Chapter 1741 The Secret Realm of the Eastern Wasteland

"This... what kind of beast is this? Phoenix?"

After seeing this monstrous colorful divine light, the strange man in Qisha Pavilion who sneered and sneered couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Not to mention the palpitating coercion emanating from the colorful phoenix, just its miraculous feathers and noble aura are enough to make ordinary people feel admiration in their hearts.

In the eyes of many casual cultivators, the colorful phoenix is ​​a divine object, a sign of auspiciousness.

Not only this strange man, but also the old man Qisha, the master of Qingxiao Palace, and the palace master of Yunmo Palace all showed shocking expressions on their faces.

They hadn't noticed before that Jiang Mo also had such a powerful beast as a mount.

In comparison, the black Gu worm of old man Qisha, the four-clawed snake python of Palace Master Qingxiao, and the magic weapon of Palace Master Yunmo Palace all paled in comparison.

"What a lucky guy. After the trip to the Eastern Wasteland is over and I kill this kid, I will definitely accept this colorful phoenix as a mount!" The owner of Yunmo Palace's eyes flickered, revealing a strong sense of greed.

At their level, subduing a magical mount can greatly increase their prestige.

"Hehe, let's go quickly. It is said that the secret realm of the Eastern Wasteland is about to be opened. In the past two days, there has been a huge turmoil there." The old man Qisha said with a smile, and the shadow in the depths of his pupils was very good. converged.

Jiang Mo smiled without saying a word, nodded, and the colorful phoenix flew high, more than twice as fast as the other three's mounts.

The rainbow light flashed by, and Jiang Mo took the lead, and quickly swept towards the direction of the Eastern Desolate Territory.

After about several hours, a vast and boundless land appeared in front of everyone.

It seems that no one has been here for a long time, and there is no trace of human existence at all.

"Is this the Eastern Wasteland?" Jiang Mo asked.

"That's right, but if you want to go in, you need one more step." The old man Qisha raised his hand and struck out a Yuanli Pilian, which was wrapped with a magic weapon.

The magic weapon merged with the sky above the barren land, and finally a door of energy condensed by water waves was slowly opened.

"Go in, those guys may have arrived." The old man Qisha went in first, and Jiang Mo looked around, thinking to himself: "Fortunately, I came with them, otherwise, I might not be able to find a place."

At this time, Wutong had turned into a human form. When facing Jiang Mo, she was respectful, but she treated other people with a demeanor of refusal. Such a posture made the owner of the Yunmo Palace want to subdue him.

hum, hum, hum!

One after another, everyone entered the secret realm of the Eastern Desolation Territory, and soon the scene in front of them changed greatly. The vegetation here was all withered, and there were no birds or animals to be seen. Instead, many bones were piled up on the ground.

"How could this be? Is there something extraordinary in this secret realm?" A strong man from Qingxiao Temple asked.

"Look, it seems that many people are gathered there!"

A person from Qisha Pavilion yelled, and everyone glanced over, only to see that there was a layer of black restriction there, and when they turned, even the light was swallowed there, like a black hole.

Outside the restriction, there were quite a few figures standing there with fiery eyes, as if there was some peerless treasure waiting for them in front of them.

"Unexpectedly, these guys came early enough!"

"The barbarian, the beast emperor, and the high priest of the undead race are all here! Today must be a battle between dragons and tigers!"

"Master Jiang Immortal, we will watch and help each other later, and fight against the alien race together!"

"The strong men of the foreign race are all ruthless. If we fight alone, we must not be their opponents." The old man Qisha said.

After all, this is only the Eastern Wasteland, and it has not attracted all the powerful human races.

In comparison, Man Zun, Beast Emperor, and the high priest of the undead race are all top giants, and any one of them is not much weaker than the old man Qisha.

"Don't worry, we will play by ear later." Jiang Mo nodded and said.

A group of people flew directly in front of the black restriction. After getting close, Jiang Mo felt a breath of extinction of vitality emanating from the restriction.

Jiang Mo stimulated the power of his spiritual thoughts, and finally saw layers of gray air spreading outwards, and any living beings that came into contact with them, including vegetation, birds and animals, would instantly snatch their vitality.

"No wonder the creatures around are all extinct. It turned out to be the fault of this secret realm! If not, an old monster who has been hidden for many years is about to be born!" Jiang Mo said secretly in his heart.

"After entering the secret realm, you'd better follow me and don't move around indiscriminately. After entering, I can't guarantee what will happen."

After giving an order, Jiang Mo's attention was focused on the black restriction.

Ah Huang and the others also knew that this matter was important, so they all nodded seriously at the moment.

"This layer of broken restrictions has blocked us for three days, I really can't wait any longer!"

A barbarian giant let out a loud roar, stepped forward with both feet, and rushed towards the restriction.

Those who can come to the secret realm are all top experts, and the cultivation of this barbarian giant has also reached the realm of a one-star Martial Emperor.

However, when he was about to merge into that layer of restriction, suddenly black light burst out, and the originally static space began to distort rapidly.


The distorted space directly involved the barbarian giant. He sensed the crisis and tried his best to get out of the distorted space.

But all in vain!
His huge body began to shatter inch by inch, and finally turned into a puddle of blood and bones!

After seeing this scene, everyone turned pale with shock.

No one could have imagined that this mere layer of restriction could be so terrifying!
In the eyes of that barbarian, there was also a look of pain.

One of his warriors was crushed by the distorted space, one can imagine how heartbroken he was.

"Let's just wait quietly, if God doesn't open the door, no one can break in!"

The high priest of the undead race was completely wrapped in a white robe, only two black hole-like eyes were exposed, and his voice was like a night owl, captivating people's minds.

After someone learned from the past, everyone did not dare to be impulsive anymore, and they all became quiet at the moment.

Even the violent barbarians are honest.

At this moment, a rough-looking beast master with stubble in a beast robe suddenly stood up and walked towards Jiang Mo.

"Huh?" Jiang Mo felt a wave of hostility, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

When he came here, he didn't provoke anyone, so why did someone want to provoke him?

(End of this chapter)

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