Chapter 1772 Chaotic Chessboard

"Old Qing, I didn't expect you to be quite sinister, why didn't you see it before?"

Tanlang smiled, the space behind him gradually distorted, and then disappeared in place.

"You boy, how did you talk to the old man?"

Venerable Qingyin's old face trembled for a while, and he was said to be sinister in person, and he was a little embarrassed to come down for a while.

Seven kills still had that indifferent look, ignoring Venerable Qingyin's embarrassment, moved her delicate body, and flew towards the edge of the battlefield where the two were fighting.

There are countless flying swords spinning behind her, and the flying swords are closely arranged with each other, like two wings.

The two quietly approached Jiang Mo, only to see that Po Jun and Jiang Mo were fighting in full swing, and a storm of sword energy shattered the void.

"Break the soul!"

Seven kills was the first to strike, and with a wave of her hands, the rain of swords shot at Jiang Mo's back one after another.

Among the countless sword rains, there were three silver flying swords hidden.

If you look carefully, there are very complicated inscriptions engraved on the silver flying sword. Once the energy is poured into it, the speed will skyrocket, and its power will be extremely terrifying.

"These three silver flying swords can cut three souls and break seven souls. If they can successfully penetrate into his body, even if they don't die, he will have to peel off his skin!"

A sharp cold light flashed in Qisha's eyes, and he said indifferently.

As for Greedy Wolf, he turned into a half-human half-wolf form, holding a round of blood moon scimitar in his right hand, and slashed at Jiang Mo's neck.

"I just gave you a way to survive. You don't know how to grasp it. Now, you will definitely die!"

Po Jun roared.

During the half stick of incense time when he fought Jiang Mo, Po Jun deeply felt the strength of the opponent.

Moreover, he could perceive that Jiang Mo's sensitivity to danger was terrifying, and whenever the ultimate move was about to be unleashed, Jiang Mo would be able to dodge it narrowly.

This keen intuition for danger made Po Jun feel extremely distressed.

However, it is better now, the appearance of Tanlang and Qisha made Po Jun feel that the opportunity has come.

As long as the three of them work together, there is no opponent that cannot be killed.

Bang, bang, bang!

Three dull voices suddenly resounded from Jiang Mo's back, and immediately, three clouds of blood mist exploded.

Jiang Mo's figure staggered suddenly, and his energy flowed thousands of miles in an instant.

"The opportunity is here!"

Seeing this scene, Po Jun was overjoyed immediately, he raised the 'Jufeng Sword', and slashed down fiercely.

The speed is much faster than before.

"Eat me too!"

The figure of Greedy Wolf also appeared behind Jiang Mo. The blood moon scimitar drew an arc of blood moon light, cutting a huge gash in Jiang Mo's back, and blood shot out violently.

"damn it!"

"Why can't you mobilize even a little bit of strength?"

Jiang Mo clenched his teeth and held on desperately.

He was so engrossed in the battle with Po Jun just now that he didn't even notice that the Seven Kills were approaching.

Her three silver knives are indeed capable of beheading three souls and breaking seven souls. If ordinary people fall into this trick of hers, their souls will return to the west in a short time.

However, Jiang Mo's will was very strong, and the three silver knives could not completely cut into his three souls, but only slowed down his perception and judgment, as well as the mobilization of vitality.

However, in the fight between masters, this kind of slowness is often fatal.

At this time, Po Jun also attacked fiercely, and the prison mountain sword directly pierced through Jiang Mo's right chest.

"Hahaha, aren't you amazing? At the beginning, you were given a chance to hand over the treasure, but you didn't do it! Now, even if you want to die quickly, it won't be so easy!"

Greedy Wolf laughed loudly.

Ah Huang was extremely anxious at this moment. The strength of these three people was at the top level, and there was also Venerable Qing Yin, who was watching covetously from the side.

Even if Ah Huang risked his life, it would be difficult to save Jiang Mo.

"Is this fate?" Ah Huang sighed.

However, at this moment, a fiery wave suddenly rose behind him.

That wave, blazing like fire, blazed up.

Immediately afterwards, Ah Huang looked back, but saw that Jiang Mo had stood up, with flames rising behind him, and his whole body seemed to be wrapped in a ball of raging fire.

Seeing this scene, Qi Sha felt as if he had seen a ghost!
"How... how could this be possible?"

"My flying sword can cut three souls and seven souls. Even a strong man at the level of a great emperor will never be able to recover from my soul-severing method."

"What kind of monster is this guy!"

At this moment, Qisha felt that all his concepts had been subverted.

"If you want to break my soul, then I will kill you first!"

Jiang Mo snorted coldly, and his body was like a falling meteorite, rushing towards Qisha.

Seeing this, Po Jun and Tan Lang hurried to stop them, but they were all forced by Jiang Mo's fiery aura and couldn't get close.

The two looked at each other, and from the depths of their eyes, they both saw a trace of fear.

"Give me death!"

Jiang Mo appeared in the sky above Qi Sha's head, and immediately, with a no-frills punch, he slammed down.

The space was shattered, Qisha's face was full of fear, and he was no longer calm and cold as before.

She is good at sneak attacks and assassinations, and her frontal attack power and defense are very unbearable.

Now, Jiang Mo came here with overwhelming anger, and the power of his punch was like a meteorite falling from the sky, smashing down.

Qi Sha's body flew hundreds of miles upside down in an instant.

The violent energy rushed into her body, shattering her meridians, flesh and bones into powder.

Finally, Qisha's body exploded into a cloud of blood mist with a bang!
Before falling, she didn't even let out a scream.

A generation of top killers in the Wumeng League fell like this.

"Seven kills!"

Po Jun's eyes were red, wishing he could eat Jiang Mo's flesh.

He bit the tip of his tongue violently, spit out blood, and directly inspired the fierce spirit in the prison peak sword!
The evil spirit exuded an extremely evil aura, opened its huge mouth, and came to bite Jiang Mo.

"Destroy me!"

Behind Jiang Mo, a flame totem rose up, like a three-legged fire crow, fighting with that fierce spirit.

Jiang Mo, on the other hand, carried the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword and charged into the opponent's camp.

At this moment, Jiang Mo was invincible, as if he had transformed into a demon god. Po Jun and Tan Lang couldn't resist him at all.

After dozens of breaths, Po Jun's prison mountain sword was knocked out.

Jiang Mo stood on his body with a sword skin, and the fierce sword energy tore his body apart.

"Damn it, is this guy a human or a god!"

Tanlang couldn't believe it at all. After several entanglements, even he was seriously injured by Jiang Mo.

After seeing this scene, Venerable Qingyin's body was trembling.

"Run, run... that guy is too strong, it's not something humans can fight against!"

Venerable Qingyin turned around and ran away regardless of the life and death of Po Jun and the other two, but this scene caused a huge shock among the senior leaders of the Wumeng.

Above the starry sky, there is a chessboard-like sky, as if a few chess pieces have been disrupted.

The vice leader of the Wumeng, the star chess piece he fiddled with, no longer operates according to his plan.

(End of this chapter)

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