Chapter 414: Brilliant Silver Flywheel
The Dark Wing Gate is backed by a vast and vast forest. Since the forest is vast and rarely visited by people on weekdays, the traces of overwhelmed weeds that suddenly appear here are particularly abrupt.

Following the traces of the scattered weeds, one could see three figures in front of them, fleeing in a panic.

"Damn it, this person from Cangming Palace is really cruel and ruthless. Just for a mere blood demon fruit, he will kill all the dogs of my Dark Wing Sect!" The door owner is named Gou Ze.

If there is no accident, he will take over the Dark Wing Sect in the future, but the sudden appearance of Cangming Palace has made his fantasies come to naught. The palace hates it to the bone.

However, this young sect master didn't think about it carefully, if it wasn't for the members of the Dark Wing Sect who secretly acted to snatch the blood demon fruit that was originally Cangming Palace, how could it lead to the disaster of destroying the sect?

Today, Tianwu Continent is a world that speaks with strength. Without strength, but still dare to provoke the giant of Cangming Palace, it can only be said that it is their own fault!
"Especially that kid, if he hadn't dispelled my Dark Wing Sect's sect-protecting formation, Cangming Palace would definitely not have been able to attack so quickly!" In Gou Ze's mind, when he thought of Jiang Mo's figure, he felt hatred. Gotta gnash your teeth.

"Young sect master, hurry up, if those strong men from the Cangming Palace find that the blood demon fruit is not on the sect master, I'm afraid they will catch up soon." An old man in gray robe who was guarding Gou Ze said anxiously .

"Hmph, after I hand over this blood demon fruit to the adults of the Wuji Temple, after I gain a firm foothold in the Wuji Temple, the first person I want to kill when I come back is that kid!"

Gou Ze looked at the stored rosary with the blood demon fruit, and then sped up, intending to plunder into the depths of the mountain forest.

"Is it me who you want to kill?" Just as Gou Ze left, a somewhat indifferent voice came into his ears.

Immediately afterwards, Gou Ze was a little horrified to see a young and thin figure slowly appearing in front of him.

This person was Jiang Mo, who sensed the abnormality and hurried over!

"It's you!" Seeing the person coming, Gou Ze instinctively took a step back, like a frightened bird.

However, when he saw Jiang Mo coming alone, the frightened look on Gou Ze's face instantly turned ferocious.

"Stupid boy, if you stay in the camp of Cangming Palace honestly, maybe nothing will happen. But now, since you are alone, if you want to stop us, you will have to pay the price of your life!"

When Gou Ze spoke, he kept looking Jiang Mo up and down, and when he was sure that Jiang Mo was only a 20-year-old martial arts monk, he immediately made up his mind and planned to keep Jiang Mo here to avenge his family!

"Hehe, is that so?" Jiang Mo shook his head and smiled noncommittally.

"Boy, kill me!" Gou Ze yelled angrily, and immediately a fine iron spear flashed in his hand, stabbing towards Jiang Mo violently.

That fine iron spear, wrapped in Yuanli, seemed invincible and powerful!

The shadows of guns pierced through the air, and there was a faint purple light arc jumping on the tip of the gun, and a thrilling dent was pushed out of the air!

"Thunder Snake Sting!" Gou Ze shouted coldly.

Then the purple light arc turned into a ferocious thunder snake, opened its sharp snake mouth, and bit Jiang Mo.

Seeing the Thunder Snake approaching rapidly, Jiang Mo snorted coldly, then waved his sleeves, and immediately a spur of nearly ten feet of Yuan Li was swung out directly, and landed on the Thunder Snake with a bang.

After Yuan Lipilian bombarded the purple thunder snake phantom, it immediately disintegrated and turned into purple spots of light all over the sky.

After breaking through the purple Thunder Snake phantom, the Yuan Li hit Gou Ze's chest undiminished, and the huge power poured down, directly blasting Gou Ze out, and a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly .

After a successful blow, Jiang Mo stepped lightly on the ground with his toes, and his figure swept away, and then the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword slashed out a brilliant sword light, leaving a bloodstain on Gou Ze's arm.

The string of storage beads was thrown high, Jiang Mo stretched his body, and grabbed the storage beads in his hand.

After getting the storage rosary, Jiang Mo's spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and he found that a blood demon fruit emitting scarlet light was lying quietly in the storage rosary.

"That's it." After confirming, Jiang Mo put away the storage rosary without hesitation. As the young master of the Dark Wing Sect, Gou Ze's storage rosary contained many treasures.

"Boy, return my storage rosary!" Seeing that his things fell into Jiang Mo's hands, Gou Ze was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

From Gou Ze's attack to his defeat and serious injury, it was just a matter of time. After the two guards reacted, the storage rosary had already fallen into Jiang Mo's hands.

"Little bastard, you are so brave!" The two guards yelled angrily, and they all rushed towards Jiang Mo.

Jiang Mo raised his brows. Both of these two guards have the strength of five-star Martial Lords. Together, the two guards are not weak!

A man with bare hands approached Jiang Mo, and he made insidious moves to attack Jiang Mo's vitals.

The other person is holding two crescent scimitars in both hands. On the scimitars, there is a green color, which is obviously poisonous!
Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

The surrounding shadows of fists and the extremely sinister sword light shrouded Jiang Mo's retreat, while Jiang Mo brandished the ancient sword of Heavenly Punishment, leaving sword shadows in front of him, defusing the fierce offensive around him. and go.

After fighting for a while, the two teamed up and not only failed to gain the slightest advantage over Jiang Mo, but were left with sword marks on their bodies by the fierce sword shadow.

The two teamed up again, and after temporarily blocking Jiang Mo, they both retreated.

"This kid's strength is so strong!" The two looked at each other and exclaimed.

"Then let him try this!" One of the guards gritted his teeth, and took out a bright silver wheel made of unknown material from the storage rosary.

The surrounding area of ​​the shining silver wheel is wrapped with jagged iron sheets, which looks extremely weird.

"You even used this thing?" Another guard was obviously surprised.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't use the means of suppressing the bottom of the box, I'm afraid we have to explain here. You and I join forces, kill this kid first!"

After the words fell, the two of them poured Yuanli into the shining silver wheel at the same time.

The next moment, Jiang Mo saw that the flywheel suddenly burst into dazzling silver light.

With the cooperation of the two guards, the flywheel galloped towards Jiang Mo like a bolt of lightning!

The sawtooth around the flywheel turned rapidly, as if cutting the air. From above, Jiang Mo felt an extremely dangerous force!

(End of this chapter)

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