Chapter 321
"Hehe, these fighting and killing matters are really not suitable for the Wuji Temple to come forward. On the contrary, it is you, Black Snake, how is the task entrusted to you?" Mr. Na Yu waved his hand and interrupted Hei Snake. The words of the snake.

"Mr. Yu, I have done a good job with the task you arranged. I have collected about 100 martial arteries." Black Snake replied.

"Oh?" Hearing this, Mr. Yu frowned, with some surprise in his voice, and said, "It's not bad."

"Besides, the reason why I want Mr. Yu to take action this time is because the disciple of the Martial Arts Academy named Jiang Mo has something special about his martial arteries." Hearing the satisfied tone in Mr. Yu's words, the black snake Hastily said while the iron was hot.

"A special martial art? Tell me about it." Hearing this, Mr. Yu also became interested.

"According to my investigation, what that kid awakened was the Flame Martial Vein. Moreover, the temperature of his Flame Martial Vein is extremely high. Under his control, it can be called a big killer!" Black Snake continued Said.

"Mr. Yu, think about it, in the Wuji Temple, there is no one in a million who can awaken the flame martial arteries."

"Moreover, most of those flame martial veins are useless martial veins, and they cannot be controlled at all. However, this kid's flame martial veins can be well controlled, which is of great help to his combat power."

"This shows that Jiang Mo's flame martial arteries must have something unusual and can be used by us."

"Also, besides the Flame Martial Vein, that kid seems to have a power that can..."

While speaking, Black Snake hesitated.

"What can you do? Keep talking!" Mr. Yu's tone suddenly became severe.

"It seems to be able to swallow blood!" Black Snake finally said what he knew.

After finishing speaking, Black Snake's eyes flickered, and he stood respectfully, waiting for Mr. Yu's answer.


After the black snake's words fell, Mr. Yu suddenly burst out with a fierce aura, which shook the black snake so that it couldn't stand still.

Black Snake was secretly startled, perhaps Mr. Yu's martial arts cultivation had already reached the realm of Martial King, right?
Under the cover of the cloak, a dazzling light burst out from Mr. Yu's cloudy old eyes.

"The flame martial arteries can also swallow blood, could it be twin martial arteries?" Mr. Yu murmured to himself, completely ignoring the black snake standing beside him.

After pondering for a while, Mr. Yu shook his head and said, "Twin Wumai, it should be impossible, after all, it is the Heaven-defying Wumai that is difficult to awaken among millions of people!"

"Perhaps the power of devouring blood energy is just caused by the martial arts practiced by that kid."

"However, even if there are no twin martial veins, the flame martial veins that that kid possesses are worth my trip!"

Soon, Mr. Yu made up his mind.

"You don't want to meddle in this matter anymore. As for your subordinate who was killed, I will give you an explanation at that time." After a while, Mr. Yu waved his hand.

"So, Mr. Yu, are you planning to capture Jiang Mo yourself?" Black Snake asked with joy.

"That's right." Mr. Yu nodded, and then said: "You can go back. After the old man captures that kid and pulls out his martial veins, he will be handed over to you for disposal."

"Okay, then thank you Mr. Yu." Black Snake cupped his fists and said respectfully, "In the future, the Green Snake Gang will definitely do their best to do things for Wuji Temple."

Before leaving, he did not forget to show his loyalty.

"Yeah." Mr. Yu nodded lightly.

After the black snake left, a figure in a black robe walked out from the darkness.

"My lord, do you need your subordinates to go to the Martial Arts Institute to capture Jiang Mo?" This man was very young, his face was pale, without a trace of blood.

"The Budaoyuan's defenses are very tight. Even I dare not go there lightly." Mr. Yu shook his head.

"Then if that Jiang Mo stays at the Martial Arts Institute and won't come out, shall we just wait forever?" the pale young man asked puzzled.

"Hehe, isn't there still a dark chess piece we have placed in the Martial Arts Institute?" Mr. Yu rubbed his hands gently, and said, "The key is to use that dark chess piece to attract Jiang Mo out, and then we will have a big fight." Take the opportunity to grab that kid."

Hearing this, the young man immediately smiled and said, "My lord is still wise."

For young people's compliments, Mr. Yu seemed very indifferent.

"I'm really looking forward to what kind of surprises a mutated martial vein will bring us!" His interest was all on Jiang Mo's flaming martial vein.


It is about a hundred miles away from Tianshield City, high above the sky.

A desolate beast that was three times the size of a Griffin beast, and its feathers were shining with blue light, flying extremely fast, darted quickly above the sky.

After it flew, it left a faint cyan trace behind it, and it was accompanied by the sound of a thunderstorm faintly!

Tier [-] Desolate Beast——Slaying Luoque!

The Zhanluoque croaked, and suddenly there was a loud sound of wind and thunder, and its speed increased a bit, and it was several times faster than the Griffin beast.

On Zhan Luoque's broad back, there were actually two people.

One old and one young.

The old man sat there cross-legged, practicing with closed eyes.

The young man has sharp eyes, like a sharp spear, extremely dazzling!
In his hand, there is a stone plate about the size of a palm.

Suddenly, he felt the stone plate vibrate.

The young man looked down and saw that there was a strong ice-blue light bursting out from the stone plate!

"Elder, the stone plate, the stone plate has become brighter!" The young man said excitedly.

The old man who was sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes that had been closed tightly after hearing this.

"Show me." The old man took the stone plate.

After just a slight sweep, he confirmed the direction of the position sensed by the ice-blue light.

"Gu Jun, where is the southeast direction from here?" the old man asked.

"There, there seems to be a small place called Yunchui Empire." The young man's name was Gu Jun.

"If there are no accidents, the young lady is there." A relieved smile appeared on the old man's face, and he said, "After searching for so long, I am finally about to find the young lady."

These two people were obviously members of the Gu clan who started from the Eastern Xuan Realm and traveled thousands of miles away.

"Full speed ahead!" The old man shouted.

The fourth-order desolate beast - Zhan Luoque suddenly increased its speed again, turning into a stream of light, carrying the two of them towards the southeast, and plundered away.

Three hours later, this huge flying desolate beast hovered over Yunchui Martial Arts Academy.

The two jumped off Zhan Luoque's back.

The old man looked at the extremely dazzling stone plate in his hand, and knew that the person he was looking for was here.

"Yunchui Martial Arts Academy? Hehe, if Miss is practicing here, she should be living pretty well, right?"

The old man raised his head and couldn't help smiling when he saw the big strong characters on the bronze courtyard gate.

(End of this chapter)

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