Chapter 404 Styx
At this moment, there was a rare smile on Zuo Jie's always plain face.

"I've been waiting for your words for a long time!" Zu Jie patted Jiang Mo's shoulder and said, "Before, I saw the battle between you and that guy from Wuji Temple."

"With your current strength, you are definitely qualified to become a silver-robed Cangmingwei." Zuo Jie said with a smile, "What's more, you are still so young at this age. According to my estimation, as long as there are no accidents in the middle, Before you turn 50, you will definitely be able to become a guardian of the Cangming Palace!"

"Hehe, I was joking." Hearing this, Jiang Mo smiled and shook his head.

In fact, Jiang Mo's talent in martial arts and his never-say-die attitude in battle are what Yu Jie values ​​most!
In terms of strength above Martial Lord, those who are qualified to join Cangming Palace, not to mention as many as crucian carp crossing the river in Cangming Domain, are almost the same.

The reason why Zuo Jie fell in love with Jiang Mo was because of the hard work in Jiang Mo's bones, especially the scene where Jiang Mo tried to kill Jia Lang at the end with the demon-killing chant, which left a deep impression on Zuo Jie.

"Although your strength is very strong, if you want to join Cangming Palace, you still have to go through a process and pass the assessment of Cangming Palace. However, with your strength, those simple assessments will not be difficult for you at all. "Zu Jie said.

"That's it, thank you very much." Jiang Mo expressed his sincere thanks with cupped fists.

Zuo Jie not only saved his life, but also planned to recommend him to Cangming Palace. Jiang Mo thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

As long as he can enter the Cangming Palace, Jiang Mo will be much more calm when facing the Wuji Temple in the future, and will not be as embarrassed as he is today.

"Okay, I came to the Qingmu Empire to do some things. Now that the things are done, it's time to return to Cangming Palace." Zuo Jie said.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo nodded, and the two stepped into the depths of Cangshan Mountain together.

As for the blood energy of those people from the Wuji Temple, before leaving, Jiang Mo didn't waste it, and swallowed and refined it all into his own energy.

That Jia Lang is a genuine six-star Martial Lord, and the other four are also two-star or even three-star Martial Lord powerhouses. After devouring their blood energy, Jiang Mo clearly felt that the vitality in his dantian gradually increased. full trend.

Faintly, Jiang Mo also possessed the strength to attack the three-star Martial Lord.

Facing Zu Jie's surprised gaze, Jiang Mo just explained a little bit, it was because of the special practice method.

Regarding this, Zuo Jie didn't ask too much, which martial arts monk doesn't have some secrets?

Twenty days later, Jiang Mo and Zuo Jie appeared on the other side of Cangshan Mountain.

After leaving the vast mountain forest, what appeared in front of the two of them was a wide river that spread for hundreds of miles.

As for the length of the river, there is no side to be seen at a glance.

Above the river, the waves rolled, making the roar of huge waves hitting the reef.

Such a scene is extremely magnificent!
On this magnificent river, there are three or five huge boats slowly passing through it.

Every boat is very mighty and domineering, with flags fluttering, moving against the wind, and hunting.

After the huge boat passed the river, it made a rumbling sound, and there was a huge spiritual array inside it, providing power for the huge boat.

"This is the Styx River. At the bottom of the Styx River, there are many ferocious river monsters. The river monsters are also a kind of desolate beasts. The strongest among them are comparable to the strongest humans of the Martial Emperor class!" Zuo Jie looked over. Looking at the rolling river, he said.

"However, below the Styx River, there is a powerful restriction placed by the human formation master. Those river monsters can move under the restriction. Once they touch the formation restriction, they will attract violent attacks!"

"It is said that 200 years ago, there was a riot at the bottom of the Styx River. A powerful river demon tried to take advantage of the chaos to break through the system and come to the human world to cause trouble, but it was finally suppressed by the formation prohibition below the Styx River!"

"After the riot subsided, the strong human race came to investigate and found the corpses of a sixth-level river monster and three or four fifth-level river monsters floating on the river surface."

"That's a river monster comparable to a human Martial King or Martial Emperor! He was suppressed and killed by the ban below the Styx River!"

"Since then, there have been no riots on the River Styx."

While talking, the two had already walked to a huge boat docked on the shore.

This giant boat is as big as a hundred feet, and the mast is erected. The sails on it are all engraved by the formation master into the wind formation.

"Let's go, pass this Styx River, we will be able to resist the Cangming Realm." Zuo Jie took the lead to step on the huge boat, and after paying a certain fee, the two were each assigned to a quiet room.

Jiang Mo sat cross-legged on the bed and waited quietly for about half an hour before the giant boat started.

With a long and dull sound, accompanied by a slight vibration, the huge boat sailed into the Styx River. Even though Jiang Mo was in the room, he could still feel the huge power coming from the huge boat.

Even on the water, there is no sense of shaking, except for a slight vibration, it is no different from being on flat ground.

The speed of the giant boat was not fast, but it was very stable.

Jiang Mo sat cross-legged on the bed in the room, with his hands in mudras, and a faint milky white air flow followed his breath and was absorbed into his body.

Inside the body, after a small week of wandering, there is a slightly turbid breath, which is released along the pores of the whole body.

With the absorption of the vitality of the world, Jiang Mo's sun-tanned face gradually became radiant, as smooth as white jade.

After the huge boat sailed steadily on the Styx River for an hour, suddenly, with a buzzing sound, Jiang Mo felt a violent vibration, which woke him up from his cultivation state.

After pushing open the door, Jiang Mo saw Xu Jie also came out.

"It's okay, the boat has sailed to the place where the restrictions are the strongest, as long as it passes here, it will be fine." As if he knew what Jiang Mo wanted to ask, Zuo Jie took the initiative to explain.

This array of restrictions was left by the strong human race a hundred years ago, and has been continuously reinforced by humans since then, making it very powerful.

It is so powerful that it can not only suppress and kill the tyrannical river monster, but even human boats will be strongly affected when they pass by here.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo nodded slightly, and immediately walked to the deck, looking at the huge formation slowly turning like gears as the ship passed by.

Under the formation, occasionally a huge river monster with a strange appearance can be seen.

However, those river monsters were obviously very afraid of the restriction of the formation, they avoided the formation far away, and did not dare to come forward at all.

The hot wind blowing in front of him made Jiang Mo a little intoxicated, indulging in this rare leisure time.

With a huge earthquake, Jiang Mo's thoughts returned to reality. The giant boat had slowly docked, and people were going down the boat.

"We're here, let's go down too."

Zuo Jie patted Jiang Mo's shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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