Chapter 403 An Enemy's Enemy Is A Friend
"Cangming Palace?" Jiang Mo shook his head upon hearing this strange force.

In the previous life, Jiang Mo lived in seclusion and devoted all his energy to refining medicine.

Not to mention the forces in the Cangming Realm, even the Gu family, one of the four major families in the Dongxuan Realm, Jiang Mo didn't know much about it before.

"You are from the Qingmu Empire, so it's normal if you haven't heard of the Cangming Palace." Zuo Jie smiled and said, he didn't know that Jiang Mo came from the Yunchui Empire through the Great Wilderness.

Jiang Mo didn't explain too much about this.

"In Cangming Territory, there are three major overlord forces, forming a tripartite confrontation!"

"One is the Domain Lord's Mansion, the other is the Wuji Temple, and the third is the Cangming Palace!"

"Under these three overlord forces, there are countless sects and nine streams, mixed with fish and dragons."

"In Cangming Realm, among the three overlord forces, the strongest is the Domain Lord's Mansion. The Domain Lord's Mansion rules thousands of small countries like the Qingmu Empire, and has a very strong appeal."

"But that is only aimed at the Cangming Realm. If it is placed in the Nine Realms, or even the entire Eastern Xuan Realm, then the sphere of influence of the Wuji Temple will be stronger than the Domain Lord's Mansion!"

"But among these two forces, neither the Domain Lord's Mansion nor the Wuji Temple are willing to easily provoke our Cangming Palace."

Jay said proudly.

"Wait, you said, 'Our Cangming Palace'?" Jiang Mo interrupted Xu Jie.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, I am a member of the Cangming Palace, the golden-cloaked Cangmingwei!" Zuo Jie smiled and explained.

"Cangmingwei?" Jiang Mo asked in surprise, "Could it be that Cangmingwei still has different levels?"

"That's right, those who can join Cangming Palace must be at least at the Martial Lord level!" Zuo Jie said slowly, "And, at the beginning of their joining, they will be classified according to their strength."

"Generally, those below the six-star Martial Lord are all silver-robed Cangmingwei. Those whose martial arts cultivation level is above the six-star Martial Lord can be granted the title of Golden-robed Cangmingwei."

"When the strength reaches the realm of Martial King, you will be promoted to Cangming Envoy!"

"It is said that the guardians in Cangming Palace all have the strength of the Martial Emperor, which is extremely terrifying!" Zuo Jie said with a look of reverence on his face.

In Cangming Palace, the higher the level, the richer the martial arts resources they can get, which is also of great benefit to their strength improvement.

Therefore, people in Cangming Palace are trying their best to improve their status in the palace.

"So, your strength should be above the six-star Martial Lord?" Jiang Mo frowned.

Just now, the hand that Zuo Jie showed casually was to easily kill Jia Lang in the Wuji Temple. From this point of view, his martial arts cultivation should be in the realm of a seven-star or even an eight-star Martial Lord.

"Not bad." Sure enough, Zuo Jie nodded. As for his real martial arts cultivation, he didn't mention it much, and Jiang Mo didn't ask any more.

After Yu Jie finished speaking, the two fell into a brief silence.

Jiang Mo's head was thinking quickly. He originally planned to go to Cangming Realm, where he would seek more abundant martial arts resources to improve his cultivation.

But now, for some reason, the Wuji Temple stepped in and disrupted Jiang Mo's plan.

With Jiang Mo's current strength, trying to shake the giant Wuji Temple is tantamount to a dream.

He had to think carefully about how to deal with Wuji Temple's next move.

Now, the Cangming Palace that Zu Jie mentioned made Jiang Mo's heart a little moved.

Moreover, from what Zu Jie said, it can be seen that Cangming Palace seems to have quite a conflict with Wuji Temple.

An enemy's enemy is a friend, Jiang Mo knew this very well.

Since Wuji Temple is going to deal with Jiang Mo, then Jiang Mo can also join Cangming Palace, and with the help of the latter's power, he can still deal with Wuji Temple.

"However, it's best to figure out the relationship between Cangming Palace and Wuji Temple first, and it's not too late to join in then." Jiang Mo secretly said in his heart.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo asked again: "From what you said, it seems that Cangming Palace and Wuji Temple have quite a conflict?"

"The grievances between Cangming Palace and Wuji Temple have been accumulated in the past 20 years." Zuo Jie seemed to have expected Jiang Mo to ask this question, and did not seem very surprised.

"20 years ago, the son of our palace master was born. When he was six years old, the palace master invited the master of the branch hall of the Wuji Temple in Cangming Realm at that time, and asked him to come to awaken his son. Martial pulse."

"I remember that when our palace lord's son awakened his martial arteries, a vision appeared in the sky and the earth. It seemed that the sky was burned by a raging fire. Looking around, it was all red!"

"Finally, our palace lord's son has awakened the best martial arts—the holy flame unicorn!"

"That is a powerful martial art that has been rarely seen in the Cangming Territory for hundreds of years! At that time, our Palace Master was very excited, and everyone congratulated the Palace Master!"

"However, not long after this incident, the son of our palace lord disappeared without anyone noticing, and completely disappeared in the Cangming Realm!" Zuo Jie said with some emotion, and it could be seen that the words in his mouth The son of the palace lord indeed possesses a very extraordinary talent in martial arts.

"Could it be that with the strength of your Cangming Palace, you still can't find the son of your palace master?" Jiang Mo asked.

"Hey, after this incident happened, our palace master went crazy and spent all the manpower and material resources of Cangming Palace to find his son. But in the end, we couldn't find him."

"However, this kind of search is not in vain. There are many clues pointing to the master of the Wuji Temple."

"Our palace lord lost his beloved son, and everyone in the palace felt extremely resentful towards the Wuji Temple. In the end, a world-shattering battle broke out between the two parties!"

"That battle, it can be said that the lives of the people were ruined, and the bones were like a mountain!"

"The entire Cangming Realm is in a state of panic!"

"The master of the branch hall was beheaded directly by our palace master. The two forces fought fiercely. Later, the master of the domain master's mansion came forward to calm down the battle!"

"From now on, Cangming Palace and Wuji Temple are in the same situation, and the contradictions between the two parties cannot be reconciled at all."

Hearing this, Jiang Mo was also very shocked in his heart, and the owner of the Cangming Palace was indeed very courageous.

Although the Wuji Temple in Cangming Territory is just a branch hall, the main hall behind it is its powerful backing.

Even so, the palace master brazenly launched a war between the two sides because of some clues pointing to the Wuji Temple, and beheaded the branch palace master.

"I don't know, with my strength, can I join Cangming Palace?"

After a pause, Jiang Mo finally asked this question.

(End of this chapter)

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