Chapter 1739
That purple river of stars shattered the sky, and scattered all the layers of mist that shrouded the White Tiger Temple.

This made the tens of thousands of disciples of the White Tiger Temple able to see this scene worthy of being recorded in the annals of history.

The phantom of the blood tiger with a size of several thousand feet was as fragile as paper under the river of stars and swords, and it was chopped to pieces on the spot.

Even the soul of the White Tiger Martial Emperor was also beheaded.

"On this day, a great emperor fell from the Demon Realm of my Ruins!"

The Lord Qingxiao said with great emotion.

Great emperors and strong men are rare existences on any plane.

In an inferior plane like Tianwu Continent, not even a great emperor exists.

Now, a terrifying creature that can call wind and rain in a dimension of a plane is actually cut down by the sword.

It would be difficult for anyone to calm down.

"Master is really... so strong!"

Wutong's beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and she exclaimed.

Slaying the Emperor with a sword, what kind of awe-inspiring scene is this?

The blood-eyed demon ape crawled and trembled, not even daring to look at the white-haired figure.

If it had chosen to be an enemy of Jiang Mo after it was released from the black tower, it would probably be a corpse now.

"It's a bit unexpected. Originally, I thought you could only draw with Emperor Baihu Wudi at most." Ah Huang also seemed a little surprised.

As for the tens of thousands of disciples of the White Tiger Temple, most of them showed frustration, and even wept bitterly.

Their hall master was beheaded with a single sword, which means that from now on, this White Tiger Temple is just a false name.


Jiang Mo let out a long sigh of relief after cutting off the body and spirit of Emperor Baihuwu with a single sword.

At this moment, he felt that the pent-up anger in his heart had been reduced a lot.

"From now on, the White Tiger Temple will be disbanded, and this place will be my monastery. If you dare not follow, you should be like Emperor Wu of the White Tiger!"

Jiang Mo shouted in a deep voice, his voice was rolling like thunder.

"Follow the decree of the immortal master!"

Countless people knelt down and the City God said sincerely.

Jiang Mo was able to slay the emperor with a single sword. In the eyes of everyone, he was already a fairy, and he was not able to compete with ordinary power.

Kneeling down to worship a celestial being, they will not feel any resistance in their hearts.

Yunmo Gonggong advocated opening his mouth, but in the end he didn't dare to say anything.

In fact, this White Tiger Temple is built at the place where dozens of holy veins gather, and one can practice in this place, and one can make great strides in one day.

Back then, when Emperor Baihuwu established his sect here, many strong men came to provoke them, and finally they were all beaten back by Emperor Baihuwu.

Now, if this place falls into Jiang Mo's hands, they can only be jealous, but they cannot blatantly snatch it.

Ah Huang's figure swept away, turned into a rainbow light, and flew towards this side.

He looked around, feeling very satisfied, and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, I found such a foothold, not bad!"

Jiang Mo sat down cross-legged, feeling the full vitality of heaven and earth, and was also very excited.

In the end, he glanced at the Lord Qingxiao and the others, and said, "Are you guys going to stay here forever?"

"Your Excellency, please don't misunderstand. The old man and the others are staying here. Naturally, there are important matters to be discussed with Your Excellency." The old man Qisha stroked his beard and said quite calmly.

The Qisha Pavilion behind him is even stronger than the White Tiger Temple in terms of overall strength.

The old man Qisha's cultivation was not comparable to Emperor Baihuwu. More importantly, he still had many allies who stood firm, so he was not particularly afraid of Jiang Mo.

"What's important? Tell me about it." Jiang Mo said noncommittally.

"During this period of time, it was the day when the secret realm of the Eastern Wasteland was opened. Moreover, there was a great opportunity inside, and even the powerhouses of the emperor level would be jealous. I wonder if you are interested in going together?" Qisha old man took his time said.

"Oh? Since there is such a good thing, why don't you go and snatch it yourself, but tell me an outsider instead?" Jiang Mo asked back.

As soon as he entered the Ruins Demon Realm, he beheaded a strong emperor. He didn't believe that the strong here would welcome him so much.

"Your Excellency, you are worrying too much. That secret realm is also full of dangers. With our strength, although we can break in, we are not completely sure!"

"Your Excellency is mighty, if you can join forces with us, it will definitely increase the success rate by a lot."

"In addition, in addition to the danger in the secret realm itself, there are also some strong people from the barbarian, demon, and undead races who will also compete for the opportunities in the secret realm!"

"When we become strong in the human race, we naturally have to be united, and we can't let the foreign race rob us of the opportunity." The old man Qisha laughed.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo pondered for a moment, but did not answer immediately.

After a long while, he said slowly: "Forget it, since you are sincerely inviting me, then I will go with you. Even if you don't get the chance, you should see the world."

Seeing Jiang Mo's promise, the old man Qisha also showed a hint of joy, and he said: "In a month's time, we will meet here, and when the time comes, we will go to the secret realm of the Eastern Desolation Region together."

"Okay." Jiang Mo nodded.

After the negotiation, the old man Qisha and other strong men left the White Tiger Temple.

"Qi Lao, let this guy occupy such a large place in the White Tiger Temple alone, isn't it a little too cheap for him?" After leaving a distance of thousands of miles, the master of Yunmo Palace finally couldn't help but said.

"That's right, the White Tiger Temple is not only very vast, but also has dozens of holy veins gathered together. It is a treasure land for cultivation! It's really not reconciled to be taken by him alone!"

Lord Qingxiao also said.

They all control a huge sect, if they can win this territory, it will definitely expand their influence.

"Hmph, let him be proud for a few days now. After he has won the things in the Eastern Desolation Secret Realm, this person will be useless. At that time, we will join hands to invite him out." Qisha old man said with a gloomy look. .

"Please go out? Please leave the White Tiger Temple, or drive out of the Ruins Demon Realm?" The Mistress of the Yunmo Palace asked after hearing the voice of the old man Qisha.

"If it can be used by us, that's the best. If he can't be obedient, then of course he will be driven out of the Ruin Demon Realm!"

"This is not a place where outsiders can run wild!" the old man Qisha snorted coldly.


Jiang Mo naturally didn't know that these three major forces had secretly formed an alliance and were preparing to deal with him.

However, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care too much.

You know, Jiang Mo is almost alone here now, and there is no drag at all.

If he really got in a hurry, he would directly kill the opponent's sect, and he could make a top power go crazy.

"Since the secret realm will be opened in a month's time, I'd better take advantage of the present to improve my strength. I'll look for Xuanwu Emperor after I win the opportunity of the secret realm!"

After Jiang Mo made up his mind, he started the 'Desolation Sutra', and all the holy veins with a radius of thousands of miles were mobilized, and circles of golden holy energy gathered towards him, like a long whale sucking water...

(End of this chapter)

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