Chapter 1742

"Which one of you is Jiang Mo?"

The orc strongman who came over was tall and tall, with a pair of blue wings looming on his back, setting off gusts of wind.

The strong man's voice was very loud, and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Isn't that the patriarch of the Sky Eagle Clan? Could it be that he wants to make trouble at this juncture?" a barbarian Qi refiner said very curiously.

"This time, among the group of strong men brought by the Beast Emperor, the strength of this Heavenly Eagle Clan patriarch can definitely be ranked in the middle and upper reaches. Could it be that his actions were ordered by the Beast Emperor?" said a red robe from the undead clan. The priest also opened his mouth.

As for the Beast Emperor, he squinted his eyes, as if he didn't see it, and acquiesced in the actions of his subordinates.

Seeing the orc strongman with wings growing from his back approaching, neither the old man Qisha nor the master of the Qingxiao Palace had any intention of standing up.

At the moment, Jiang Mo completely lost confidence in this alliance of human forces.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Mo asked calmly.

After he opened his mouth, there were bursts of discussions outside the secret realm.

"Could it be that the white-haired young man is the immortal master that has been rumored recently?"

"It is said that he leveled the White Tiger Temple, and even Emperor Wudi of the White Tiger was beheaded by his sword."

"Cut, that's all rumors. What a terrifying cultivation level Baihu Wudi has. He built the huge White Tiger Temple from scratch. He is considered a giant in the entire human race. How can he be killed by him with a single sword?" Down?"

"Perhaps it was this person who used despicable means to sneak attack Emperor Wu of the White Tiger, and then invited his helpers, and finally caused Emperor Wu of the White Tiger to drink his hatred."

"Anyway, this person can kill Emperor Wu of the White Tiger, he is definitely a ruthless person, generally it is better not to provoke him."


Many strong people were talking about it. The high priest of the undead race stared at Jiang Mo with black hole-like eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I would like to ask, why did you kill the White Tiger Martial Emperor? The aura on your face is just that of the Seven Star Martial Emperor."

"In my understanding, even the most monstrous powerhouse in the Ruins Demon Realm, it is impossible for him to cross a great realm with the cultivation base of the Seven Star Martial Emperor to kill a great emperor powerhouse."

"Did you use some kind of conspiracy?" The eyes of the patriarch of the Sky Eagle Clan gradually became strange, as if two storms were brewing deep in his pupils.

"Not to mention that I killed him with real strength, even if I used some tricks, why should I explain it to you?"

"What are you? You dare to question me?" Jiang Mo said coldly.

The moment his voice fell, the face of the head of the Tiandiao Clan suddenly turned cold, and there was a terrifying aura in his body, which burst out suddenly.

"Your Excellency is too impulsive. The secret realm is about to open soon. It's better not to cause extra problems. You should hurry up and apologize to the head of the Tiandiao clan! If you have any grievances, it's not too late to settle them after you leave the secret realm." Qi Sha old man Standing up, with a gesture of compassion, he persuaded.

However, sarcasm flashed across the corner of Jiang Mo's eyes.

"It's none of your business, stand far away." Jiang Mo sneered.

As a strong man in the human race's camp, the old Qisha not only did not stand by him, but asked himself to apologize to the patriarch of the eagle clan that day. Jiang Mo did not scold him, which was already enough face.

"Okay, okay, okay! You don't know good and bad, do you really think that you can be invincible in the world by yourself? Today I offended the patriarch of the Tiandiao Clan, and I don't know when I will offend a more powerful existence. Between us Let’s just let it go!” Qisha old man said with a gloomy face.

In his opinion, Jiang Mo was here alone and had to rely on a strong alliance, otherwise it would be absolutely difficult to resist the hostility of many alien races.

All along, he felt that Jiang Mo was too arrogant, and he had to take this opportunity to sharpen his spirit.

After the old man Qisha spoke, the Palace Master of Yunmo Palace and Palace Master Qingxiao also silently agreed, and the old man Qisha was the leader among them.

"Alliance? Do you think I will care about this weak relationship? Since you want to suppress me, then I will quit. Do you really think I care?" Jiang Mo shook his head and smiled sarcastically.

He sees it very clearly, such an alliance is nothing more than taking what they need and reporting to the group for warmth.

Since there is no trust to speak of, there is no need to maintain this form.

"You..." I thought that Jiang Mo would beg him, but now the old man Qisha felt his face was hot, as if he had been slapped in the face, not to mention that there were so many powerful people from other races watching.

"Okay, don't regret it, after you enter the secret realm, you will be blessed!" A murderous intent flashed in the depths of the old man's eyes.

Originally, they planned to wait until they left the secret realm and returned to the territory of the human race before doing anything, but Jiang Mo's words and deeds had already made the old Qisha furious.

"Now without the protection of the Human Race Alliance, can you still be so arrogant?" The head of the Tiandiao Clan glanced at Jiang Mo lightly, with a hint of threat in his eyes.

"Do you think the reason why I am so tough is because of them?"

"You are wrong, I always rely on my own fist!"

"Tell me what you have to say, I don't have time to waste here with you." There was already a hint of impatience in Jiang Mo's tone.

"Very good!" The patriarch of the Tiandiao Clan stepped forward and said, "In the past, Emperor Wu of the White Tiger was kind to me. Since you killed him, I had no choice but to make a move. If you can catch my three moves, this matter Let it go!"

The voice of the head of the Tiandiao Clan was very confident. From his point of view, the white-haired young man in front of him, but with the cultivation of the Seven Star Martial Emperor, could there be any threat?
I don't know why the White Tiger Martial Emperor fell into this kid's hands.

"Wait..." Jiang Mo shook his head, and just when the head of the Tiandiao Clan thought that the white-haired young man was afraid and wanted to ask for mercy, Jiang Mo said something astonishing.

"I don't like wasting time. If you want to make a move, you need to be prepared to sacrifice your life."

After finishing speaking, all the powerful people around were in an uproar.

Even the Beast Emperor raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"That kid is too conceited. You know, the strength of the head of the Heavenly Eagle Clan is not much lower than that of Emperor Baihu Wudi. I really don't know how he dares to boast such a level?"

"Look, without the protection of the human camp, he will die a miserable death!"

Jiang Mo turned a deaf ear to the bursts of discussion, looked at the head of the Tiandiao clan, and said, "How dare you?"

"Why don't you dare?"

The patriarch of the Tiandiao Clan shouted, his voice was like thunder, and the pair of blue wings behind him flew away with a clatter, a full hundred feet long, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder between the flaps!
(End of this chapter)

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