Chapter 329 Three Martial Lords
The body of the blood demon python was as thick as a wooden barrel, perched on top of the ancient tree, bending the thick trunk, making an overwhelmed sound.

Its scarlet snake letter kept swallowing, whether it was coveting the roasted bear's paw, or thinking about Jiang Mo, a fat prey that it thought could have a full meal.

Jiang Mo calmly roasted the golden yellow and oily bear paws, his nose moved slightly, smelling the aroma of barbecue in the air, making his mouth water.

He didn't seem to have noticed the huge and somewhat frightening python behind him at all.

After a while, the blood demon python finally had no patience.

Its body as thick as a wooden barrel bounced suddenly, making a sound of breaking wind, and rushed towards Jiang Mo.

That speed can be said to be extremely fast.

The moment the blood demon python pounced, its huge mouth opened, and a foul-smelling wind came out of its mouth, making people want to nauseate.

"Bastard, you've ruined my appetite for food." Jiang Mo frowned, stood up slowly, and then turned around suddenly.

Facing the blood demon python roaring like lightning, his expression remained unchanged, and he slashed out with the ancient sword of punishment in his hand.

Suddenly, a sword shadow as sharp as lightning burst out.

Before the blood demon python approached, it was slashed by the radiant sword shadow. In an instant, the scales all over its body were exploded, and the blood poured down like a torrential rain.

The blood demon python raised its head to the sky and let out a roar, its huge body fell to the ground, causing the earth to shake violently.

After landing, the blood demon python ejected violently and shot towards Jiang Mo.

"Things that don't know how to live or die." Jiang Mo snorted coldly, and raised the ancient sword of Heavenly Punishment high. The surging energy surged in his body like a wave, and finally turned into pure power and poured into the ancient sword.

Suddenly, on the ancient sword, a cyan light burst out.

The tyrannical coercion of Yuanli permeated down, and there seemed to be blue flames beating on the ancient sword, faintly making the surrounding air extremely hot.

In the next moment, Jiang Mo directly swung the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword and slashed down.

This powerful and heavy sword seems to split the earth and cut off the mountains and rivers, its power is extremely terrifying!
Also at this moment, the throat of the blood demon python swelled, and then the bloody mouth suddenly opened, and a round of blood-colored light beams surged out of its mouth, like a stream of light, blasting towards Jiang Mo.

The surrounding world was filled with a strong smell of blood, which dimmed the light.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword carried an incomparable power, and ruthlessly collided with the bloody beam of light.

Bang, bang, bang!

A burst of energy exploded, resounding in this space one after another.

The surrounding towering ancient trees were all uprooted, and the soil was blown away, revealing a deep pit beneath the ground.

Wide and criss-cross cracks, like spider webs, spread towards the surroundings.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword destructively cut the bloody beam of light into two pieces, and smashed it away.

Afterwards, it fell into the body of the blood monster python without diminishing momentum.

After the ancient sword fell on it, all the power carried on it was released just now.

That terrifying power suddenly exploded on the body of the blood demon python.

The fierce sword energy, within a few breaths, tore the body of the blood monster python, which can be called copper skin and iron bones, into dilapidated condition.

In the end, the entire body of the blood demon python burst open like a bulging balloon.

The rain of blood swept across the sky, and the bloody mist was so thick that it could hardly be melted away.

Decorate this place like hell.

"Although this blood demon python is not strong, it is a great tonic for me." Jiang Mo secretly said.

As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Mo activated the Swallowing Martial Vessel, devouring the rich blood energy permeating the world with all his strength.

After being refined by devouring the martial veins, the pure blood energy turned into pure and gentle energy, flowing towards Jiang Mo's dantian, making the sound of water hitting stones.

This process lasted for half a stick of incense before Jiang Mo swallowed all the blood energy of the blood demon python.

"I didn't expect that the blood energy of the blood monster python is so strong!" Jiang Mo felt a smile on his face after slightly sensing the growing strength in his dantian.

Although the blood demon python is only a third-order perfect desolate beast, the blood energy contained in its body is no less than that of a fourth-order desolate beast.

After devouring the blood energy of the blood monster python, Jiang Mo's eyes fell on the roasted bear's paw.

The bear's paws were all stained with the blood of the blood demon python, and there was no way to eat any more.

"Hey, I can't eat it." Jiang Mo shook his head, sighed, and said regretfully.

Jiang Mo took back the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword. On the sword body, rain and dew dripped out, washing away the blood stains on the sword body.

With the ancient sword on his back, he walked towards the middle of Heifeng Ridge.

"If I can meet a few more desolate beasts like the blood demon python, the speed of my martial arts improvement will be much faster."

This is where the periphery and the middle zone meet. After Jiang Mo has been traveling for a short time, he has completely entered the middle zone.

As long as Jiang Mo can pass through the middle ground, he can return to Fenglei Town smoothly.

As for the depths of Heifeng Ridge, Jiang Mo doesn't have the strength to go there yet.

Not long after Jiang Mo entered the middle ground, on the outskirts of Heifeng Ridge, a group of three people appeared at the entrance of Heifeng Ridge.

"Mr. Black Snake, we followed Jiang Mo's aura all the way. He should have entered the Black Wind Ridge." This person is the protector sent by Mr. Yu. weak.

"I think he should be wandering around the periphery of Heifeng Ridge. After all, there are fourth-order desolate beasts infesting in the middle area, and even I dare not go there easily." Another guardian who was similar in strength to him also Open your mouth and say.

"Dharma protectors, don't underestimate that kid, he has a lot of means." Black Snake was wearing a loose robe, and his face carried the majesty of a high position for a long time.

"Hehe, no matter how powerful that kid is, it is absolutely impossible to escape from the hands of the three of us. Don't worry, Mr. Black Snake." A guardian said.

"Huh? This is it?" After walking for a while, one of the guardians saw the iron-armed barbarian whose blood was sucked dry like a mummified corpse.

"I have already said that that kid may have the strange power to swallow blood. This beast may have been sucked dry by that kid." Black Snake said with a serious face.

"That's true. If that's the case, then if we can find that kid, we will make a lot of money." A guardian laughed.

"It's not too late, two guardians, let's hurry up."

As soon as the words fell, the black snake moved, and took the lead in sprinting away in the direction Jiang Mo left.

(End of this chapter)

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