Chapter 370 Shadow Bat
Not long after Ling Qingmei and the others withdrew, there were hurried footsteps outside the dense forest.

The seriously injured fourth-order desolate beast fell into the siege of humans again before it could escape.

"Great, there's an injured Tier [-] desolate beast here!" Ling Qingxuan cheered, the aura emanating from that desolate beast could sense its strength.

A group of more than a dozen people were the members of Lingyan Pavilion who came in a hurry.

The other Lingyan Pavilion female disciples also showed excitement in their eyes.

"In this way, we can gain [-] hunting points without bloodshed." Ling Qingzhu was also very happy.

Only Jiang Mo frowned slightly. He felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell what the problem was.

The Aoki hunt is in full swing, and all the teams want to get as many hunting points as possible in order to become the future heirs of the Ling family.

And the injured Tier [-] desolate beast in front of him can be said to be fat meat, there is no reason to leave it to the people of Lingyan Pavilion!

"Am I really worrying too much?" Jiang Mo shook his head, and could only attribute this situation to good luck and God's blessing.

Ling Qingzhu's tender body moved, and the green long sword in her hand pulled out a gorgeous sword flower, and slashed at the injured fourth-order desolate beast.

The sword light streaked across the throat of the desolate beast, and a bloody arrow shot out. The vitality of the desolate beast gradually disappeared, turning into a cold corpse.

On the altar square, the hunting score of the Lingyan Pavilion team jumped to more than 8000 points, surpassing the No.1 Ling Zhengheng team in one fell swoop!

This scene naturally once again successfully aroused the exclamation of everyone!
Ling Qingzhu withdrew his long sword, a charming smile appeared on his pretty face, and said: "It seems that our luck is really good!"

In the dense forest, Jiang Mo looked at Ling Qingzhu's charming face, and just about to say something, he suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"No, there are many not weak auras flying towards here!" Jiang Mo secretly said in his heart.

Seeing Jiang Mo's slightly changed face, Ling Qingzhu was a little surprised. She frowned slightly and asked, "Mr. Jiang Mo, what's wrong?"

Jiang Mo's strength along the way is several times stronger than hers, and she has to pay attention to Jiang Mo's reaction.

Ling Qingxuan also leaned over here, her beautiful eyes fixed on Jiang Mo.

"It feels like we have fallen into someone's trap." Jiang Mo frowned, expressing his worries.

While speaking, he bent down and wiped the ground with his fingers, and soon some light yellow powder stuck to his fingers.

"Trap, can't it?" Ling Qingxuan's slender eyelashes blinked slightly, and her small mouth opened a wide arc, surprised.

The third-rank alchemist also came over, looked at the light yellow powder on Jiang Mo's finger, and said, "The smell of this kind of medicinal powder can float along the air for a very long distance, and it can attract many wild beasts..."

Also at this time, the exclamation of a Lingyan Pavilion female disciple suddenly resounded!

"Look, what is that?"

More than a dozen people raised their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of the female disciple's finger, only to see that the sky was covered by dark clouds, and the originally bright sunshine could not penetrate at this moment, making it feel like a dark night.

The "dark cloud" will still move, moving towards the bottom, and rushing towards it rapidly.

Gradually, everyone heard the sound of wings vibrating and the ear-piercing scream of "chi chi", which made people's scalps tingle.

"That's...that's a third-order desolate beast——a shadow bat!" A female disciple screamed.

"There are so many shadow bats, it's dangerous!" Ling Qingzhu looked at this scene, her pretty face turned extremely pale.

Ling Qingxuan leaned towards Jiang Mo unintentionally. What she was most afraid of in her life were those bats, insects and snakes.

Dimly, she felt that Jiang Mo could provide her with reliable protection.

Although the shadow bats are only third-order desolate beasts, they are extremely numerous. You can tell their number just by looking at the situation covered by the dark clouds.

Plus, they're capable of spewing a poisonous mist, which is a real no-brainer!


There are already several shadow bat monsters swooping down screaming, their wings are extremely thin, like sharp blades, very sharp.

Everyone didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly waved the weapons in their hands, and slashed towards the shadow bat.

chi chi-
The blade cut on the shadow bat, and black blood flowed out immediately, but this aroused their ferocity even more.

Their blade-like wings cut and passed, leaving many scars on the bodies of those female disciples.

The shadow bat is extremely fast, like a black lightning, constantly swooping down from the sky.

All of a sudden, this dense forest turned into a fierce battlefield, and the shadow bats fought fiercely with all the female disciples.

Whether the skin is cut by their wings or covered by the black mist from their mouths, the movement ability of the disciples will gradually weaken, and eventually they will be paralyzed to the point of being unable to move.

This shadow bat is covered in poison!

Never get close!

About a mile away from this blur, Ling Qingmei and the others had already stopped, listening to the sound of battle erupting not far away.

A cold look flashed across her eyes, "Trapped by shadow bats, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out after Aoki's hunting is over!"

That bewitching man hugged Ling Qingmei's alluring body, with a wicked smile on his bewitching face.

"Based on our strength, it is impossible for Lingyan Pavilion to surpass us in the final hunting points. I don't understand why you have to spend so much effort to deal with them." The bewitching man licked his lips and said.

"Hmph, what I want is not only hunting points, but also the complete failure of my eldest sister and second sister!" Ling Qingmei said coldly, "When I was young, they were better than me in everything, and all the auras shrouded their hearts. body, now that I have the strength, I naturally want to get it back!"

"Since that's the case, let's just sit back and watch the show!" The bewitching man revealed a look of surprise, and took a deep look at the enchanting beauty in his arms.

Even her own biological sister can do this, which shows how terrifying Ling Qingmei is!
"Trapped by the poisonous mist of shadow bats, even if they can escape, they will never have the strength to hunt wild beasts!"

"This time, Lingyan Pavilion will definitely be eliminated, and it will be impossible to compete with us in the future."

In the dense forest, black poisonous mist filled the air. Except for Jiang Mo, sister Ling Qingzhu and others, most of the other female disciples were already limp on the ground.

There are also many shadow bats that have been killed on the ground, but compared to their huge and terrifying number, those on the ground are not worth mentioning at all!
"If this goes on like this, I'm afraid everyone will stay here, and we can't do this anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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