Chapter 1398 Shameless

"Suppress me!"

Wu Chaoyang raised his head to the sky and roared, raised the golden magic cauldron with both hands, and came towards Jiang Mo to suppress it.

There were bursts of roaring sounds from the golden magic cauldron, like a group of demons dancing wildly, and the vision covered the sky!


When the golden magic cauldron was suppressed, the ground where Jiang Mo was located suddenly collapsed, and his bones were under heavy pressure, making bursts of explosions.

"Go away!"

Jiang Mo urged the Nine Dragons Wind and Thunder Palm, and at the same time, he integrated the rules of heaven in the Titan Great Ape's holy soul into the Nine Dragons Wind and Thunder Palm.

Striking out with one palm, the extremely domineering palm print bombarded out, colliding with the golden magic cauldron forcibly.


Terrible metallic roar resounded throughout the world.

The golden magic cauldron was directly knocked out, and the palm print that Jiang Mo displayed also shattered away.

"This kid has some skills!" Wu Yuankun stood up, not as indifferent as before. He was faintly worried that Wu Chaoyang would not be able to defeat Jiang Mo, which would damage his Dao heart.

"Boy, your strength has far exceeded my expectations."

"It's just that I won't give you any chance to come back!"

Wu Chaoyang punched his chest several times with both fists.

He activated some kind of secret technique. Although the sequelae were huge, as long as he could defeat the white-haired young man in front of him, he felt that everything was worth it.

Accompanied by the urging of the secret technique, Wu Chaoyang's body was actually covered with a thousand-foot golden phantom.

On the golden phantom, there are complicated and profound runes engraved on it, and the ultimate power of the physical body, rippling out from the golden phantom, looks extremely terrifying.

"Overlord Qingtian!"

Wu Chaoyang roared, held the golden magic cauldron in his hand, and then waved it towards Jiang Mo like a weapon.


Seeing such a fierce attack, Jiang Mo did not dare to neglect.

He let out a long breath of turbid air, and then the Dayan Tianji Jue started to work, the majestic vitality in his body roared, and streaks of bright and sharp sword energy automatically emerged behind him.

"Qinglian Sword Code!"

Jiang Mo clenched the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword tightly, and used the first seven moves in the "Qinglian Sword Code".

Seven sword moves, superimposed together, plus Jiang Mo's current state of swordsmanship, the power is already quite terrifying.

"Based on these alone, I guess I can't defeat this guy." Jiang Mo secretly said in his heart.

Immediately, he mobilized the heavenly law contained in the star meteor flower in the Tianxiang Palace---the power of the stars!

A ray of star power was integrated into the sword move, making the sword shadow covered with a layer of purple light, making it look beautiful!
"go with!"

With the fall of Jiang Mo's voice, the seven sword moves finally merged into one sword, the sword light was bright purple, and the sword was cut out, as if the stars were falling down!
"Oops!" Wu Yuankun couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the sword. With his eyesight, he could see that it was difficult for Wu Chaoyang to block the sword.

"Break it for me!"

Wu Chaoyang roared furiously, crashing into the purple sword light like a moving mountain peak.


Jiang Mo said indifferently.

As the words fell, the purple sword glow slashed at the thousand-foot golden phantom. The two vast forces eroded each other, and finally the thousand-foot golden phantom shattered away.

Wu Chaoyang's body fell heavily to the ground, with blood continuously overflowing from his mouth, and there were sword marks all over his body, the blood was everywhere, making him look quite miserable.

After unleashing this sword, Jiang Mo panted heavily. Just now, in order to integrate the power of the stars into his sword moves, he not only exhausted his vitality, but also exhausted his spiritual power.

"It seems that it is not an easy task to defeat a strong Emperor Wu!" Jiang Mo quickly threw a few pills into his mouth to restore his strength.

You must know that in such a dangerous place, without the support of Yuanli, it is possible to fall at any time.

"Tell me, your name!" Wu Chaoyang was defeated, feeling extremely unwilling in his heart.

He is an inner sect disciple, one of the top five existences, a genuine Emperor Wudi powerhouse.

But being defeated by a rank nine false emperor, this kind of humiliation was unbearable for Wu Chaoyang.

"If you don't want to change your name, if you don't want to change your surname, Jiang..."

Jiang Mo hadn't finished speaking when he felt a vast aura descending from the world.

"Who?" The nerves he had just relaxed tensed up again.

This aura is many times stronger than Wu Chaoyang's.

Not to mention that Jiang Mo is exhausted now, even when he is at his most energetic, he is by no means a match for this breath.

"Good boy, which famous teacher and disciple are you trained by?"

The person who came was none other than Wu Yuankun.

Jiang Mo defeated Wu Chaoyang, which was a huge blow to Wu Chaoyang's Dao Xin.

In another month, it will be the time for the candidate Taoist selection.

If Wu Chaoyang can't regain his confidence, then he will miss out on the candidate Daozi.

This is absolutely unbearable for Wu Yuankun.

He wanted to kill this white-haired young man in front of Wu Chaoyang, in order to restore Wu Chaoyang's confidence.

Jiang Mo's expression was very serious. From the old man in front of him, he felt a very strong killing intent.


After seeing Wu Yuankun, Wu Chaoyang showed a look of shame in his eyes.

"The disciple failed the cultivation of the master!"

Unexpectedly, Wu Yuankun didn't blame Wu Chaoyang, he said: "Chaoyang, this person is very likely to be a Martial Emperor of the Middle Realm, he suppressed his cultivation just to hit your Dao heart!"

"Wait for the master to kill him, and you will be given justice!" Wu Yuankun comforted him.

There is still one month before the selection of the candidate Daozi will be carried out. At this time, confidence is the most important.

"Is that so?"

"No wonder I always feel that when I fight against him, I have a very strange feeling." A glimmer of hope was rekindled in Wu Chaoyang's eyes. He naturally believed in his master's words.

"What a disgrace!"

"The disciple you taught is not as skilled as others, so do you want you, a master, to come forward and kill him to silence his poor dignity?" Jiang Mo said coldly.

Wu Yuankun's behavior was really shameful.

At the same time, he secretly put the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame, the Sky Gu Refining Void Fire, and the Void Demon Purple Fire into his sleeve robe, and quietly fused them together.

If the old guy on the other side really wanted to kill him, then Jiang Mo wouldn't sit still and wait for his death.

"Boy, at this time, you are still stubborn!"

"This old man has to see if it's your mouth that's tough, or this old man's fist!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Yuankun moved towards the place where Jiang Mo was, and gently shook it. Immediately, Jiang Mo felt that the entire space was imprisoned.

Even his blood seemed to stop flowing.

(End of this chapter)

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