Chapter 1400 Candidate Daozi
The Great Luo Xingji Formation is the practice field of Yan Yunzheng, the deputy palace lord. It was jointly built by dozens of great masters who are proficient in formations, and it has existed for hundreds of years.

If one stood outside the Great Luo Star Array, one would not be able to notice its existence at all.

The Great Luo Xingji Formation is both a defensive formation and an offensive formation.

Unless the great emperor descends in person, no one will be able to break through this extremely powerful formation.

At this moment, a white-haired young man was lying in the Da Luo Xingji Formation. With the power of stars pouring into his soft voice, his originally short breathing gradually calmed down.

This white-haired young man was indeed Jiang Mo.

Three days have passed since Li Kunwu brought him to the Great Luo Xingji Formation.

For the past three days, Jiang Mo's physical body, like a bottomless pit, has continuously absorbed the power of the Great Luo Xingji Formation.

Such a mysterious formation made Jiang Mo's physical wounds heal quickly, and at the same time his aura was growing steadily.

"This kid is a big loser, even though his bones were almost shattered by that old guy Wu Yuankun."

"But it is precisely because of this that the power of the stars in the Da Luo Xingji Formation is integrated into the physical body to form a perfect star physique."

"In this way, even if he encounters a dangerous situation in the future, as long as there is still a trace of breath, he can rely on the power of the stars to pull him back from the gate of hell."

Li Kunwu stared at the circles of purple awns around Jiang Mo's body, and said secretly in his heart.

In addition to the power of the stars, Jiang Mo also integrated into his body the physical power and the rules of heaven that Jiang Mo had comprehended through the Holy Soul of the Titan Great Ape.

Now, even if he doesn't use his vitality, he can still rely on his physical strength to compete with the monks of 'Reincarnation and Nirvana Tribulation'.

"This little guy is seriously injured. He stayed in the Daluo Star Array for three days and he still hasn't recovered?" Wearing a black robe with gold thread inlaid on the cuffs, he looked very imposing. Yan Yunzheng came over and said.

Li Kunwu smiled and said, "It won't be long before he wakes up."

"It's just that what I didn't expect was that this kid could hold on to two or three tricks under Wu Yuankun, that old fellow's subordinates."

A flash of surprise flashed in Yan Yunzheng's eyes, and he said, "How many cards does this kid have?"

"If I remember correctly, those top talents in the Dao Palace, when they were in the realm of false emperors at rank nine, they couldn't defeat the one-star Martial Emperor, right?"

You know, although there seems to be only a thin line between the peak of the false emperor and the one-star Martial Emperor, the gap in the middle is very huge.

In the entire Great Heavens, there are very few monks who can defeat the one-star Martial Emperor with the peak of the False Emperor.

"His talent is indeed amazing. At the beginning, I was worried that this kid would be lost in Mo Shuyu's hands. Unexpectedly, even Wu Chaoyang was defeated by him." Li Kunwu shook his head and smiled wryly.

At this time, a message came to Yan Yunzheng's ears.

After hearing this message, Yan Yunzheng showed a strange look on his face.

"What happened?" Seeing the strange expression on Yan Yunzheng's face, Li Kunwu couldn't help asking curiously.

"This kid actually drove Mo Shuyu into the abyss hurricane."

"When the members of the Law Enforcement Hall found Mo Shuyu, he was already on the verge of death, and the unicorn bones transplanted into his body were torn apart by the abyssal hurricane."

Yan Yunzheng laughed loudly.

Just a few days ago, in order to show his attitude, Yan Yunzheng and Li Kunwu rushed to the Law Enforcement Hall and fought against the hall master once.

At that time, the entire Law Enforcement Hall was alarmed. Under the watchful eyes of those high-level Law Enforcement Halls, Yan Yunzheng beat the Hall Master into a panic.

It wasn't until that moment that they knew just how strong the Deputy Palace Master Yan was.

"Cough cough..."

Jiang Mo woke up from his lethargy, and he felt that the pain in his body had completely disappeared.

Instead, there is a sense of full strength flowing in the limbs and bones.


"This is me, have I broken through to the mid-term of the ninth rank false emperor?"

Jiang Mo sat up from the Yuyouxuan couch, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

He felt that the vast array fluctuations came from all directions, and at the same time strands of star power penetrated into his body.

"Little guy, you're finally awake." Li Kunwu said.

"This is the deputy palace lord. If it weren't for the deputy palace lord's Da Luo Xingji Formation, I'm afraid you are still lying down now."

Jiang Mo raised his head and saw the middle-aged cultivator in black robe who looked calm and majestic. He quickly stood up and saluted, and said, "I have seen the deputy palace master!"

"You don't need to be so polite." Yan Yunzheng smiled and said: "You boy, you did not disappoint me. First Mo Shuyu, then Wu Chaoyang. I am looking forward to the day when you can make the younger generation of Dao Palace Leaders, they will all be defeated once."

"Unexpectedly, these things can't be hidden from your sharp eyes, deputy palace lord." Jiang Mo said with a smile.

The Great Luo Xingji Formation is indeed incomparably mysterious. Jiang Mo now feels that traces of the power of the stars are flowing in his body, making his physical body seem to have endless power.

"Okay, I came to see you today because I have something important to discuss with you." Yan Yunzheng's expression became a little serious.

Jiang Mo didn't dare to laugh, so he said solemnly: "Vice Palace Mistress, please tell me, as long as the disciple can do it, he will definitely be willing to do so."

The one in front of me is the deputy palace lord of Tianshengdao Palace, who can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand people.

Even in the Great Heavens, Yan Yunzheng can be regarded as a first-class powerhouse with the cultivation base of Emperor Wu of the Upper Realm.

Seeing him, who dares to disrespect?
"Do you know that the Wu Chaoyang you defeated a few days ago was originally qualified to attack the alternate Daozi?" Yan Yunzheng asked.

"Alternative Daozi?" Jiang Mo really didn't know much about this.

"That's right, every ten years, the Taoist Palace will select ten candidate Taoists."

"In the end, a Heavenly Saint Daoist will be selected from the ten candidates."

"These people are all top leaders among the younger generation!"

"As for the chosen Heavenly Sage Daoist, he is a peerless genius who has suppressed an era."

Yan Yunzheng introduced.

"Then, what does it have to do with me?" Jiang Mo faintly realized something, but he wasn't quite sure.

"Since you defeated Wu Chaoyang, it also means that you have the qualifications to attack the candidate Daozi."

"In another month, it will be the time for the selection of the candidate Daozi. I hope you can participate." Yan Yunzheng said.

Li Kunwu added a sentence, saying: "You must not underestimate the candidate Taoist. At that time, the top talents in the entire Taoist Palace will participate."

"Once you become an alternate Daoist, you will receive the full support of Tiansheng Dao Palace. Whether it is cultivation resources or opportunities, you will have more advantages than other disciples."

Hearing this, Jiang Mo was a little moved.

If he can get the full training of Tiansheng Dao Palace, then his road of martial arts practice will undoubtedly be much smoother.

(End of this chapter)

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