Chapter 322 Confrontation
"Elder, let's go in now. There shouldn't be any strong people blocking us in such a remote place." While speaking, Gu Jun had already stepped forward.

However, just as he was trying to push open the bronze courtyard door, he was shocked by a powerful force and took a few steps back.

Invisible energy ripples spread out, like water ripples, spreading.

After stabilizing his figure, Gu Jun couldn't help but look a little ugly.

As a strong King Wu, he couldn't even open this small courtyard door.

"Hehe, it's interesting. This small Martial Arts Institute is still guarded by formations." The old man smiled.

"Array?" Hearing this, Gu Jun frowned.

"Besides, this formation is not weak!" The old man looked around the Martial Arts Academy with great interest, "Fortunately, I have some research on formation, and this formation still can't stop us."

After the words fell, the old man took a step forward, stretched out his withered palm, put his two fingers together, and gently wiped the void in front of him.

Immediately, the light blue energy condensed between him, turning into a whirlpool of rapid rotation.

Chi Chi!

The air was split instantly, and the void in front of him, after touching the wind vortex unleashed by the old man, was split open a gap.

In that situation, it was like a complete curtain cut by a sharp knife, smooth and smooth.

"Let's go, let's go in." On the old man's arm, a cyan light surged, widening the gap a bit, and he stepped in first.

Behind him, Gu Jun followed closely.

The defensive formation of Yunchui Martial Arts Academy is like this, easily torn apart by the old man.

The main peak of the Star Spirit Vein.

Here the clouds are flourishing, the towering ancient trees stand tall, and the golden sunlight casts down, through the fine leaves, sprinkles spots of light on the ground.

The boy and girl sat on a piece of bluestone, looking at the beautiful scenery like a fairyland on earth.

Jiang Mo and Ling'er would come here every day to relax after they were exhausted from practicing in Zichen Space.

"Master, it would be great if I could be like this every day in the future!" Ling'er leaned her head on Jiang Mo's shoulder, her slender eyelashes fluttering slightly.

For her, she can practice and grow up with the young master every day, and then when she is tired, the two of them can sit together in this fairyland-like place, watching the clouds and clouds in the sky.

It is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Jiang Mo smiled, rubbing Ling'er's soft hair with his palm.

Just when he was about to speak, the luxuriant branches and leaves on the towering ancient tree suddenly moved automatically without wind.

The shadow of the tree shook and made a rattling sound.

Jiang Mo looked up, his dark eyes looked not far away, his heart twitched suddenly.

Two figures, one old and one young, unconsciously appeared on the boulder in front of Jiang Mo.

From these two people, Jiang Mo felt the extreme danger.

Especially the old man, although he didn't release half a wave of energy from his body, but the sense of danger emanating from him was more than a hundred times stronger than that of the young man!
"Who are you?" Jiang Mo had never seen these two people in the Martial Arts Academy.

The old man didn't answer, his eyes first glanced at Ling'er beside Jiang Mo, and then fell on the stone plate in his hand.

At this time, the ice-blue light on the stone plate was already extremely intense, and it was beating wildly.

"This one should be Miss, right?" The old man smiled, the wrinkles on his face crowded together.

His eyes fell on Ling'er.

Hearing this, Ling'er was a little scared, she leaned on Jiang Mo's body and said, "Did you find the wrong person? I'm not a young lady."

"Hehe, maybe the old man will recognize the wrong person, but this Martial Vein Stone Plate can't be wrong!" The old man still had that flat smile.

"Master..." At this moment, Ling'er was extremely nervous, just the old man's gaze made her extremely flustered.

Jiang Mo held Ling'er's delicate little hand with his backhand, and he felt the nervous sweat in Ling'er's palm.

"Who are you? Ling'er said that she doesn't know you."

"Besides, Yunchui Martial Arts Academy doesn't welcome you either. So you two should leave." Jiang Mo looked at the two calmly with his dark eyes, and did not show any cowardice because of the powerful aura released by the two. meaning.

"Let us leave?" The old man didn't speak at this time, it was Gu Jun who spoke.

He took a step forward, stared at Jiang Mo with sharp eagle-like eyes, and said condescendingly, "Do you know how much hard work we have put in to find Miss?"

"Maybe, you don't know yet, the person next to you is our Gu clan, the most perfect clan member who has awakened the martial arteries for thousands of years!"

"When we come this time, we must take her back to receive the most perfect training."

"Let her potential be maximized!"

Jiang Mo met Gu Jun's gaze and looked over, his dark eyes were as calm as ever, like a deep pool of water, an ancient well without waves.

This scene was all seen by the old man.

"How much hard work you have put in, I don't know, and I don't want to know."

"What I know is that Ling'er belongs to me, Jiang Mo. Anyone who wants to take her away can try and step over my Jiang Mo's corpse!"

Jiang Mo's voice was flat, but with an unquestionable firmness.

Hearing Jiang Mo's words, there were crystal tears in Ling'er's autumn-like eyes.

In order to protect her, the young master is willing to sacrifice his life!
"Hehe, as long as I can take away Miss, not to mention stepping over your corpse, even if I level this Martial Arts Academy, this little Yunchui Empire, my Gu clan can do it too!" Gu Jun's words , crazy to the extreme!
However, as a member of the Gu clan, he has crazy capital!
"Who is actually uttering wild words? This old man wants to see who can knock down my Yunchui Martial Arts Academy!"

An old voice resounded from the quiet pavilion above the peak, echoing endlessly in the Protoss Mountain Range.

As soon as the words fell, a stream of light burst out, and the strong wind pressure blew away the towering ancient trees on both sides.

That person was indeed Elder Lian Yue, and the wings of Yuanli behind him vibrated, causing gusts of wind.

Swish, swish, swish...

After the appearance of Elder Lian Yue, there was a burst of wind, and many elders and mentors from Yunchui Martial Arts Academy rushed over.

Surround Gu Jun and the old man in it.

Facing the crowd surrounded by many people, the two didn't show the slightest fear on their faces.

"Unexpectedly, in such a remote place, there is still a strong Martial Emperor. It's really surprising, hehe..."

The old man's eyes only stayed on the Yuanli wings behind Elder Lian Yue for a moment, then moved away.

"However, even if the strong Wu Zong arrives today, the old man will bring Miss back to the clan!"

"No one can stop it!"

After the words fell, the old man's eyes became sharp for the first time!
(End of this chapter)

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