Chapter 264
The two who pushed open the tent and came in were sisters Liu Yan and Liu Fei.

After not seeing each other for several months, the two sisters still know each other well, but they look sad and seem to have something on their minds.

"When did you come here?" Jiang Mo asked in surprise.

"We came back ten days ago when Flying Eagle City was attacked by the Giant Gold Empire." Liu Yan said, her eyebrows frowned slightly.

After a while, Jiang Mo recalled that the two sisters Liu Yan and Liu Fei were from Flying Eagle City.

"We saw with our own eyes the iron hooves of the Jujin Empire breaking through the gate of Flying Eagle City and stepping in." Liu Yan said, "And my father was also taken away by the strong men of the Jujin Empire after the city gate was breached. .”

"Today we heard that the Martial Arts Institute sent a strong man to help, and after we found out that you were here, we came to look for you." Liu Fei added.

In the hearts of the two sisters, Jiang Mo is omnipotent, as long as he comes here, he can find a way to rescue their father.

"So, we want you to think of a way to help us and save father." Liu Fei looked at Jiang Mo with pleading eyes, such a weak and helpless appearance that made it hard to refuse.

After a little thought, Jiang Mo understood the cause and effect.

"Your father's name is Liu Shan, right?" Jiang Mo asked. He happened to mention Liu Shan, the lord of Flying Eagle City, during Li Wenjun's introduction today.

"Yes, yes." Sisters Liu Yan and Liu Fei nodded at the same time.

"Tomorrow, I will find a way to rescue your father as much as I can. However, there are many powerful people in the Jujin Empire, so I can't guarantee that." Jiang Mo said seriously.

No one dares to guarantee such a thing.

This time, the Jujin Empire not only has tens of thousands of iron hooves, but also dominates the Flying Eagle City and watches over it.

Moreover, the strong men they sent are countless.

If you just rely on brute force, it will definitely not work.

"Well, as long as you are willing to make a move, we can rest assured." Liu Yan said gratefully, and her originally gloomy face also regained its brilliance.

Whether it was in the Black Wind Ridge, when facing the desolate beasts, or in the Martial Arts Academy, Jiang Mo had created too many miracles.

This time, even the strong men in the Flying Eagle City defenders were helpless.

The two sisters Liu Yan and Liu Fei chose to believe in Jiang Mo at the same time.

In the deepest part of their hearts, they believed in Jiang Mo and could rescue their father.

"Thank you, Jiang Mo." A smile appeared on Liu Fei's pretty face.

"We are friends, don't say thank you, it's too natural." Jiang Mo shook his head.

After sending away the two sisters Liu Yan and Liu Fei, Jiang Mo calmed down and continued to practice.

The more critical it is, the more critical the situation is, the more it can test a person's concentration.

And this is also an invisible improvement for Jiang Mo's spiritual power.

Time passed slowly.

In the middle of the night, a loud cry broke the silence of the night.

Jiang Mo opened his dark eyes and looked at the top of the tent.

It seemed that through the roof, he could see the night sky outside.

"The strong men sent by the royal family have arrived." Jiang Mo secretly said.

Above the midair, there are also thousands of auras coming, among which there are dozens of auras, no less than the mentors and elders of the Martial Arts Institute.

This should be the aid of the royal family.

One night passed in the blink of an eye.

The next day, when Jiang Mo opened his eyes, the wind was howling outside, and it was snowing heavily.

Jiang Mo pushed the tent away and saw that the snow was already so deep that it was almost submerged up to his knees.

In this northern city, such severe weather is very common.

A dull and long horn sounded from the Chinese army camp.

After hearing the sound, Jiang Mo rushed there, knowing that it was the call of the defenders to assemble.

Although they are all disciples of the Martial Arts Institute, they have to follow the rules of the army when they are on the battlefield.

Stepping on the snow, there was a creaking sound, and a series of deep footprints were left behind.

Hundreds of figures have gathered at the camp of the Chinese Army, and these people are all representatives of various forces.

"Let me introduce, here are the adults sent by the imperial city." Liu Chuang pointed to the people on his right. From those people, Jiang Mo felt a strong momentum.

"This is the adults of Martial Arts Institute." Liu Chuang continued to introduce.

And the position in the middle is the original defender of Flying Eagle City.

Military advisor Li Wenjun stood behind Liu Chuang.

After finishing speaking, the strong men from Budao Academy and those from the imperial city nodded to each other.

Jiang Mo made a rough estimate, and with the addition of the group of people from the imperial city, the strength of Feiying City is no less than that of the Giant Gold Empire.

Even if they fight recklessly, they still have a great chance of winning.

"Now that everyone is here, who will command the three armies next?" Liu Chuang asked.

Although he has experience in leading troops to fight, but whether he is a disciple of the Martial Arts Institute or a strong man in the imperial city, they are all dragons and phoenixes among men, so how can he listen to his command?

Therefore, he is not qualified to sit in this position.

"Among us, the second elder is the strongest and the most prestigious, so the important task of commanding the three armies is naturally the second elder." The middle-aged man raised his fists and said.

He is the leader in the imperial city this time, and he is an acquaintance with the second elder.

In terms of strength and seniority, he knew that he was no match for the Second Elder.

"Hehe, Commander Ge is really humble. Since this is the case, I will not be disrespectful. Marching and fighting is not an easy task. If I have any omissions, I hope you will not hesitate to correct me." The second elder was not polite, and immediately took over.

Seeing this, Liu Chuang and the man in the brocade robe laughed a few times and nodded yes.

"It's better to hit the sun than choose the day. Our people are still in the Eagle City, being trampled by the barbarians of the Jujin Empire. Today, I will lead everyone to break through the city gate and drive the bandits out of the Eagle City." Outside, drive out of the territory of our Yunchui Empire!"

The second elder's voice was deafening and resounding.

What he said made everyone's blood boil.

Drive away the barbarians!

Give me back my territory!

eye for eye!
Kill all the giant golden dogs!


All the people present were excited, Lang Lang's voice soared to the sky!
"Give me an order to assemble the three armies! Now drive to Flying Eagle City!" The Second Elder is a man of swiftness and resoluteness. After he made a decision, he immediately carried it out.

After his words fell, the whining horns of different tones came from all directions.

The trumpets of the three armies assembled on time.

Not long after the sound of the trumpet fell, the neat sound of armor colliding with each other came out.

After a stick of incense, three teams with different costumes, with the same goal, assembled a tiger and wolf division, and headed for Feiying City thirty miles away.
(End of this chapter)

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