Chapter 1771

The golden holy mantra formed a big circle, and finally rushed into the confined space.

As for the holy mantra that Venerable Qingyin tried his best to use, it was naturally to trap Jiang Mo or kill him directly.

However, after the soul-stirring roar came out from the confined space, Venerable Qingyin felt an inexplicably ominous feeling in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, as if to confirm his guess, Tanlang's ancient wolf spirit power continued to expand, and finally exploded with a bang.

The violent energy impact raged crazily in the void.

A white-haired figure appeared in the line of sight of the four of them.

Jiang Mo was holding the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword. Thousands of Immortal Seals shone brightly on the wide sword.

Just now, Jiang Mo pushed the power of the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword to the extreme, and at the same time displayed the ultimate swordsmanship, only then did he block Venerable Qingyin's holy spell and break the spatial confinement of Tanlang.

The fight just now had also brought a huge load to Jiang Mo. At this moment, his breath was a little disordered and his face was very pale.

However, the cooperation of these four people has not pushed him to the limit.

Jiang Mo still has a powerful trump card!
"This is not dead?!!!"

Po Jun's eyes widened, he never expected that a person's vitality could be so tenacious.

The joint blow of Venerable Qingyin and Tanlang is enough to destroy a powerhouse at the level of a three-star emperor.

"Pojun, the old man tried his best!" There were a few more wrinkles on Venerable Qingyin's face. The holy mantra just performed was very exhausting for him.

At this moment, Tanlang, Qisha, and Venerable Qingyin all stood behind Po Jun, waiting for his order.

Po Jun took a deep breath, looked at Jiang Mo with complicated eyes, pondered for a while, and said, "If you are willing to hand over the treasures you got from Ruins Demon Realm, I can make the decision and let you go!"

Originally, the vice leader of the Martial League gave Po Jun the task of capturing Jiang Mo and interrogating him carefully to see if he could dig out any secrets from Jiang Mo.

However, after the battle just now, Po Jun knew very well that if he really wanted to take down the white-haired young man in front of him, he would have to pay an extremely painful price.

Even, among the four of them, some may perish.

These four people all have the cultivation level of the Great Emperor, and the fall of any one of them will be a huge loss to the Wumeng.

Po Jun didn't dare to take such a risk, so he could only do the next best thing, just take back the treasures belonging to the Ruins Demon Realm from Jiang Mo's hands.

Jiang Mo didn't speak immediately, but cast his gaze on the colorful phoenix whining below.

Her originally very beautiful and dazzling feathers were beaten to pieces at this moment, and her whole body was covered with bright red blood.

After seeing this scene, the energy and blood in his body rolled, and an indescribable anger suddenly swept in all directions like a storm!
At this moment, Ah Huang suddenly spoke.

"The four of them join forces, and their strength is very strong. If we fight hard to the end, our chances of winning are not great."

"It doesn't matter when I recover my strength. If you fight to the death with them in order to protect those medicinal materials, I will have a bad conscience." Ah Huang said.

Most of the medicinal materials that Jiang Mo seized from the Ruins Demon Realm were for him to refine the 'Shengyuan Pill'.

If he gave up these medicinal materials, he might be able to escape from the Ruins Demon Realm smoothly.

Ah Huang's point of view is that you can't take risks.

After all, the opponent's strength is too strong.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo grinned, then patted Ah Huang's cat's head, and said, "This battle is not just for you, Wutong was injured like this by them, how can I just sit back and watch?"

"They are aggressive, but they don't know that rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry. What's more, I am not a rabbit!"

At the end of the words, a sharp edge suddenly rose from Jiang Mo's body, like a long sword drawn from its sheath, it shot straight at Changtian!

Ah Huang sighed deeply. He knew that no one could change what Jiang Mo had already decided.

Standing in front of Po Jun, Jiang Mo patted his clothes and asked, "Can you guys represent the entire Ruins Demon Realm?"

Hearing this, Po Jun was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Although we cannot represent the Ruins Demon Realm, the Martial League is the master of this world. We are carrying out the will of the Martial League!"

"Since you can't represent the Ruins Demon Realm, then you have no right to take the treasure in my hand!"

"Injured my maid, you must pay some price!"

After finishing speaking, before Po Jun could reply, Jiang Mo shot towards Po Jun like a cannonball.

"Heavenly Slash!"

When Po Jun saw this, he reacted in an instant. He swung the tens of thousands of kilograms of heavy 'Jufeng Sword', shouted loudly, and immediately slashed out with the sword.

In an instant, it seemed as if countless meteorites fell from the void, trying to bury Jiang Mo in it.

"His swordsmanship incorporates powerful power, and he takes the path of 'breaking ten thousand spells with force'. However, in terms of the level of mastery of the swordsmanship, he is at most only at the seventh level of the swordsmanship."

Jiang Mo's eyesight is so vicious, in the process of breaking the army and drawing the sword, he can see through the latter's falsehood.

After taking a deep breath, Jiang Mo tried his best to turn his fate into the Desolate Good Fortune Sutra, and drained all the energy in this piece of heaven and earth.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword made a buzzing sound, and it seemed to have life at this moment, and it was integrated with Jiang Mo's flesh and blood.

"Ten Heavens of Sword Dao: Gods and Demons Weep!"

After the shout fell, Jiang Mo's sword power, which had been concentrated for a long time, suddenly reached its peak, and then he slashed out with a sword, colliding fiercely with Pojun's 'Heavenly Slash'.

At this moment, no one could intervene in the confrontation between the two of them.

The raging storm of sword energy alone is enough to make even the emperor-level powerhouse flinch.

"Unexpectedly, he is already so strong! Before, I always wanted to challenge Po Jun. Now it seems that my idea is too ridiculous."

"Just Pojun's 'Heavenly Slash' can crush all my methods into nothingness!"

Greedy Wolf couldn't help saying after seeing this scene.

Qisha also had complicated eyes. She used the flying sword technique to suppress Jiang Mo's condensed appearance, and she also wanted to use the flying sword technique to defeat the white-haired young man.

However, only now did she know how terrifying the white-haired young man's swordsmanship was.

If it was a one-on-one fight, she might not even be able to hold out for ten rounds.

"The strength of the two of them is evenly matched. As long as we make up for that white-haired young man at a critical moment, even if he is a big Luo Jinxian, he will definitely not be able to defend him!"

Venerable Qingyin stroked his beard and said slowly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was recognized by Tanlang and Qisha.

This time is the last chance for a sneak attack. If you miss it, I'm afraid it will never happen again.

(End of this chapter)

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