Chapter 263 The Two Sisters Liu Yan and Liu Fei

This time, the Jujin Empire sent heavy troops to attack Flying Eagle City, which no one expected.

They came too suddenly and aggressively, and took down Flying Eagle City in one fell swoop.

However, the defenders in Feiying City were forced to withdraw to an open space thirty miles away and set up camp.

Waiting for the arrival of the reinforcements in the Yunchui Empire, preparing to make a comeback and make a comeback.

After a few days of trekking, a group of strong men who set out from Budaoyuan have all rushed to this northern city.

It is extremely cold here, and the endless plains are covered by vast white snow.

Large flakes of snow fell, covering up the land that had been destroyed by the war.

But through the thick snow, it seems that the strong smell of blood and the bleakness brought about by the war can still be smelled.

Hundreds of griffin beasts whizzed past the sky, the black spots in the distance gradually enlarged, and bursts of loud and clear cries came from the sky.

Below, the defeated defenders of Flying Eagle City saw the hundreds of black spots in the sky, which gradually enlarged in their pupils.

They shouted excitedly.

"The reinforcements of the empire are finally here!" Tears of excitement flowed from the eyes of the defenders.

After waiting for more than ten days, they finally waited for the strength of assistance.

At this moment, in the sky, under the leadership of the second elder, hundreds of griffins flew towards them at a constant speed.

The two thousand strong men on the back of the griffin were very quiet and orderly, without any chaos.

The situation on the plain below was captured by Jiang Mo's eyes.

Even if it is covered by snow, it can still be seen, the billowing black smoke rising into the sky.

The earth was torn wide cracks.

In some former battlefields, where the blood has solidified, the spreading crimson color can still be seen through the thick white snow.

If it were not covered by the vast white snow, I am afraid that this place would have been full of desolation and ruins.

The griffin beast screamed again, and they landed steadily outside the tent stationed here.

"My lord!" A soldier in armor with a rough face came out to greet him and said with fists clasped.

The second elder took the lead, and beside him were the two strong martial kings, followed by more than a dozen martial lords from the Martial Arts Institute, and at the end were the disciples of the Martial Arts Academy.

There are a total of 2000 people, and each of them is very powerful. This kind of momentum greatly increases the confidence of the defenders of Feiying City stationed here.

"This old man is here on behalf of the Martial Arts Institute. In a few days, reinforcements sent by the royal family will also arrive," said the second elder.

"Okay! With the help of all the adults, we will definitely recover Flying Eagle City and drive those barbarians back to the Jujin Empire!" This rough-faced soldier is the commander of the Flying Eagle City defenders.

His name is Liu Chuang, and he is a three-star Martial Lord.

Although his strength is not too outstanding, he has the experience of leading troops to fight and commanding thousands of troops.

Originally, Liu Chuang was only the second commander of the main army of Flying Eagle City, but because the first commander was beheaded in the battle, and the city owner Liu Shan was captured by the Jujin Empire, Liu Chuang became the commander of the defenders.

In fact, the defenders of Flying Eagle City were composed of the original city lord's army and an army of ten thousand people sent by the empire.

Excluding the soldiers lost in the war, the current defenders of Flying Eagle City have a size of about 5000.

"Commander Liu, can you tell us about the current situation?" the Second Elder asked.

At the same time, Jiang Mo looked up at Flying Eagle City, thirty miles away.

The flag of the Giant Gold Empire had already been planted there, and billowing thick smoke rose from the city.

After a while, Jiang Mo looked away.

"My lord, let's enter the camp, I will tell you about this slowly." Liu Chuang made a gesture of invitation.

Immediately, the Second Elder and a dozen people, and some talented and powerful disciples like Jiang Mo, entered the camp.

"Mr. Li, come and introduce the current situation to the adults." After entering the camp, Liu Chuang ordered a man who looked like a literati.

"Hello, my lords, Li Wenjun is the military advisor of the Feiying City defenders. This time, the Jujin Empire's troops suddenly came under attack. There was no sign at all. Our Feiying City was defenseless, and we ended up in a rout just now." He looked calm, The speech rate is gentle and the order is very clear.

"After investigation by the scouts we sent, this time, the Jujin Empire dispatched about ten Martial King powerhouses, and more than [-] Martial King powerhouses. With our previous strength, fighting against them is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble."

After listening to Li Wenjun's explanation, the people from Martial Arts Academy calmed down a little. In this way, it's not that the defenders of Feiying City didn't do anything, but that the enemy army is too strong.

But thinking about it the other way around, if the Jujin Empire really sent out such a strong man, then it would not be easy to take back Flying Eagle City and repel them!

"According to the spies' report, the soldiers of the Giant Gold Empire who occupied Flying Eagle City should be their entire force, and they have no reinforcements."


It took Li Wenjun an entire incense stick of introduction before everyone had a general understanding of the general situation on the battlefield.

"I wonder what your lord's opinion is?" After Li Wenjun finished speaking, Liu Chuang asked the second elder for his opinion.

Being present, that is to say, the Second Elder has the highest level of martial arts cultivation, and he also represents the opinion of Yunchui Martial Arts Institute.

"As soon as the reinforcements sent by the royal family arrive, we will use the most primitive means to take back Flying Eagle City." The second elder took a sip of tea and said lightly.

At present, if there is a strong attack, the Yunchui Empire must suffer. Only when the powerful sent by the imperial family arrives and the three forces join forces, can the invaders of the Jujin Empire be completely expelled.

"Okay, everyone has been running around for a few days. Let's take a good rest tonight. It is estimated that the powerful members of the imperial family will arrive in the next two days. What will greet you at that time will be a real fierce battle." The second elder said.

Jiang Mo returned to the tent that had been arranged earlier, sat down cross-legged, and began to swallow the vitality of the world.

The milky white airflow slowly swirled between his nostrils, and was finally sucked into his body.

"This time, it's my opportunity to break through. I must find a way to rush into the place with the most enemy troops and devour my blood, so that I can maximize my strength!" Jiang Mo secretly thought.

As night fell, the bright and clear moonlight reflected on the snowy ground, reflecting the camp as if it were daytime.

Two graceful figures hurried towards Jiang Mo's tent.

The two are tall, with slender and round legs. Their faces are very beautiful. Their already fair cheeks are even more crystal clear under the reflection of the white snow.

They gently opened Jiang Mo's tent and walked in.

Jiang Mo was practicing with his legs crossed. When he sensed someone, he immediately opened his eyes.

Jiang Mo was a little surprised by the two pretty faces that came into his eyes.

"Liu Yan, Liu Fei?"

(End of this chapter)

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