Chapter 1724 Colorful Phoenix
Su Qi and the others fell down one by one. When they looked up at Jiang Mo, they were still in shock and did not react.

"It's actually defeated, the four of us teamed up, and we are not his opponent alone!"

"Perhaps, he is really an immortal teacher, and his cultivation has reached an unimaginable level."

A Supreme Elder shook his head and sighed.

However, the purple-haired old man still had a fiery fighting spirit in his eyes.

"No, we haven't lost yet. Have you forgotten that the beast guarding the temple hasn't made a move yet. If it wakes up, how can this kid be an opponent?"

These four people were once the pinnacle leaders of their respective eras, and they were not willing to admit defeat at all.

"The guardian beast, who knows if that beast is still around after such a long time?" a Supreme Elder said uncertainly.

"The strength of the temple guardian beast is far beyond our imagination. Even if some of us immortals fall, it may not fall."

"Now I will use the secret method to summon it, and fight to defend the majesty of my Qingtong Palace."

After finishing speaking, the purple-haired old man bit his finger suddenly, and the blood shot out. His finger was stained with blood, drawing ancient patterns, and immediately shot into the void.

Immediately afterwards, there were waves of energy ripples in the void, and I saw a huge and boundless phoenix with colorful feathers growing out, perched on a sycamore tree.

On the sycamore tree, the divine fire of the void is burning, as if it will never go out.

At the moment of being summoned by the secret method, the colorful phoenix opened its long-sleeping eyes and let out a long cry.

The sound waves swept across, and everyone felt as if a peerless beast had awakened in their minds!
Colorful Phoenix is ​​the first generation master of Qingtong Hall. He was rescued from Beiminghai, and has been practicing with the first generation master ever since.

After the fall of the hall master, the colorful phoenix has been guarding the Qingtong hall in order to repay the favor. Whenever the Qingtong hall encounters a catastrophe of life and death, it will take action to save the Qingtong hall from danger.

However, in the past hundred years, the colorful phoenix has been less and less seen.

In fact, its deadline has come, and most of the time, it perches on the sycamore tree to practice, hoping to find the way to Nirvana and rebirth.

"Senior Huang, the Qingtong Palace was humiliated by outsiders today. I, Su Qi, as the head teacher of this session, cannot be of much use and failed to defeat a strong enemy, so I invite Senior Huang to help."

Su Qi bowed deeply to the colorful phoenix, and the three elders also bowed to the colorful phoenix.

At this time, the wings of the colorful phoenix vibrated, creating waves of space storms, and immediately burst out of the sky.

"It's been a long time since it appeared. Now, how many generations has this Qingtong Palace been passed down?" The figure of the colorful phoenix changed, and finally turned into a woman.

Although she has lived for an unknown number of years, her appearance is still not inferior to that of a young and pretty woman, and even time has left a deeper charm on her.

"Returning to Senior Huang, the Qingtong Palace has been passed down to No. 20 for seven generations." Su Qi replied respectfully.

"Oh." The colorful phoenix nodded, and then lightly grasped it with the palm of her hand, and a long sword with feathers and feathers in seven colors appeared in her hand.

"Who came to bully Qingtong Palace? Today, I will restore face for Qingtong Palace."

She said in an indifferent voice.

Although the time has passed for a long time, she still remembers the kindness of the first generation of palace masters to her.

"Senior Huang, that white-haired boy, he is very powerful, senior must be careful!"

Su Qi reminded cautiously.

"It's true that heroes have been born from youth since ancient times. At such a young age, you can defeat the head teacher and elder of the Qingtong Palace and force me to show up. You can be regarded as a true martial arts talent!"

"Let me try it, how is your skill?"

After finishing speaking, the woman suddenly shot the seven-color feather sword in her hand at Jiang Mo.

A raging flame was burning along the way, and many disciples and elders present all retreated in horror.

The seven-colored flames were an indiscriminate attack. Once hit, even a cultivator in the imperial realm would probably burn off a layer of skin.

"That's right, I have already cultivated to the peak level of the Eight-Star Martial Emperor, and I have reached the threshold of the Nine-Star Martial Emperor."

As soon as the woman made a move, Jiang Mo sensed her strength.

The colorful phoenix is ​​one of the divine beasts, with a high talent for cultivation and a long lifespan, otherwise, it would not be possible to reach such a height.

"You can actually see my cultivation base, but I have some skills, but I don't know if you can withstand my attack."

After finishing speaking, there were colorful wings spreading out behind her, as gorgeous as a rainbow.

Immediately afterwards, pieces of seven-color feathers and long swords bombarded Jiang Mo like a torrential rain.

The continuous rain of swords gathered like a dragon, and the momentum was frightening.

Seeing this, Jiang Mo frowned slightly.

This colorful phoenix has practiced for thousands of years, and his understanding and experience of martial arts is far more advanced than Su Qi and the others.

Therefore, as soon as he made a move, he showed extremely strong attack power.

"In this case, then I will use swordsmanship to break your sword move."

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword flew out from behind, and was immediately grabbed by his right hand. The vitality in the dantian Qihai gushed out along the meridians, and finally poured all of it into the ancient sword.

"Star Sword River!"

Jiang Mo let out a long roar.

I saw the endless power of the stars, and the surging sword intent, fused together to form a huge river of stars and swords.

At this moment, everyone present felt as if they were standing on the edge of a raging river. As long as there was a storm, they would be buried in this long river.

"What a powerful method! I don't know who is more powerful, Senior Huang or him!"

Su Qi stared at the battle scene with a face full of horror.

If even the colorful phoenix is ​​defeated, it will be difficult for Qingtong Palace to regain its face.


Under everyone's gaze, the seven-color feathered long sword collided fiercely with the star Jianhe.

Storms of sword energy raged crazily, smashing the sky above the Qingtong Hall into pieces, like a battlefield after an ancient war.


The river of stars and swords crushed directly past, and the colorful feathered long sword burst open inch by inch. Even if the colorful phoenix finally released the immortal fire, it could not stop the domineering sword intent that destroyed everything.

In the end, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword wrapped in the river of stars and swords stayed at the woman's neck.

"It seems that you are still defeated."

Jiang Mo shook his head and said, "It happens that I'm going to the Great Zhou Dynasty, and if I lack a mount, you seem to be a good fit."

After hearing Jiang Mo's words, the woman's expression changed suddenly.

Even the first-generation Hall Master of the Qingtong Hall did not dare to use it as a mount.

As for Su Qi and the others, they were even more furious, and actually used their temple guardian beast as a mount.

However, what Su Qi and the others didn't expect was that after hesitating for a moment, the woman nodded slowly and agreed...

(End of this chapter)

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