Chapter 1761 Xia Yan's Rage
The 'Three-Eyed King' shouted loudly, and the vertical eye between the brows slowly turned, like a whirlpool, which made people sink into it.

"Dare to speak disrespectfully to the master, court death!"

Jiang Mo stood there without moving, but the phoenix tree had already flied out.

She raised her jade hand, and circles of seven-colored light suddenly swept out.

It's just that the 'Three-Eyed King' has been able to dominate here for so many years, and it is not easy to settle.

When the vertical eye between his brows turned, Wutong's attack actually deflected away, bombarding the wall beside him, and immediately blasted a huge hole in that wall.

"Little girl, your strength is not bad, but you are too young to deal with this king!"

The Three-Eyed King was also taken aback seeing Wutong's attack so decisively, but he quickly calmed down, waved his hand and shot a black light, covering Wutong's delicate body.

"Come here, my king!"

The Three-Eyed King gave a deep drink, trying to grasp Wutong through the black light.

However, it was in vain!

After Wutong suffered a dark loss for the first time, he naturally wouldn't give the Three-Eyed King any more chances.

In fact, if it weren't for that illusion, the Three-Eyed King's cultivation would be far inferior to that of Wutong.

The colorful divine light bloomed, directly shattering the illusion of the Three-Eyed King.

Immediately, Wutong's pair of jade hands struck out several seven-colored feather swords one after another. Seeing this, the Three-Eyed King wanted to defend, but he couldn't resist at all, his hands and feet were pierced by the seven-colored feather swords.


The Three-Eyed King, who had his veins severed, fell directly to the ground, feeling that the very beautiful girl was like a poisonous rose with thorns!
"If you can bring out the treasure that I am interested in, I can consider letting your life go."

Jiang Mo walked up to the Three-Eyed King, looked down and said.

"Bastard, you dare to talk to me like this, is it enough?"

"This king is the master of the Yaoxuan Pavilion, and..."

However, before the Three-Eyed King finished speaking, there was a crackling sound, and Jiang Mo stepped on his leg bone directly.

"It seems that only if I use this method, will you cooperate honestly."

Jiang Mo flicked his sleeves, his smile was still flat, but with a sense of indifference.


After the leg bone of the Three-Eyed King was crushed, he immediately screamed like a pig being slaughtered.

His head was covered with cold sweat, and he said hastily: "Forgive me, please! If you want to know anything, as long as I know it, I will tell you everything!"

"Don't... don't kill me!"

"It looks like it." Jiang Mo smiled, and asked immediately: "This Yaoxuan Pavilion of yours doesn't look too small, can you find the 'Demon Banner Flower'?" Jiang Mo finally said intention.

If you can find the 'Demon Banner Flower', it's not a waste of time.

"Demon Banner Flower?"

Hearing this, the Three-Eyed King was slightly taken aback, with a thoughtful look on his face, then he shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of any demon flag flowers at all?"

"Are you sure you didn't make this up?"

Hearing this, Jiang Mo leaned down slightly, grabbed the Three-Eyed King by the collar, and said, "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

Just when Jiang Mo wanted to kill the Three-Eyed King directly, at this time, an old butler of the Yaoxuan Pavilion ran out and said, "My lord, don't kill the Three-Eyed King, that demon flag flower , Old man, I have heard the rumors."

"It is said that it only grows on the westernmost Mang Mountain, and it can only mature once every few hundred years."

"Not long ago, news came out from our Fengcheng Auction House that this year's treasure auction will be held, and it seems that the demon banner flower is among the treasures that are being auctioned!"

After hearing this, Jiang Mo's eyes lit up slightly.

"Fengcheng Auction House?" Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows, wrote down the name, then looked at the old man, and said, "It seems that you are very sincere to him!"

However, the old man waved his hand and said, "The Three-Eyed King is the illegitimate son of the Lord of Feng City, if you kill him, not only will you be in great trouble, even us servants and housekeepers will die ah!"

When he said this, there was deep fear in the eyes of the old man, as if the Lord of Fengcheng was a heinous demon.

"I want to see what the consequences will be after killing the Three-Eyed King." Jiang Mo shook his head and walked out of the Yaoxuan Pavilion.

The old man's body seemed uncontrollable, and he was forced to follow behind Jiang Mo, which looked very strange.

After Jiang Mo left Yaoxuan Pavilion, Wutong pierced the Three-Eyed King's forehead with a single sword.

In fact, when he first entered the Yaoxuan Pavilion, Jiang Mo could feel that many young women were imprisoned here, and besides that, there was also a lot of resentment.

Obviously, they are all people who have been entrapped.

Jiang Mo is not a person who likes to meddle in other people's business, but since he encountered this incident and it still happened to him, it is not a violation of his principles to make a move once.

What's more, the three-eyed king had already set his mind on Jiang Mo.

After solving the Three-Eyed King, Wutong released the imprisoned young women.

At the same time, the magnificent City Lord's Mansion was repaired like a palace, standing tall and overlooking the entire Fengcheng.

In the city lord's mansion, the city lord Xia Yan was drinking when suddenly there was a dull bang from his waist.

At first, he didn't take it seriously, but when he noticed that the shattered object was actually a piece of purple jade that he valued the most, Xia Yan's expression changed on the spot!

"San'er! My son!"

Xia Yan suddenly roared in extreme pain.

That piece of purple jade was the soul jade of the 'Three-Eyed King'. Now that the soul jade burst, it meant that the Three-Eyed King was dead.

You know, the Three-Eyed King is a son Xia Yan loves very much, otherwise, Xia Yan would not have put him under his nose.

He also has two sons, both of whom were thrown by Xia Yan to the Ruin Demon Battlefield to practice.

It can be seen from this that Xia Yan loves his third son.

Now, the most beloved son of the lord of Fengcheng has been killed, it is almost unimaginable what kind of outrage Xia Yan will explode!

Even, the entire Fengcheng will tremble under his anger!

"Li Quan, get out of here, you bastard, and immediately lead troops to surround the Yaoxuan Pavilion. No matter what, you must find out for me how San'er died!"

"If the murderer can't be caught, I want you to come and see him!"

Xia Yan roared in his room.

Li Quan, who rushed over after hearing the voice, was originally the commander of the imperial guards of the City Lord's Mansion, and his cultivation was not bad. It can be seen that the City Lord was so angry today, but he was also in a cold sweat.

"Don't worry, my lord, the general will definitely complete the task in the end!"

After the words fell, Li Quan led his most elite soldiers and rushed to Yaoxuan Pavilion, a place that was very deserted in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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