Chapter 330 Bone Scythe Weasel
"In the middle of Heifeng Ridge, are all the wild animals dead?" Jiang Mo frowned, feeling secretly surprised in his heart.

Along the way, except for a few wild beasts killed outside Heifeng Ridge, since he entered the middle zone, he has never encountered a single wild beast again.

"It's really strange." Jiang Mo muttered in his heart.

Gradually, the outside light has been able to penetrate the thick forest and shine in.

"If there are no accidents, we will probably be able to walk out of Heifeng Ridge after another hour of walking." Jiang Mo raised his head, estimated the distance, and secretly said.

He walked to an old tree, intending to rest for a while.

Abruptly, his eyes moved, and in his perception, there seemed to be faint fluctuations in the air.

This kind of fluctuation is very weak. Generally, not to mention a monk at the level of a great martial artist, even a Martial Lord may not be able to detect this fluctuation.

But Jiang Mo's spiritual power has reached the peak of the third order, so such slight fluctuations cannot be concealed from him.

Suddenly, a sharp sound of breaking the wind resounded, and accompanied by this sound, was a white streamer that was fast to the extreme.

The speed of the white streamer was as fast as that of Jiang Mo, who was fully exerting his stride.

The moment Jiang Mo noticed the white streamer rushing towards him, his body moved.

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, all the strength in his body was circulated to his feet, and the pace of Ghost Shadow Mizong was pushed to the extreme, his body was like a ghost, and lightning rushed out.

At the moment Jiang Mo just flashed out, that white streamer came in an instant.

A sharp claw seemed to protrude from the white light, and it slid gently towards the position where Jiang Mo was before.

Immediately afterwards, the afterimage of Jiang Mo left in place was easily penetrated by the sharp claws, and then fell on the trunk of the ancient tree beside Jiang Mo just now without diminishing momentum.

After a muffled sound, the towering ancient tree that required several grown men to embrace was easily cut off in the middle.

It is conceivable that if Jiang Mo took a step slower, he might be cut off in the middle, but it would be him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

The speed of this thing is really terrifying!
The white light slowly dissipated, revealing the ugly looking thing inside.

Tier [-] Desolate Beast - Bone Scythe Weasel.

Jiang Mo took a closer look and saw the origin of this desolate beast.

Its whole body was covered in white bones, without an inch of fur, only two clusters of green light shone in the hollow eye sockets, seeping into people like will-o'-the-wisps!

The sharp claws of the bone sickle weasel, hidden in the claw sheath, are very sharp, comparable to a fourth-order real weapon.

And its one-foot-long sharp teeth are even more life-threatening scythes that make ordinary wild beasts and human beings frightened by hearing them!

"This time I met a good opponent." Jiang Mo licked his lips, and there was a flash of fighting in his dark eyes.

This bone sickle weasel, both in speed and lethality, is very strong, and it is perfect for training.

The green eyes of the bone sickle weasel first looked at the towering ancient tree that fell suddenly, and then landed on Jiang Mo's body.

Obviously, it didn't expect that the human being in front of it could escape from its sharp claws.

However, being bloodthirsty by nature, it does not intend to let go of this seemingly tender and juicy prey in front of it.

Its body shrank suddenly, and in the next moment it was ejected from the ground, turning into a stream of light again, and darting toward Jiang Mo.

While the body of the Bone Scythe Weasel was still in mid-air, its sharp claws had quietly protruded from the claw sheath.

Between waving, it is enough to split the air!
It let out a creepy scream again, and its sharp claws, shining with cold light, were already cutting towards Jiang Mo's neck like a metal blade.

Seeing this, Jiang Mo's nerves also tensed up, and he didn't dare to neglect.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand was placed across his chest, blocking the swiftly swiping sharp claws.

Ding, ding, ding...

A series of sounds of metal clashing continued to resound in this space.

The large sparks splashed, and the battle scenes were extraordinarily gorgeous.

The whole body of the Bone Scythe Weasel seemed to be covered with layers of armor, whether it was its sharp claws or its back, they were extremely hard.

After half a stick of incense, the black clothes Jiang Mo was wearing were already somewhat torn, and several long bloodstains were torn out on his arms and chest by the sharp claws and sharp teeth of the bone sickle weasel.

Even on the neck, there was a wound half an inch deep.

"The speed of this beast is really amazing!" Jiang Mo sighed secretly, and fought with the bone sickle weasel again.

Such a dangerous life-and-death struggle was the most effective training for Jiang Mo.

Only through the test of blood and fire can he become a real strong man!
After fighting again for a while, suddenly, the pointed mouth of the bone sickle weasel opened, emitting a sharp and long ear-piercing sound wave.

The piercing sound wave suddenly swept Jiang Mo in, and it rang in his mind.

In an instant, his mind went blank, and he felt dizzy.

He staggered and couldn't stand stably. At this moment, he was caught by the bone sickle weasel. Its sharp claws stretched a little more, and it stabbed directly at Jiang Mo's chest.

Jiang Mo's spiritual power was already very strong, and the dizzy state only lasted for a moment before being forcibly suppressed by him.

As soon as he bit the tip of his tongue, his mind instantly sobered up. When he saw the stabbing forest white claws, Jiang Mo instinctively backed away.

But it was still a bit late, the metal blade-like sharp claws pierced Jiang Mo's skin, leaving a scar about half a foot deep on his chest.

Beads of blood spread out from the wound, soaking Jiang Mo's clothes in the blink of an eye.

The breath of fresh blood made the bone sickle weasel instantly excited.

It stood upright, waving its claws non-stop, patting its own chest, and roaring excitedly.

Jiang Mo licked his lips, and immediately moved, shooting towards the bone sickle weasel.

This time, he chose to take the initiative!
Jiang Mo's speed was pushed to the extreme, and afterimages behind him continued to emerge.

At the same time, his wrist trembled violently, and he kept waving the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, and a series of quaint sword shadows appeared in front of him.

Ding, ding, ding...

The ancient sword shadow will instantly engulf the bone sickle weasel, blocking all its escape routes.

The white streamer is constantly under the cover of the simple sword shadow, rushing from left to right.

From time to time, piercing sound waves would be released from the mouth of the bone sickle weasel, but Jiang Mo, who had been prepared for a long time, had long since given up on this set.

Finally, at a certain moment, Jiang Mo felt that the energy of the bone sickle weasel was almost exhausted.

His mouth snapped open.

Suddenly, a strange whistling sound erupted from Jiang Mo's mouth like thunder!

This whistling sound was no less than a bolt from the blue to the unsuspecting Bone Scythe Weasel, causing it to freeze instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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