Chapter 331 Swallowing the Green Liquid

This is the sonic martial art that Jiang Mo has been cultivating for many days - Zhu Yaoyin!
The first form --- Sui Xiao has been practiced by Jiang Mo to the stage of Dacheng, and it is performed in conjunction with the majestic vitality. The power is enough to shatter Yun Xiao!

A loud roar raged in the mind of the Bone Scythe Weasel, causing its body, which was running fast, to tremble violently and stop in place.

At the moment when the bone sickle weasel was stunned, Jiang Mo's figure flew out like lightning.

The Ghost Shadow Mizong started, Jiang Mo's speed was extremely fast, and he flew in front of the Bone Scythe Weasel in an instant, and then he kicked it out, directly on the Bone Scythe Weasel's jaw.

Immediately, the body of the bone sickle weasel rolled and leaped into the air like a sandbag being thrown away.

Jiang Mo knew that although the strength of this kick was great, it was not enough to kill the Bone Weasel whose bones were as hard as fine iron.

"The weakness of this beast is at the throat!" Jiang Mo said inwardly.

As soon as he thought of this, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand suddenly emitted a dazzling blue light!

"Aurora is like electricity!" Jiang Mo shouted.

In the next moment, that cyan sword light, like lightning, tore through the air, and directly stabbed at the throat of the bone sickle weasel.

The cyan sword light is extremely fast, and the power carried on it is also extremely powerful.

Before the bone sickle weasel had time to dodge, it was caught up by the blue sword light.

Under the sharp sword light that easily tore through the air, its throat was instantly pierced through like paper.

After piercing through the throat of the bone sickle weasel, the cyan sword light burst towards the back without diminishing momentum, smashing dozens of towering ancient trees one after another, and then dissipated the remaining power and slowly dissipated.

The bone sickle weasel fell from mid-air, and the breath of life had already dissipated.

The sword just now harvested all its vitality.

The strange thing is that the throat was pierced, and the Bone Scythe Weasel didn't even shed a drop of blood, as if it had no blood in its body.

Jiang Mo walked slowly to the corpse of the bone sickle weasel, took out a short dagger, and dug out a yellow crystal about the size of a fist from its body.

"This should be the blood crystal of the Bone Scythe Weasel." Jiang Mo secretly said, he already had a calculation in his heart, "Since you can't get blood energy from it, then swallow the blood crystal of this wild beast."

The desolate beast blood crystal was held in the palm of the hand, and the warm feeling from the blood crystal made Jiang Mo feel that the blood crystal was like a beating heart, surging and powerful.

"This blood crystal contains the lifetime energy of the Bone Scythe Weasel. If it is swallowed up completely, it will probably bring my cultivation to a higher level."

After making up his mind, Jiang Mo stopped hesitating.

With a thought in his mind, the Devouring Martial Vessel in his body immediately began to work, and one after another tyrannical devouring power spread out.

It made Jiang Mo's body look like a terrifying whirlpool.


With a dull sound, the wild beast blood crystal in Jiang Mo's palm burst into pieces.

A trace of yellow vitality lingered around Jiang Mo's body, unable to go away, and finally was swallowed into his body.

Devour, refine, fuse.

The yellow vitality is in Jiang Mo's body, and after a cycle of the great cycle, it flows into the dantian like rivers entering the sea.

The dantian, which was originally very wide, was filled a lot in just a few breaths.

After a while, Jiang Mo opened his closed eyes.

"This Bone Scythe Weasel doesn't seem to be big in size, but I didn't expect that the energy contained in its blood crystals is so huge." Jiang Mo was secretly surprised after sensing the power in his dantian.

According to his perception, if he was devouring a fourth-order desolate beast blood crystal, he might be able to attack the seven-star great martial artist directly.

And all of this is due to the power of devouring Wumai.

"It's so tyrannical just by devouring the martial veins. If I can control the purple gold emperor dragon's martial veins, wouldn't it make my strength multiply even more?"

This thought disappeared in a flash in Jiang Mo's mind.

Don't say that he still can't control the Zijin Emperor Longwumai, even if he can control it, he doesn't dare to expose it.

The Zijin Emperor's dragon veins and Ling'er's Ice Phoenix martial veins belong to the same level, and to some extent, they may even be superior to Ling'er's Ice Phoenix martial veins.

Now, Ling'er was forcibly taken away by members of the Gu family because of the Ice Phoenix martial art.

If Jiang Mo exposed the Zijin Emperor's dragon veins, he might provoke some powerful people against the sky.

"Strength is king in this world!" Jiang Mo sighed, and stopped thinking about it.

Standing in place, after pondering for a while, Jiang Mo took out the transparent jade bottle that was only the size of a thumb.

"If I swallow a drop of green spirit liquid, maybe I can try it and attack the seven-star martial artist." Jiang Mo looked at the slowly flowing blue liquid drop in the jade bottle, licked his lips, and there was a trace of fiery passion in his dark eyes. meaning.

Every drop of the green spirit liquid is a strong person at the level of the Martial Emperor, and it was only condensed with great effort.

The power contained in it is no weaker than a fourth-order desolate beast blood crystal.

With this in mind, Jiang Mo no longer hesitated.

He brought the jade bottle close to his mouth, then slowly tilted it, and a drop of cyan liquid, like a pearl, slipped into Jiang Mo's mouth.

The moment the green spirit liquid entered the mouth, Jiang Mo suddenly felt a warm current flowing down his throat.

The gentle and comfortable feeling made every muscle pore in Jiang Mo's body let out a happy cry of joy.

The energy in the green liquid is extremely pure, without the slightest impurity, and can be absorbed without the slightest worry.

Jiang Mo sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and felt the indescribable sense of comfort.


At this moment, every meridian of Jiang Mo was filled with cyan energy liquid.

The green spirit liquid was originally just a drop, but it was the shape after being compressed to the extreme.

Now, after the green spirit liquid melted in Jiang Mo's body, it melted like ice and snow, turning into huge and pure energy.

Every bone vein in Jiang Mo's body is greedily absorbing the energy in the green liquid.

This process lasted for a quarter of an hour.

At a certain moment, Jiang Mo's mind suddenly moved. From his perception, the vitality in his dantian was already full.

Now has reached the best time to attack the Seven Star Great Martial Artist!
"It's now." Jiang Mo snorted.

Immediately after the handprint changed, the Dayan Tianji Jue began to circulate in his body, mobilizing the surging energy in the dantian, and rushed towards the barriers in the meridians.

bang, bang, bang...

In the meridians in Jiang Mo's body, there were bursts of drumsticks beating, which was dull and shocking.

That was the sound of the meridian barrier being broken.

Possessing such heaven-defying skills as the Dayan Tianji Jue, coupled with Jiang Mo's solid foundation in martial arts, and the support of the abundant vitality in his dantian.

It is only a matter of time before breaking through to the seven-star great martial artist.

All Jiang Mo had to do was to persevere and wait.

(End of this chapter)

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