Chapter 369 Please enter the urn
The moment the Fenglei Yihu pounced, Jiang Mo, Ling Qingzhu, and Ling Qingxuan moved.

Since Jiang Mo was the strongest, he took the lead and went to the forefront, blocking the Fengleiyihu head-on.

The two sisters, Ling Qingzhu and Ling Qingxuan, appeared on the side of the Fenglei winged tiger respectively, and swung the three-foot Qingfeng in their hands, chopping out.

Because of the wings on its back, the Fengleiyihu's speed reached an unimaginable level. In a blink of an eye, it dodged the two slashing sword lights and rushed towards Jiang Mo ferociously.

In its limited wisdom, it thinks that only the strongest of the three can be solved, and the rest will not be a problem.

However, the strongest one is often a mountain that it can never surpass!
Jiang Mo raised his right fist, and the veins on it throbbed, showing a surging and powerful sense of tyranny.

At this moment, the Fenglei Winged Tiger approached Jiang Mo's side, jumped up, opened its huge mouth, and bit Jiang Mo's neck.

Jiang Mo stepped on the ground with his toes, and immediately scattered the fallen leaves on the ground. With the help of the counter-shock force, his body was ejected, and his fists blasted out like lightning, hitting the Fenglei Pinghu's breastbone above.

Bang, bang, bang...

There were muffled sounds one after another, and Jiang Mo threw dozens of punches in a row, all of which landed on the Fengleiyihu without reservation.

Under Jiang Mo's continuous bombardment, the Fenglei Winged Tiger suffered dozens of heavy punches before it even landed, which was too much for its powerful body.

After it rolled a few times in embarrassment, the pair of purple flesh wings on its back shook, and it stabilized its retreating body just now.

This Fenglei winged tiger was very angry, its beard and hair were all stretched out, its front body was arched, and Jiang Mo in front of it had aroused its ferocity!
After it adjusted slightly, its huge mouth opened, and a rich cyan brilliance slowly gathered in the mouth.

In the next moment, a series of sharp wind blades spewed out from its mouth, rushing towards Jiang Mo.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo's ghostly shadow fascination steps started, and afterimages emerged one after another, and the wind blades that came rushing all hit the sky, cutting off the green trees behind him!
"I didn't expect Mr. Jiang Mo's speed to be so fast!" Ling Qingxuan exclaimed as she looked at the afterimage slowly dissipating behind Jiang Mo without blinking her beautiful eyes.

"This guy is so mysterious, I always feel like I can't see through it!" Seeing this scene, Ling Qingzhu was also a little surprised. With Jiang Mo around, it seemed that the role of the two sisters could be ignored.

While avoiding those wind blades, Jiang Mo's body was moving forward quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the Fengleiyihu.

At this moment, the Fenglei Winged Tiger hadn't recovered yet. Its first reaction when it saw Jiang Mo in its huge tiger eyes was to raise its fierce tiger claws, trying to tear the human in front of it into pieces. .

The tiger's claws, as sharp as a blade, cut through the air and grabbed Jiang Mo's head.

However, with Jiang Mo's speed, how could he be touched by it!
Jiang Mo just turned sideways slightly, and the fierce tiger claws hit the air. Before it could react, Jiang Mo's iron fist like raindrops greeted him mercilessly.

This time, Jiang Mo used seven levels of power, the brute force of ten thousand catties in his body and the surging Yuan force, the two came together, and the power of Bengshanquan rose to another level.

The heavy aura that shrouded like a mountain made the Fengleiwing Tiger's movements extremely slow, and the tiger's body was squeezed by the heavy pressure like a mountain, making crackling sounds like fried beans.

Up to this moment, the Fengleiyihu, who had no intelligence, finally became a little panicked.

It roared angrily, and the pair of fleshy wings vibrated continuously on the tiger's body, trying to get rid of Jiang Mo's restraint, but it failed!
Above the head, the phantom of the mountain directly suppressed it, pressing the Fenglei winged tiger to the ground, unable to move.

With the improvement of Jiang Mo's martial arts cultivation base, the burst of power from the perfect state of Bengshan Fist is incredible!

Jiang Mo struck the Fengleiwing Tiger's head with both fists, and immediately, the power like a mountain torrent poured down without reservation.

Suddenly, a crisp sound of bone cracking came from the Fenglei winged tiger's neck, and the most vulnerable part of its body was directly shattered by Jiang Mo's punch.

Afterwards, the remaining strength didn't decrease, it directly blasted the huge body of the Fenglei Yihu weighing more than [-] jin, smashing down more than a dozen towering green trees along the way, before it stopped.

After the Fengleiyihu fell to the ground, its vitality was not cut off, and it was still twitching in pain. Ling Qingxuan moved her delicate body and swung the long sword in her hand, ending the Fengleiyihu's pain.


On the altar square, on the huge stone tablet, the hunting points behind the Lingyan Pavilion team jumped suddenly, from more than 8000 hunting points to [-] hunting points.

Squeeze out the second-ranked Ling Zhengshu team.

"In such a short period of time, he killed a fourth-order desolate beast. This Lingyan Pavilion is not easy!"

The beating scores on the stele attracted everyone's attention.

The score directly increased by [-] points. It was obvious that he killed the fourth-order desolate beast, which is not difficult to guess.

"With you here, it seems that we have great hope of winning this time!" Ling Qing walked lightly in front of Jiang Mo, with a smile on her pretty face.

"Since I promised to help you participate in this assessment, I will definitely do my best. Besides, don't I need your help in the end to get what I need?" Jiang Mo's lips curled slightly, brightly smiled.

With his strength, it didn't take much effort to kill the Fengleiyihu.

While the two were talking, suddenly, a crisp voice came.

"There seems to be wild beasts over there!" A female disciple of Lingyan Pavilion rushed towards the dense forest, and she heard the roar of wild beasts not far away.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo raised his head and looked in the direction where the Lingyan Pavilion female disciple swept out. Judging from the Yuanli fluctuations coming from there, it should be at least a fourth-order desolate beast.

"Unexpectedly, our luck is so good, and we got another [-] hunts." Jiang Mo licked his lips, and then stepped on the sole of his foot, and his figure swept away.

Seeing this, Ling Qingzhu followed closely with the rest of the people.

Five miles away, in a dense forest, Ling Qingmei and the strange man were besieging a desolate beast. At this time, the desolate beast was covered with scars and might be killed at any time.

However, the two of them seemed not in a hurry, deliberately saving the life of the desolate beast, forcing it to keep roaring.

"My lord, the people from Lingyan Pavilion are here." A guard said.

Hearing this, Ling Qingmei's expression changed slightly, and she said: "Husband, stop, we should withdraw now."

"It's a pity for this fourth-order desolate beast. This is [-] hunting points." There was a hint of pain on the strange man's face.

"Husband, as long as I can lure my eldest sister and second sister here, what is a mere [-] hunting points?" Ling Qingmei squinted her eyes, and immediately asked the guard behind her, "Has the powder been sprinkled?"

"It's all done." The guard nodded.

"We will withdraw now, and the next step is to invite you into the urn, hahaha!"

Ling Qingmei smiled coldly, and immediately led the crowd out quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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