Chapter 382 Harvest
Although his voice was flat, under the calmness, there was a raging anger hidden.

"Dare to tell me to go, I think you are tired of working!" The bald man raised his eyebrows, and immediately slammed his fists at Jiang Mo angrily.

The golden halo on the bald man's arm made a harsh buzzing sound, giving people a sense of indestructibility.

In the next moment, the bald man's arm was covered with the sound of breaking wind.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo raised the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand, and then directly slashed down.

A dazzling sword light flashed across suddenly, slashing at the bald man's arms.

In an instant, a roaring sound of metal and iron colliding resounded, and the figure of the bald man flew upside down like a sandbag.

In the end, he fell heavily on the ground, and the moment he landed, the dozens of golden halos around his arms instantly shattered away like paper.

The vajra ring shattered, and a clear line of blood emerged from his arm. The dark red blood dripped down his arm and fell to the ground, making a tick-tock sound.

With just one strike, Jiang Mo blasted away the bald man whose strength was comparable to that of a two-star Martial Lord, and caused the latter to suffer serious injuries.

" is it possible?" Ling Zhengshu thought that the bald man could easily stop Jiang Mo, but the scene before him was beyond his expectation.

He couldn't believe that Jiang Mo had such strength, and he wounded the bald man with just one sword strike.

At this moment, the bald man looked at the slowly dripping blood on his arm with a dull expression, and he couldn't believe it.

Jiang Mo's sword just now was not only extremely fast, but also the power contained in it was extremely tyrannical.

The vajra ring on his arm was auctioned at a high price, and it was a genuine Tier [-] true martial weapon. Unexpectedly, it was cut to pieces by Jiang Mo's sword.

It can be seen from this that Jiang Mo's strength is terrifying!
"You..." The bald man struggled, and there was anger in his eyes, but more of fear.

"If you stop me again, the next strike will cut off your neck!" Jiang Mo's eyes drooped slightly, and his voice was still flat, but under the calmness, there was a faint killing intent that could not be concealed.

The bald man's throat was throbbing, and finally retreated in despair, not daring to make another move. From his perception, Jiang Mo's strength was comparable to a three-star or even a four-star Martial Lord. If he stepped forward without knowing what to do, he might really die Throw away your life.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Lingyan Pavilion was overjoyed and excited. With Jiang Mo's strength alone, he was able to frighten the strong men of Ling Zhengshu team. How could this not be exciting?
"This kid..." Ling Zhengshu's eyes flickered, and he didn't dare to step forward to stop him. After all, the power of Jiang Mo's sword is still vivid in his memory. If he steps forward, there is no guarantee that he will be able to take Jiang Mo's blow sword.

After hesitating for a moment, Ling Zhengshu had no choice but to give up.

At this time, there was no one to stop him, and Jiang Mo appeared in front of the fourth-order desolate beast in a flash.

This is a golden-tailed lizard, covered with yellow skin, like armor, extremely hard, and its giant tail is three to four meters long, and its whole body is dazzling golden.

Under normal circumstances, its sharp claws can almost crack mountains and rocks, and the defense of the golden-tailed lizard is also extremely terrifying. Even a four-star Martial Lord may not be able to break through its defense.

However, the golden-tailed lizard at this moment was paralyzed by the powder, and both its attack and defense abilities were greatly reduced.

At this moment, it is not impossible for Jiang Mo to solve it.

Jiang Mo jumped out, and at the same time, he slashed down with the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand, slashing on the back of the golden-tailed lizard.

Clang, Clang, Clang...

The ancient sword of Heaven's Punishment collided with the back of the golden-tailed lizard, and there was a sharp metal impact sound, sparks splashed everywhere, and the giant golden tail of the golden-tailed lizard was already whipped.

Under the pain, the golden-tailed lizard's eyes widened, its mouth opened, and it let out a sharp scream.

Its giant golden tail whipped out, leaving a golden light tail in the air, which looked extremely dazzling.

Even if his movements were restricted, the angry strike of the golden-tailed lizard should not be underestimated.

There was a crackling sound in the air, and Jiang Mo held the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword horizontally in front of him. The giant golden tail drew out and directly hit the blade of the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword trembled violently for a moment, and Jiang Mo's body also took a few steps back, his arms were a little numb.

"I didn't expect this guy to be like this, and he's still so strong!" Jiang Mo said in surprise, shaking his numb arm.

At this time, the golden-tailed lizard rushed towards Jiang Mo, opened its mouth, and sprayed out a thick green mist.

Jiang Mo knew that the green mist must be accompanied by highly poisonous substances, and it must not be contaminated in the slightest.

He stomped heavily on the ground with the sole of his foot, and with the help of that recoil force, he quickly raised his figure.

At the same time, above the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, there was a great radiance, and a round of sword light, as bright as the scorching sun, shot down suddenly, and ruthlessly bombarded the golden-tailed lizard.

The second form of Devil May Cry Sword Art --- Changhong Guanri!

The dazzling white light made everyone's eyes slightly closed, and the forward golden-tailed lizard was also stunned. The next moment, the sun-like sword light descended.

The terrifying sword energy tore the ground below into a thousand holes, and a deep pit emerged.

The golden-tailed lizard prostrated itself on the ground, trembling uncontrollably. Even with its meager intelligence, it sensed the terrifying power enough to destroy itself from the sword light!
However, the fierce attack did not depend on the will of the golden-tailed lizard.

When the sword light fell, it instantly tore apart the defense of the golden-tailed lizard. Its armor-like yellow skin was destroyed in the blink of an eye, and the tyrannical energy wave swept away, lifting the ground a few feet away. deep.

The sword light slowly dissipated, and what appeared in front of everyone was the corpse of the golden-tailed lizard, with blood gushing out. Jiang Mo's sword cut off the vitality of the golden-tailed lizard.

Looking at this scene, everyone couldn't help being short of breath, especially the bald man who had just fought with Jiang Mo.

"It's a good thing I didn't fight this guy just now, otherwise, I'm afraid my fate will not be much better than that of this golden-tailed lizard." The bald man said with lingering fear in his heart.

He didn't think that his flesh and blood would be stronger than the gold-tailed lizard's defense.

At this time, the other third-tier desolate beasts were almost killed by everyone.

Due to Jiang Mo's joining, the Lingzhengshu team couldn't get much hunting points from these desolate beasts at all.

Moreover, the only fourth-order desolate beast was also beheaded by Jiang Mo forcefully.

Just this moment, with the help of Jiang Mo, Lingyan Pavilion has obtained as many as [-] hunting points, while Ling Zhengshu stared at Jiang Mo with an extremely gloomy expression, so angry that he could not speak for a long time .

In this line, Lingyan Pavilion gained the most.

(End of this chapter)

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