Chapter 1773

"Even Po Jun and the others can't capture this person?"

"It seems that the old man needs to go out in person!"

In the Martial League, the old man in gray robe squinted his eyes and said in a slightly hoarse voice.

After the voice fell, his figure slowly disappeared in place.

peak city.

The flames of war almost burned this bustling city into ashes.

Even the aftermath of the battle in the void is not something Fengcheng can resist.

If it weren't for Yang Xiong, a strong Emperor Wu, who barely resisted the aftermath of the battle, Fengcheng might have been wiped out.

After the Seven Kills were wiped out and Venerable Qingyin fled, Po Jun and Tan Lang also saw that the white-haired young man seemed to have turned into a demon, and for a while, he possessed irresistible and terrifying power.

"The only thing we can do is ask the deputy leader or the master to come forward." Po Jun secretly said, although he felt unwilling, but he also knew that if he continued to fight, only he and Tanlang would die in the end.

After the two looked at each other, they wanted to flee in the direction of Wumeng.

However, a fiery figure appeared in front of them like a ghost.

"I'm about to risk my life. You only want to leave now. Isn't it too late?"

Jiang Mo snorted, and then a big flaming handprint was slapped down suddenly, enveloping Tanlang and Pojun in it.

His strike was as powerful as the peak of the three-star emperor!

The dull loud noise roared above the nine heavens, and the sky seemed to be collapsing. I saw the greedy wolf bursting out with blood, reincarnating as the ancient wolf spirit again.

The big flaming handprint slapped fiercely on the body of this ancient wolf spirit. It raised its head to the sky and let out a painful howl. The bloody light behind it kept flickering, and it managed to barely block the blow.

Po Jun also knew that this was Tanlang giving him a chance to survive with his life, so without any hesitation, he pushed his speed to the extreme and ran for his life.

Dragging his seriously injured body, the ancient wolf spirit rushed towards Jiang Mo desperately.

Seeing this, Jiang Mo frowned. Of course, he was not afraid of this ancient wolf spirit, but felt that a very vast aura was coming here at an extremely fast speed.

That aura was so strong that even if Jiang Mo burned three sources of fierce fire, it would be difficult for him to be a match for the other party.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

Jiang Mo let out a cold snort, spread his arms out, and there was a raging fire behind him, converging, burning and distorting the space.

Immediately afterwards, a yin-yang fish palm print completely condensed by fierce fire slowly emerged.

The yin-yang fish palm print, with colorful flames rising, looks beautiful, but it has the power to destroy everything.


Jiang Mo drank in a deep voice, and pressed down with his palm print, the ancient wolf spirit was covered in blood, and immediately burst open, turning into light spots all over the sky.

After killing Tanlang with one move, Jiang Mo also consumed a lot of strength.

He looked into the distance, Po Jun had already fled far away, and if he chased him down again, it would be meaningless.

In particular, that dark and vast aura was rapidly approaching, making it impossible for Jiang Mo to linger any longer.


With a swipe of the palm of his hand, Jiang Mo brought back Wutong, which had turned into a human form.

"It's here to break the shackles of the plane space."

After putting the phoenix tree into the Zichen ring, Jiang Mo already felt that the danger as strong as substance was oppressing him.

There was not much time left for him.

Thinking of this, he clenched his fists violently and hit the air in front of him fiercely.


In an instant, the air was compressed, and a crack was directly punched out in the space in front of him.

However, this crack cannot allow Jiang Mo to pass through. He burned the source of fierce fire, and the energy contained in his body is abnormally unstable at this moment.

Once he passes through that space crack, if a space storm is caused, even if he is possessed by a god, he may be at risk of falling.

"That breath hasn't arrived yet, I can bombard this space crack even bigger."

Jiang Mo secretly thought.

Because, the spatial structure of Ruins Demon Realm is very peculiar, and the wider the spatial channel, the more stable it will be.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo didn't dare to delay for a moment, and bombarded the space crack continuously.

After dozens of breaths, this space crack can almost accommodate one person.

However, at this moment, a slightly hoarse old voice suddenly resounded in the void behind him.

"Your Excellency killed the members of my Wumeng, and took away the treasures of the Ruins Demon Realm, do you want to just go away like this?"

When Jiang Mo heard this voice, all the hairs on Jiang Mo stood on end.

In his perception, the strength of this breath is definitely not something he can compete with.

Because of this, Jiang Mo didn't intend to confront this person head-on.

"This damned old ghost, he came after him very quickly!"

Jiang Mo glanced back at the old man, and then jumped straight into the space crack.

However, even if Jiang Mo escaped fast enough, a palm print wrapped in thunder and lightning still bombarded his back unexpectedly.

In an instant, his back was ripped apart from the bombardment, and his bones seemed to be displaced.

"Damn old ghost... I will never forget you!"

Jiang Mo bared his teeth in pain. If it weren't for the power of the three fierce fires to protect his body, the palm of the old man just now would have killed Jiang Mo directly.

As Jiang Mo got into the space crack, that crack also slowly closed.

"You son of a bitch, you escaped pretty fast!"

"However, the space of Ruins Demon Realm is not as stable as you imagined. As long as you enter it, you will end up with a narrow escape!"

The person who came was the deputy leader of the Wumeng, but he still underestimated Jiang Mo's speed and let Jiang Mo escape at the last moment.

"I've seen the Venerable Master!"

In the peak city, a large area crashed and knelt down.

Headed by Yang Xiong, they all knelt down respectfully.

The method of this gray-robed old man, in the eyes of everyone in Fengcheng, is the method of an immortal.

Facing the immortals, they could only kneel down and salute.

The old man in gray robe just waved his hand lightly, his face was very ugly.

This time, not only failed to catch Jiang Mo, but also compromised Qisha and Tanlang, which was a huge loss for the Wumeng.

"After a while, it will be the martial arts exchange meeting between the eight major planes. I originally expected the three of them to participate."

"Now, Qisha and Tanlang are dead, and they can only be selected from the remaining juniors."

The old man in gray robe shook his head, and after a few flashes of his figure, he disappeared in the sky above Fengcheng.

As for the corpses of Qisha and Tanlang, they were also taken away.

(End of this chapter)

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