Chapter 1725 Hellish atmosphere!

"Senior Huang, how could you agree to be this kid's mount? He is humiliating you!"

Su Qi and the others said with grief and indignation.

The colorful phoenix has guarded the Qingtong Palace for countless years, but now, it is about to be surrendered and become a mount.

This made Su Qi, the head teacher of Qingtong Palace, the three elders, and many disciples and elders of Qingtong Palace feel unacceptable.

As for Ye Chong and his daughter, they looked at Jiang Mo in awe.

"Father, what level of cultivation do you think Immortal Master Jiang has reached? He can even subdue the gods and beasts guarding the Qingtong Temple. Could it be that he is a reincarnated immortal?" Ye Wan'er's beautiful eyes flashed with curiosity, and she looked down. asked her father in a voice.

"Wan'er, father can't guess Jiang Xianshi's true strength. However, what you need to remember is that he saved your life. It is our good luck to meet Jiang Xianshi in our lifetime." Ye Chong sighed with emotion. Said incomparably.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that Jiang Mo could defeat four Martial Emperor powerhouses one after another with only one sword in his hand, turning the Qingtong Palace upside down, and even the seven-colored phoenix, the divine beast guarding the palace, was tamed by him as a mount.

If this news spreads out, not to mention the small Xuanyang City, it will probably cause a stir in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

What's more, Immortal Jiang still looks so young.

However, Ye Wan'er also knew that this kind of martial arts arrogance like a fairy in the sky was not something she could expect.

Thinking of this, she, who has always been regarded as the apple of her eye and sought after by countless handsome young men, can only sigh softly.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the woman transformed by the colorful phoenix said, "I have guarded the Qingtong Palace for thousands of years. Now, the deadline is approaching, and I need to go out to find opportunities."

"If I continue to stay here, it is estimated that within a hundred years, I will perish."

There was a hint of loneliness in the woman's voice.

If she hadn't seen a ray of hope from Jiang Mo, she would not have agreed to become Jiang Mo's mount.

"This young man is only a hundred years old, but he has the strength to fight against the great emperor. He must have a great opportunity."

"If I can share some of his opportunities, maybe it is possible to break through the shackles, step into a new realm of life, and be reborn from Nirvana." The woman thought to herself, and she had already made up her mind at this time.

"Since you agreed to be my mount, you should serve me wholeheartedly. Of course, as the master, if there is an opportunity that suits you, I will fight for it for you." Jiang Mo said slowly.

"I have met the master." Colorful Phoenix hesitated for a moment, then recognized the master.

The Phoenix family doesn't value dignity and face so much. What they yearn for is absolute strength. If they can find a shortcut to nirvana and rebirth, even if they serve humans as the main priority, then what's the problem?
"That sycamore tree, I need to use it to refine a elixir, and I will compensate you in the future!"

With a swipe of Jiang Mo's palm, the sacred sycamore tree used by the colorful phoenix flew over and landed firmly in his hand.

He wanted to refine the elixir for Ah Huang to restore his strength, and the concentrated wood essence of the phoenix tree was the main medicine.

Colorful Phoenix just opened his mouth, but he didn't refuse.

The colorful phoenix left, the sacred tree of the phoenix tree was taken away, and the head teacher Su Qi, the three elders and the others were full of frustration. From now on, the spirit of the Qingtong Palace might be taken away.

If you want to recover, there is not a few hundred years, it is difficult to do it.

"From now on, the Qingtong Hall must not intervene in the matter of the Ye family in Xuanyang City, otherwise, beheaded!"

Jiang Mo spoke lightly, his voice resounding like a decree in the minds of the senior figures in Qingtong Palace.

"Follow the decree of the immortal master."

Su Qi and the others all bowed their heads in agreement.

"Very good."

"Let's go to the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Jiang Mo nodded, and immediately said to the woman.

As soon as the words fell, the woman turned into her real body, and the colorful rays of light scattered in all directions. A noble phoenix screamed and flew into the void with wings.

Jiang Mo stepped on the void and finally landed on the colorful phoenix.

Ye Wan'er looked at the white-haired fairy master and stepped on the colorful phoenix to leave, she couldn't help feeling a little dazed, and murmured: "Immortal master Jiang, when will I see you again?"

"Let's go."

Jiang Mo replied, and then, the colorful phoenix fluttered its wings and flew into the clouds.


"Hey, almost half of my Qingtong Palace was destroyed for one Liuwen! It's really not worth it!"

Headmaster Su Qi sighed.

"From today onwards, the Qingtong Palace will close the sect. All disciples will devote themselves to practicing martial arts, hoping to revive the glory of the Qingtong Palace one day."

Su Qi ordered directly.

As for Ye Chong and his daughter, they returned to the Ye family in Xuanyang City.

With Jiang Mo's words before leaving, Qingtong Palace would never dare to trouble the Ye family again.

"As expected of the Phoenix family, the flying speed is much faster than my traveling speed."

Feeling the whistling wind in his ears, Jiang Mo said with emotion for a moment.

At this time, Ah Huang was also lazily lying on the colorful phoenix. Besides, the three little fire dragons also flew out from Zichen's ring and followed the colorful phoenix.

Xuyan Lei Kun opened his mouth, and swallowed all the thunder and lightning in the void into his mouth.

"This world always feels different from Tianwu Continent, and also somewhat different from Dazhutian."

"It always gives people a very depressing feeling."

Jiang Mo looked up and looked around. After a moment of contemplation, he took out the small black tower.

After pondering for a while, the divine sense sank into the black tower, and in an instant, the scene of hundreds of monsters roaring in his mind.

"Huh? How could this be?"

Jiang Mo was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was something special in this black tower.

"Could it be that this black tower is a magic weapon used to imprison the big monsters? If so, opening the black tower will definitely let those big monsters escape."

Jiang Mo thought about it carefully for a moment, and he felt that if this black tower could suppress the vicious monster, it must be extraordinary.

If you don't think about it clearly, Jiang Mo will feel a little bit uneasy.

With this in mind, he released the power of spiritual thoughts in Niwan Palace and poured it directly into the black tower.

He directly blocked all the exits of the entire black tower with strong means, and then began to investigate carefully.

"This black tower has nine floors in total, and each floor seems to contain a vicious monster."

"The higher you go, the more terrifying the banned monster will be!"

"I might as well open the first layer. With my current strength, I should be able to control them."

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo urged the Heavenly Gu to refine the virtual fire, and tore a hole in the first floor of the black tower.

The moment the opening was torn open, a vicious breath like hell, like a mountain torrent erupting, burst out from the opening...

(End of this chapter)

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