Chapter 1738 Killing the Emperor with One Sword
Standing proudly above the void, Jiang Mo stepped on the head of Emperor Wu of the White Tiger, like a god, with unrivaled power!
Even the three giants below have to admit that the white-haired young man in the void is too sharp, even if the three of them work together, they may not be able to gain the upper hand.

"When did such a monstrosity appear in my Ruins Demon Realm?" Palace Master Qingxiao shook his head and sighed. Immediately, his eyes turned to the old man Qisha and asked, "Old Qisha, do you think that person will give up?"

Hearing this, the Qisha old man pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "How difficult is it to kill a great emperor?"

"That evildoer is already at the end of his strength if he can defeat True Monarch White Tiger. If he wants to kill True Monarch White Tiger, it will not be so easy."

"Furthermore, True Monarch Baihu agreed to give away this temple, which is an unimaginable treasure. Moreover, he also agreed to become the servant of that evildoer. I am afraid that only a fool would refuse such an attractive offer!"

The Palace Master of Yunmo Palace and Palace Master Qingxiao both deeply agree with the old man Qisha's analysis.

If it were them, they would definitely do the same.

"Elder Qi, the two of them seem to have had a deep grievance before! Perhaps, this knot cannot be untied at all." Palace Master Qingxiao said, shaking his head.

"You are too young to understand that in this world, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests!" the old man Qisha smiled, his eyes were like an ancient well, bottomless.

Above the void, the head of Emperor Wu of the White Tiger was almost buried in the dust.

At this moment, he was extremely humiliated, but he did not dare to resist.

Obviously, Jiang Mo's strength far exceeds him. Once Jiang Mo is angered, he will definitely end up dead.

Emperor Baihuwu didn't want to go to that step at all.

"Do you think I will agree?" Jiang Mo asked back, with a sneer on his face, and when he finished speaking, he suddenly slapped his palm, and the yin-yang fish pattern rotated in his palm, as if it contained the supreme avenue.

After seeing that palm print, Emperor Wu of the White Tiger's face suddenly changed drastically, from being humble at the beginning to fierce.

"You don't want to deceive others too much. I have already bowed my head like this and promised to compensate you with the entire White Tiger Temple. What else do you want?"

"Do you really think that I am an ant that can be killed at will?"

Emperor Wu of the White Tiger roared angrily, and the phantom of the tiger appeared again behind him.

However, this time the phantom has turned into a blood tiger.

The blood tiger opened its mouth wide and roared ferociously. The sound shook the void, releasing an extremely ferocious aura!
"Between you and me, the enmity between life and death, if compensation for a mere temple can work, then what do you need the sword in my hand for?"

"Today, I will take your life!"

Jiang Mo gave a deep drink, and the obscure palm print spun down.

At the same time, thousands of terrifying sword intents roared in the void, and then poured down like a torrential rain, burying the phantom of the blood tiger!

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the three masters of Qingxiao Palace suddenly focused.

They didn't expect that Jiang Mo would be so decisive, he would kill as soon as he said it, without dragging his feet at all.

"Even if it is death, I will pull a back!"

Emperor Wu of the White Tiger was aroused to be ferocious. Instead of being trampled to death like an ant, it would be better to fight to the death.

The figure of that blood tiger phantom swelled against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it became several thousand feet huge.

The clouds were all parted, and countless disciples of the White Tiger Temple all showed expressions of horror after seeing this scene.

"Today, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he will not be able to save your life!"

With one thought, Jiang Mo made a seal with both hands, and urged the three Dharma images out again.

Between the sky and the earth, ferocious roars resounded, overwhelming the phantom of the blood tiger.

Jin Guang Kunpeng rushed out first, and suppressed it with infinite power.

Immediately afterwards, the Primordial Taotie, the prison-suppressing idol, all hit the phantom of the blood tiger with supreme divine power.

In an instant, terrifying energy fluctuations, like a storm, centered on the phantom of the blood tiger, swept wildly in all directions.

But all the creatures involved in it were torn into pieces by the energy storm.

In the face of such a terrifying power, any living beings are extremely fragile.

In the end, the phantom of the blood tiger was smashed to pieces.

The phantom was shattered, and the aura of Emperor Wu Wu of the White Tiger suddenly weakened to the extreme. He shouted for help to the Lord Qingxiao.

"My lords, please give me a helping hand. Afterwards, I will give you a generous gift!"

To this day, Emperor Wu of Baihu knew that he was definitely not Jiang Mo's opponent, so he could only do something wrong.

Hearing Emperor Baihu Wudi's cry for help, the Mistress of Yunmo Palace was about to go to rescue him, but the old man Qisha shook his head and said: "Why waste this energy, when two tigers fight, one must be injured, I'll wait here Wouldn't it be better to reap the benefits of being a fisherman?"

"Qi Lao, if we stand by and watch, when the secret realm of the Eastern Desolation Territory is opened, where can we find help?" Palace Master Qingxiao asked.

"After the secret realm is opened, there will be a great opportunity. Once we only open our mouths, will there still be a lack of help?"

The old man Qisha stroked his white beard and said with a smile, looking confident.

"Okay, then we will listen to the Seventh Elder." The Mistress of Yunmo Palace finally nodded in agreement.

"True Monarch, your opponent is too strong, and we are powerless to help you, so please ask for blessings!"

The three shouted in unison.

After hearing the words of disregarding the relationship, Emperor Baihu Wu was even more angry, cursing these old guys who did not keep their promises in his heart.

"Take another trick from me!"

Above the void, Jiang Mo's white hair was flying, and his arms, which were crystal clear like jade, held the generous ancient sword tightly.

On the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, one after another immortal seals flashed dazzling light one after another.

Approaching the three thousand immortal seals, they are finally connected to each other, as if forming an ancient totem, releasing panic-like power!
"Star Sword River!"

Jiang Mo gave a deep drink, and the muscle lines on his arms stretched out, releasing a strong sense of strength.

In the end, the sword energy emitted by the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword swelled to a radius of several thousand feet, and the three giants below had no choice but to activate their body-protecting magic weapons to resist the terrifying sword intent.

The purple sword intent merged with the power of the stars in the void. When it was cut down, it was like a river of heaven descending from the universe, blasting towards Emperor Wu of the White Tiger.

At this moment, Emperor Baihuwu felt the crisis of life and death, even when he broke the barrier of the plane space, he was never so afraid.


A ray of Jiang Mo's voice reached the ears of Emperor Wu of the White Tiger.

At this moment, he felt cold all over his body.

Even if all the strength in his body was mobilized, and even the foundation and vitality of the future martial arts were burned, the White Tiger Martial Emperor still did not block this sword!
A sword fell, and the body of Emperor Wu Wu of the White Tiger was shattered into countless fragments.

Among those fragments was his extinguished soul!

Kill the emperor with one sword!

(End of this chapter)

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