Chapter 1397 Wu Chaoyang

"Just do it..." Jiang Mo was stunned for a moment, then mobilized his vitality and prepared to defend.

The opponent's attack was ferocious, and this person's aura had already reached the realm of a one-star Martial Emperor.

Jiang Mo didn't dare to be negligent, all the vitality in his body was mobilized in his arms, and he immediately unleashed the Nine Dragon Wind and Thunder Palm to meet the opponent.

Wu Chaoyang's fighting style tended to be domineering and arrogant. He used his arms as weapons, like beating drums, and attacked Jiang Mo.

Even though he was still more than a dozen feet away, Jiang Mo felt that the powerful fist was pressing on him, and even the space was shaken so that there were circles of concave arcs.

Bang, bang, bang...

Nine Dragons Wind and Thunder Palm blasted out without reservation, colliding with Wu Chaoyang's attack.

In an instant, an incomparably vast energy fluctuation swept out immediately.

Under the concussion of that violent force, Jiang Mo stepped back more than a dozen steps, inserted his feet into the ground, and rolled up layers of soil.

But Wu Chaoyang's body didn't move, and his eyes looked very indifferent.

"Your Excellency and I don't have any enmity, we just passed by unintentionally." Jiang Mo said.

He thought that the other party only attacked because of a misunderstanding.

Obviously, Jiang Mo was wrong, Wu Chaoyang's arrogant character has always been like this.

Among the inner disciples, his strength can be ranked in the top five, and he is also a strong contender for the top ten candidates of the Tiansheng Dao Palace, and he has high hopes from his master Wu Yuankun.

It is worth mentioning that Wu Yuankun is not only his master, but also his cousin, so the requirements for him are extremely strict.

Otherwise, he would not be arranged to practice in the deepest part of the human-level secret realm.

"You disturbed my practice, so, damn it!" A cruel smile appeared on Wu Chaoyang's face.

He has been practicing for almost a year in this place where the birds don't shit.

Now, after finally seeing a living person, how could he easily let him go?

"Just because I entered here by mistake, are you going to kill me? Is it a little too crazy?" Jiang Mo asked.

Although Wu Chaoyang's strength is very strong, Jiang Mo is not a vegetarian.

Even if Wu Chaoyang could not be defeated, at least it would be no problem to escape.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame your life, right?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have been involved in the storm of the abyss."

"Therefore, even if I kill you here, the Taoist Palace will not notice." Wu Chaoyang grinned, his neck twisted and made a clicking sound.

Immediately, all the body training battle marks on his back lit up, and the powerful physical brute force directly formed circles of power ripples, covering his whole body.

"Use your most powerful method, otherwise, you will have no chance!" Wu Chaoyang let out a strange laugh, and then he chopped his feet on the ground, and the ground collapsed, and his body seemed to be separated from the ground. Like an arrow on a string, it shot at Jiang Mo.

"Chaoyang, the progress in the past year is not small."

In one of the main halls of the Daoist Palace, Wu Yuankun looked at the Yuan mirror in front of him, stroked his beard and said with a smile.

The deepest part of the human-level secret realm is covered by a formation, and the images there can be transmitted to this hall, so that he can supervise Wu Chaoyang's practice at any time.

In order for Wu Chaoyang to be successfully promoted to an alternate Daoist, Wu Yuankun spent too much effort.

Once successful, Wu Yuankun's status will rise accordingly.

"Master, that disciple may be killed by Brother Chaoyang! Shall we stop it?" said a disciple in Tsing Yi behind Wu Yuankun.

"Over the past year, Chaoyang has been suppressed for too long. That kid strayed into the forbidden area, so he should relieve Chaoyang. Even if he is killed, it doesn't matter." Wu Yuankun said indifferently.

In his eyes, the lives of ordinary disciples are of no importance at all.

Wu Chaoyang's speed was so fast that even if Jiang Mo released the Divine Sense of the Emperor Realm, he could barely capture his movement trajectory.

"Sealing Darkness Sword Formation!"

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Mo directly urged the remaining sixty or seventy flying swords to form the Mingfeng sword array, trying to resist Wu Chaoyang's attack.


After the sword array was formed, it released a fierce sword energy, moved towards the group in front of it, and chopped away.

"This level of attack, I'm ashamed to use it to make a fool of myself!"

Wu Chaoyang didn't pay attention to the Fengming Sword Formation at all.

He continued to charge forward, the battle marks on his body lit up with golden light, and directly smashed the Fengming Sword Formation into pieces.

"Boy, die for me!"

With a strange roar, Wu Chaoyang punched Jiang Mo in the chest.

"Annihilate Tiangang!"

Jiang Mo let out a loud roar, and the vitality gushing out from his palms turned into a storm of destruction, and he fought hard with Wu Chaoyang.


However, this move only blocked the opponent for a moment, Wu Chaoyang let out a light sigh, and said, "Unexpectedly, you still have some strength."

"In this way, the battle will not be so boring."

"Torturing and killing a weak person is really meaningless."

Wu Chaoyang's body rotated 360 degrees in mid-air, and appeared behind Jiang Mo the next moment.

Jiang Mo's nerves tensed up. This Wu Chaoyang was obviously a melee master, and his physical strength was extremely tyrannical.

It would be a very disadvantageous thing for Jiang Mo to get close to him.

"You have to distance yourself from him."

After a secret thought, the vertical pupil between Jiang Mo's eyebrows suddenly opened!

The vast power of divine sense, like a tide, swept out crazily.

"Reincarnation Illusion!"

Jiang Mo shouted in a deep voice, and the technique of reincarnation was cast out, enveloping Wu Chaoyang.

Wu Chaoyang felt that his body seemed to be trapped in a swamp.

"The gods are watching!"

At the moment when Wu Chaoyang fell into a daze, Jiang Mo did not hesitate to use the strongest move in the palm of Jiulong Fenglei.

"This disciple is of a certain level. It is estimated that he is also the best among inner disciples."

"It's just that meeting Chaoyang is destined to be his tragedy." Wu Yuankun stroked his beard and said lightly.

Wu Chaoyang was cultivated by himself, so he naturally knew that an attack of that level would not be able to hurt Wu Chaoyang.

The power of Samsara Illusion and Nine Dragons Wind and Thunder Palm acted on Wu Chaoyang at the same time, even if he had the cultivation level of a one-star Martial Emperor, he couldn't completely ignore it.

Wu Chaoyang's body was thrown out by heavy blows, and the berserk force poured on his body, causing the body training battle seals to be shattered.

"you wanna die!"

Wu Chaoyang let out a loud roar, and spat out a light mark from his mouth, the light mark rose up against the storm, turning into a golden magic cauldron.

The magic cauldron released beams of light, like sharp swords, smashing the illusion of reincarnation.

At the same time, Wu Chaoyang broke free from the shackles, his physical body grew to three feet, and he was like a beast in human form!
Seeing Wu Chaoyang in this form, Jiang Mo's eyelids couldn't help but jump.

At this moment, Wu Chaoyang gave him a very dangerous feeling, causing the hairs on his skin to stand on end...

(End of this chapter)

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