Chapter 383 The hunt is over
Just when everyone was looking at each other, suddenly, melodious bells sounded in the green wood forest. Everyone followed the sound and saw a big bell completely condensed by Yuan force in the midair.

And the bell sounded from mid-air.

"This big Yuanli clock is so solid that it must be done by the strong King Wu." Jiang Mo's eyes fell on the Yuanli clock, and he sighed secretly.

After the bell rang for a while, everyone noticed a wave of subtle fluctuations, which spread out.

With the spread of this obscure fluctuation, the huge stone tablet standing on the altar square, the hunting score and ranking on it also stopped beating.

"Hey...the hunting of Qingmu is over." All the female disciples of Lingyan Pavilion gathered together, with a little frustration on their faces.

Ling Zhengshu also knew that the ringing of the bell meant that the hunt was over.

He gave Jiang Mo a hard look, then waved his sleeves and left angrily.

If it wasn't for Jiang Mo, Ling Zhengshu would still have gained a lot more hunting points. Of course he was angry with Jiang Mo.

"Why, Miss Qingzhu, you don't seem very happy?" Jiang Mo couldn't help asking after noticing the expressions on Ling Qingzhu's and the others' faces.

"I'm afraid our hunting score is not as good as that of other teams in this hunting." Ling Qingzhu sighed and said quietly.

"We haven't seen the final hunting score yet, how does Miss Qingzhu know that we will definitely lose?" Jiang Mo asked in surprise.

"Mr. Jiang Mo, you don't know. In the past few hours, we haven't hunted many wild beasts except for the wild beasts in this valley. It is already very good to get [-] hunting points." Ling On Qing Zhu's pretty face, there was a lingering worry.

At this time, Ling Qingxuan also came over and said, "Mr. Jiang Mo, if you hadn't just shot, I'm afraid we would have gotten even fewer hunting points. I don't know, what happened to the desolate beasts that often appear on weekdays?" It's that rare."

"That's right, even with the desolate beasts we killed at the beginning, the final score is only about [-] hunting points, so it's hard to enter the top five." Ling Qingzhu added.

Hearing what the two sisters said, Jiang Mo just showed a sudden look.

It turned out that they were worried about hunting points.

"Miss Qingzhu, in the final analysis, you still forgot about me!" Jiang Mo touched his nose, couldn't help laughing and said: "Did you forget that in the past few hours, I separated from you, and I also hunted for you!" Killed a lot of desolate beasts!"

Hearing this, Ling Qingzhu and Ling Qingxuan were surprised for a moment, then smiled and said: "I really forgot Mr. Jiang Mo."

However, no matter how strong Jiang Mo was, he was alone after all. Their entire Lingyan Pavilion team dispatched at the same time, but they only got tens of thousands of hunting points. How much could Jiang Mo get alone?
The two sisters didn't pay much attention to Jiang Mo's words, and asked casually, "Master Jiang Mo, how many hunting points can you get based on the desolate beasts you killed?"

"If I remember correctly, it should be around [-] hunting points!" Jiang Mo said seriously after thinking about it.

"Fifty thousand... what? Fifty thousand hunting points!" After hearing Jiang Mo's words, Ling Qingxuan smiled indifferently at first, but after hearing clearly, he was startled and asked in disbelief : "Fifty thousand hunting points? Mr. Jiang Mo, are you sure you are right? Not five thousand hunting points?"

Like her, Ling Qingzhu and the other female disciples of Lingyan Pavilion were also shocked. Their eyes were all focused on Jiang Mo, and they were very nervous.

"That's right, [-] hunting points." Jiang Mo smiled faintly.

Since he was following Ling Qingmei and the others at that time, Jiang Mo easily obtained these hunting points with little effort.

There were three or four of the fourth-order desolate beasts he beheaded, and there were more than a dozen third-order desolate beasts that died under his sword.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration for Jiang Mo to gain as many as [-] hunting points by himself.

However, the faint words from Jiang Mo's mouth caused many female disciples present, including Ling Qingzhu and Ling Qingxuan, to freeze on the spot.

Without blinking their beautiful eyes, they looked at Jiang Mo in unison.

"What's the matter, is there a flower on my face?" Jiang Mo was a little confused by these women, he touched his nose and asked.

"Well..." Ling Qingxuan nodded and replied, then shook his head immediately, "No, it's not Youhua, it's what you said, which surprised us too much!"

"Since you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do." Jiang Mo shrugged, then pulled out the black bamboo tube and released the red snake.

The Red Snake was sick at first and had no energy, but when it smelled the strong smell of blood in the air, it immediately became energetic.

It crawled to the nearest fourth-tier desolate beast, the golden-tailed lizard, and then opened its mouth wide, and began to feast on it.

It's strange to say that the small body of the Chilian Snake is like a bottomless pit, even if it swallows the huge body of the Golden-tailed Lizard, it doesn't seem to swell at all.

In less than half a stick of incense, the red snake swallowed the entire body of the golden-tailed lizard.

The pure energy contained in the flesh and blood of the golden-tailed lizard surged in the body of the red snake, making its red snake deep and glowing with alternating golden and red lights.

After releasing the red snake, Jiang Mo turned his eyes to Ling Qingzhu and the others, and said, "Anyway, I'll be back in a while. When the time comes, you will see the final hunting score and you will know the truth of what I said."

The women first looked at the Chilian Snake who was devouring the flesh and blood of wild beasts, and then at Jiang Mo who was calm.

In a daze, they recalled the scenes that happened on the Blue River.

How did Jiang Mo and the little red snake kill the six-legged Thunder Crocodile King?

They remembered how Jiang Mo repelled those ferocious and bloodthirsty wild beasts after being surrounded by shadow bats.

And how to refine the detoxification elixir with the help of the miraculous medicine refining technique, and rescued many female disciples of Lingyan Pavilion.

They suddenly realized that neither the red snake in front of them nor the thin Jiang Mo could be treated with common sense.

"Perhaps, what he said is true." Ling Qingzhu secretly said in his heart.

In this narrow valley, more than 20 desolate beasts were devoured by the red snake in less than three sticks of incense, without wasting a bit.

"What a big eater!" Jiang Mo said in surprise, looking at the well-fed Chi Lian Snake.

He felt an invisible surging power from the body of Chi Lian Snake.

According to Jiang Mo's estimation, the current Chilian Snake has the power to win even against the desolate beasts of the fourth and fourth ranks!

(End of this chapter)

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