Chapter 1762
Today is undoubtedly the busiest day in Fengcheng.

The well-known 'Fengcheng Auction House' will hold its annual auction in the main city today.

Those who are familiar with the inside story know that the annual auction in Fengcheng has extremely high specifications, and there are often grand finale treasures on stage.

Because of this, it attracted strong people from all over the Ruins Demon Realm to participate.

In the eyes of those strong people, even if they can't bid for the treasure, it is a good thing to come here to open their eyes. Even if the entrance tickets to the Fengcheng Auction are ridiculously expensive, they can't stop the enthusiasm of those strong people.

"Huh? What's going on today? Why did the imperial guards of the City Lord's Mansion suddenly move out?"

"I know the leader. It's actually Commander Li! He personally led the troops out. Could it be that something serious happened?"

"Could it be to maintain order for the auction?"

"It's unlikely. Although the Fengcheng Auction is not small, it is not qualified to dispatch the imperial guards. Not to mention, let Commander Li Quan personally lead the troops!"

"Something must have happened!"


On the street, everyone saw that the armor was bright, and while they were running, they released streams of guards that were as strong as the real killing intent, and they couldn't help but say dumbfounded.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! Everyone, get out of the way!"

Li Quan took the lead, with a look of chill on his face.

After being severely scolded by the city lord Xia Yan today, Li Quan was in an extremely unhappy mood. He swore that after he caught that guy, he would be cut to pieces.

Soon, the imperial guards drove across the street, however, there were a few people on the opposite side, walking unhurriedly, as if they hadn't seen the scene.

"Those guys are really looking for death. They dare to block the way of the imperial guards. I'm afraid they will be crushed into meat later."

"Hehe, there will be a good show later."

Everyone saw that the leader was a white-haired young man, followed by a beautiful maid. The maid had a very outstanding temperament, more like a rich lady from a big family, full of nobility.

"Bastard, do you want to die? Why don't you get out of here, dare to block the way of the imperial guards?"

A deputy commander under Li Quan swung a long whip in his hand, making an incomparably loud sound in the air.

If this whip fell on his body, his skin would definitely be ripped apart.

Those who are weak may be beaten to death on the spot.

However, when the long whip was about to fall on the white-haired young man, the charming maid beside him suddenly struck out.

A burst of colorful cold light shot out, directly cutting off the long whip of the deputy commander, and even his arm was cut off.


The arm was cut off, and the deputy commander immediately howled like a pig.

"Come on, kill these bastards who don't know what to do!" The deputy commander became angry and shouted behind him.

However, Li Quan's eyes were fixed because he saw a familiar figure behind the white-haired young man.

The old housekeeper of Yaoxuan Pavilion!
"Why are you here? What happened to the third young master?" Li Quangui is the commander of the imperial guards, and his status is very high, second only to the city lord Xia Yan. tone of voice.

"Li... Commander Li, young master, he has been killed." The old man said tremblingly.

He knew that once these words were spoken, the entire Fengcheng would be shaken.

Anyone who knows the inside story knows that the lawless 'Three-Eyed King' is the most beloved illegitimate son of the city lord Xia Yan.

The illegitimate child was killed, one can imagine how furious that domineering city lord would be!
"What?! Killed!!!"

"What you said is true?" Li Quan asked in shock.

Previously, the city lord Xia Yan asked Li Quan to investigate the cause of the 'Three-Eyed King''s death, but Li Quan still didn't believe it.

After all, anyone with a little background knows the true identity of the Three-Eyed King.

Generally, if it is not a deep hatred, who would dare to attack the Three-Eyed King.

However, after hearing the confirmation from the old housekeeper, Li Quan already understood that the Three-Eyed King was indeed dead.

Because he knew that the old housekeeper didn't have the guts to tell lies.

"It's true, how did this old slave deceive Commander Li?" The old man kowtowed.

Not only Li Quan was shocked, but all the onlookers were shocked.

Although the 'Three-Eyed King' was in Fengcheng, bullying men and women, full of evil, but because he was leaning against a big mountain, many people dared not speak out against him.

But now, the 'Three-Eyed King' was killed. Many people were happy and applauded, but they didn't dare to show it on the surface.

"Who is it? Who killed the third young master?"

"Is it this guy?"

The long sword in Li Quan's hand pointed at Jiang Mo. Just after the Three-Eyed King died, the old butler of the Yaoxuan Pavilion followed Jiang Mo here. Even a fool could see that something was wrong.

Seeing that the old man didn't open his mouth to answer, Li Quan knew that in all likelihood, it was this white-haired young man.

"Take him down, bring him back to the City Lord's Mansion, and hand him over to the City Lord!"

Li Quan shouted loudly.

If this white-haired young man was really the murderer of the Three-Eyed King, then the city lord Xia Yan could only deal with it, and Li Quan didn't dare to do it at all.

"As ordered!"

The well-equipped and well-trained imperial guards immediately raised their spears and surrounded Jiang Mo and the others.

After seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help sighing, and even mourned for Jiang Mo in their hearts.

Although Jiang Mo killed a local overlord in Fengcheng, behind that villain was the city lord's mansion, and no one dared to risk offending the city lord's mansion to speak for Jiang Mo.

"Go away, I still have to go to the auction, if you don't want to die, just get away."

Jiang Mo still walked forward, not paying attention to the guards with spears at all.

Not to mention some imperial guards, so what if the city lord came in person?
Just raise your hand and it will be destroyed.

"Arrogance! Take him down for me!"

Li Quan was furious. He had never seen someone like Jiang Mo who didn't take the imperial guards seriously.

Chi, chi, chi!

The spear pierced through the air, piercing the air, and made a series of sharp whistling sounds.

However, just when countless spears were about to pierce Jiang Mo's body, a circle of blue flames suddenly rose from the white-haired young man's body.

In an instant, the long spear made of refined iron instantly turned into molten iron.

The terrifying flames spread all the way along the body of the gun, and finally burned those armed soldiers into ashes.

Seeing this scene, Li Quan was shocked. He never expected that this white-haired young man was so strong.

"I'm afraid, only the city lord can subdue him!"

At this moment, Li Quan had only one thought in his mind, and that was to run for his life.

Thinking of this, Li Quan no longer cared about his status as the commander of the imperial guards, and turned around and ran away. The speed was so fast that even Jiang Mo was a little surprised.

Although the Imperial Guard's combat ability is average, the ability to escape is first-rate!

(End of this chapter)

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