"Wait... Don't you want to know who caused the recent plague?" Seeing that he was about to be squeezed into a cloud of blood, Miao Hongyue said hoarsely.

"Stop first." Jiang Mo waved his hand, stopped the old man Tianshi, looked at Miao Hongyue coldly, and said, "You did it?"

"It is my masterpiece. However, as long as you let me go, I will prepare an antidote to cure the plague of those people."

Miao Hongyue wanted to blackmail Jiang Mo with this, but Jiang Mo's eyes were extremely cold, and he said: "You can do such a tragic thing, you are simply not worthy of being a human being!"

"Let you taste the pain of soul refining!"

As soon as the words fell, the Eight Desolation Burning Flame rose up, enveloping Miao Hongyue in an instant.

Immediately, Miao Hongyue's pitiful scream that penetrated into the depths of his soul echoed in the sky above Zhentian Pavilion for a long time...

 Thank you Dawn of Dawn for your continuous rewards in August, and thank you for your recommendation tickets and support.At the beginning of the month, ask for a few monthly tickets.Thank you Tang Tang~~
(End of this chapter)

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