Chapter 1401 Despicable
After pondering for a moment, Jiang Mo asked, "There is one thing that I don't quite understand."

"In the Dao Palace, there are so many talents, why does the deputy palace master think that I can take on this important task?"

In the Great Luo Xingji Formation, the power of the purple stars flows, giving people a beautiful feeling.

"You boy, the question is very acute."

"To tell you the truth, the Tianjiao in the Taoist Palace are indeed like the crucian carp that crosses the river, innumerable."

"However, you must also be clear that the interior of the Dao Palace is not a single iron bucket."

"There are many factions in the Taoist Palace, and all the great talents have been divided up."

"There are some Tianjiao, because of their humble origins, after entering the Dao Palace, those family forces gave them some sweetness, and they fell into the arms of the family forces and worked for them."

"Even some Tianjiao were originally selected from the children of the aristocratic clan."

"In this way, in the long run, the Taoist Palace will no longer be a holy place for practice, but will become a place where the great clans play games."

"At that time, the nature of the Dao Palace will change!"

Yan Yunzheng heaved a long sigh, there are some things that even he can't change.

In the environment where the clans were fighting against each other, the power of a superior Martial Emperor seemed too weak.

Jiang Mo nodded, and he could tell that there was some helplessness in Yan Yunzheng's words.

"If that's the case, wouldn't the palace lord not come forward to change the situation?" Jiang Mo said.

At this time, Li Kunwu said: "You just came to the Taoist Palace, so you may not know about some things."

"My lord, you have devoted yourself to practicing, and you have stopped asking about these mundane matters for a long time."

"I remember that the last time I saw the Palace Mistress was 30 years ago."

Hearing this, Jiang Mo was stunned.

The palace lord who is said to have cultivated to the level of a great emperor has stopped asking about ordinary things for a long time.

If it weren't for a group of people like Yan Yunzheng who were struggling to support them, the Taoist Palace might have become the territory of those aristocratic families.

"As you know, the Luo family, the Marquis Wu's mansion... Once these aristocratic families have the right to speak in the Dao Palace, they will plunge the entire Dao Palace into dire straits."

"You know, these people only have interests in their eyes."

"Over the past few years, on the battlefield in northern Xinjiang, the ghost clan has torn apart a line of defense, and many cities of the human race have been captured."

"And these aristocratic families, in order to seek their own interests, they are still consuming the power of the Dao Palace to annex those small sects."

"If things go on like this, the Dao Palace will be worrying, and the world will be worrying..."

Yan Yunzheng let out a long sigh.

"Vice Palace Master, I am willing to participate in the selection of candidate Daozi, and contribute to the revitalization of Dao Palace!"

After pondering for a while, Jiang Mo said loudly.

If he can be selected as an alternate Daozi, or even Daozi, Yan Yunzheng's faction's right to speak will definitely be greatly improved.

At that time, under the cultivation of Tiansheng Dao Palace, with Jiang Mo's talent, he will surely be able to rise rapidly.

When he has enough power, no one will dare to underestimate him.

"Very well, during this time, you should practice hard, and I will send someone to notify you when the assessment starts." Yan Yunzheng showed a hint of relief on his face.

Soon, Jiang Mo left and returned to his courtyard.

Along the way, Yan Yunzheng's words echoed in his mind.

Whether it is for himself or for the Dao Palace, Jiang Mo will go all out in the selection of the candidate Taoist.

Soon, he came to the place where he lived.

"Huh?" After entering the door, Jiang Mo felt a little strange.


Jiang Mo yelled, but no one answered. He released the power of his divine sense, but he didn't notice Yetong's breath.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Mo saw a note on the door.

"If you don't want the beauty to disappear, come to Qingqiu battle platform quickly!"

The sharp sword-like handwriting reveals a chilly murderous intent.

"Bastard, how dare you take Yetong away!" Jiang Mo spewed out a ball of flames from his palm, burning the note into a ball of ashes.

"Qingqiu battle platform!"

After silently reciting the name, Jiang Mo moved, intending to find it.

"Wait..." At this moment, a man's voice came in.

"Who is it?" Jiang Mo turned his head and happened to see a man standing in front of the door.

"You don't need to worry about who I am, you just need to know that if you go to Qingqiu Battle Arena, what awaits you will be endless humiliation." Yang Le said.

Yang Le is ranked seventh in the Qianlong list. He once fought against Luo Chenghe, and many people know his name.

"You know the inside story?" Jiang Mo asked.

Hearing this, Yang Le nodded and said, "This is Luo Chenghe's conspiracy against you."

"Back then, when you defeated Luo Han forcefully, it was equivalent to stepping on the face of their Luo clan."

"Do you think, with Luo Chenghe's domineering personality, he can let you go?"

"He took your maid away just to force you to show up!"

Hearing this, Jiang Mo narrowed his eyes.

"Even if it's a conspiracy against me, I have to go!"

"If Luo Chenghe, who is fourth on the Qianlong list, really thinks that I am a soft persimmon that is easy to knead, then I think he will be disappointed!"

Jiang Mo's voice gradually became colder.

At the same time, a terrifying anger emanated from his body.

Yang Le frowned and said, "I have to remind you that Luo Chenghe's cultivation has already broken through to become a one-star Martial Emperor a few days ago."

"Now, even if I face him, I'm not [-]% sure of winning."

"Are you sure you still want to go to the Qingqiu battle platform?"

"If you know the location of the Qingqiu battle platform, please take me there. If you want to dissuade me, then don't bother to waste your words."

At this moment, Jiang Mo's heart is very anxious, how can he care about other things?

"Okay, since you've made up your mind, I won't say anything more."

"For the sake of being a man, I will take you to Qingqiu battle platform."

After finishing speaking, Yang Le's figure turned into a streak of light and rushed towards the sky.

Jiang Mo followed closely behind.


Qingqiu battle platform, there are already many disciples watching here.

The disciples of the inner and outer sects were almost all surrounded by the edge of the Qingqiu battle platform.

In addition, there were two core disciples passing by, who also stopped, with an attitude of watching the excitement.

"Brother Luo, tell me, will that kid dare not come?"

"After all, you are the fourth on the list of potential dragons. If he comes, why not die?"

"You don't understand this. His woman is in our hands. If he doesn't come, what will the people in Dao Palace think of him in the future?"

"Does he still have the face to practice in the Taoist Palace?"

There were bursts of discussions, and Luo Chenghe's face did not show any fluctuations in expression, and he looked very indifferent.

After about dozens of breaths, he slowly raised his head and looked at the distant sky, with a hint of coldness at the corner of his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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