Chapter 415
chi chi-
The surrounding air was cut into circles of dark marks by the rapidly spinning brilliant silver flywheel.

The distance between the two was shortened in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Jiang Mo's face trembled, and the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword swung out directly in front of him, and a bright sword light fell on the flywheel.

A crisp sound of metal clashing sounded, and the flywheel spun, directly shattering the sword light, and then rushed towards Jiang Mo unabated.

"Haha, Lao Xiao, it seems that the treasure we picked up in the valley has worked!"

Seeing that the blow was successful, the two guards showed complacency on their faces.

After sensing the difficulty of the brilliant silver flywheel, Jiang Mo also took a deep breath, and immediately shouted: "Qianli Yujian!"

As Jiang Mo's voice fell, his spiritual power immediately got in touch with the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, controlled the wide and thick sword, and slashed towards the shining silver flywheel.

"What? That kid actually knows how to control the sword!" Seeing the ancient sword of Heaven's Punishment flying towards the Canyin Flywheel, the eyes of the two guards flashed a hint of astonishment.

Not far away, the young sect master Gou Ze also had a look of surprise and uncertainty, and the strength Jiang Mo showed made him terrified!

"The two guards that my father dispatched to me both have the combat power of a five-star martial lord. That kid can fight against both of them at the same time without losing the wind! What kind of freak is this kid?" Gou Ze's eyes followed that The flywheel and the ancient sword collided and kept turning.

clang, clang, clang...

The ancient sword of Heaven's Punishment collided with the flywheel, sparking a large amount of sparks, and at the same time, a series of metal roaring sounds followed.

After these two powerful weapons collided fiercely for a while, they gradually weakened as the power on the brilliant silver flywheel was exhausted.

After all, Jiang Mo could rely on the power of his divine sense to control the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword all the time, while the Canyin Flywheel was only activated for a moment by the two guards and could not fight for a long time.


With a crisp sound, the brilliant silver flywheel finally fell to the ground powerlessly.

"Old Xiao, do it, grab the flywheel back!" Seeing this scene, a guard suddenly shrank his pupils and rushed towards the place where the flywheel fell.

But how could Jiang Mo give him this chance, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword was controlled by Jiang Mo, and directly picked up the flywheel and sent it to him.

After the flywheel was in his hands, a cold touch came. Jiang Mo gently played with the seemingly broken flywheel, his eyes fixed on it slightly.

"It seems that this flywheel should be a high-level real weapon, and there are some inscriptions engraved on it!" After a little perception, Jiang Mo took the flywheel under the painful eyes of the two guards. In the Zichen ring.

This flywheel can actually explode with extremely powerful power, but because the inscription patterns inside it are somewhat dim, and the two guards don't know how to activate them, they were shot down by Jiang Mo just now.

As long as a martial arts monk who is a little bit more knowledgeable can make this flywheel burst out with more than several times the power!

"Boy, hand over that flywheel to us quickly, otherwise, don't blame my brothers for being rude!" A guard threatened viciously.

"Hehe, you're welcome?" Hearing this, Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows, and looked at the two guards with a sneer, "Do you think I'm bluffing?"

"I want to see, how are you being rude to me?"

Seeing that Jiang Mo was so strong, the two guards looked at each other, their eyes flickered, and they retreated slightly.

"Well, little brother, you give us that flywheel, and we can give you something as compensation." Another guard said tentatively.

"What compensation?" Jiang Mo looked at the two with interest.

"How about this, we'll give you 200 million gold coins, plus a fifth-tier elixir, what do you think?" The guard hurriedly said when he heard that there was something going on.

Hearing the guard's words, Jiang Mo rested his chin on his right hand and pondered for a long while without speaking.

After a while, Jiang Mo spoke slowly and said, "Sorry, I refuse your proposal."

Previously, Jiang Mo had noticed the extraordinaryness of the flywheel the moment he got it. Now that the two guards are willing to offer such a high price, it shows that this flywheel is not ordinary!
That being the case, of course Jiang Mo couldn't easily exchange with them.

"Little brother, as long as you are willing to give up the flywheel, apart from the previous conditions, we can no longer protect the young sect master of the Dark Wing Sect. As for whether he lives or dies, it is up to you, little brother." The guard Continue to be authentic.

Hearing this, Gou Ze's face turned cold, and he sternly shouted: "Old Xiao, I didn't expect you to be such perfidious people. Don't you dare not listen to my father's orders?"

"Hehe, young sect master, this Dark Wing Sect will soon be destroyed by Cangming Palace, and the sect master is probably decapitated by now. So, do you think his orders are still binding on us? "

After the Blood Demon Fruit was snatched by Jiang Mo, the two guards were already planning to abandon the young sect master.

The reason why they took action against Jiang Mo was just to get back the Blood Demon Fruit and get some benefits from the Wuji Temple.

But what they didn't expect was that not only did they not get the Blood Demon Fruit back, but they also lost the brilliant silver flywheel they had so hard to get.

"The conditions you mentioned didn't tempt me. On the contrary, the 200 million gold coins and the fifth-level elixir you mentioned made me quite tempted. If you are willing to hand over these things, I can consider letting you go A way out."

Jiang Mo stroked his chin and stared at the two of them coldly.

Compared with Gou Ze, Jiang Mo hated these two guards even more. The thing of defecting before battle was always the most disgusting thing.

"Boy, I have such a big appetite, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat these things!" The guard yelled violently, and wanted to attack Jiang Mo, but was stopped by the people beside him.

"Old Xiao, don't rush to act. This kid's strength is not weak. It will not be easy for us to take him down. If we delay for a long time, it will be bad to wait for those people from Cangming Palace to arrive. Except for the Martial King Not to mention, there are two golden-cloaked Cangmingwei! They are not something the two of us can handle!"

After finishing speaking, the guard called Lao Xiao hesitated for a moment, then fixed his eyes and said, "Boy, today is your good luck."

"The mountains don't turn and the water turns, if I meet you again in the future, I will take your life!"

After saying this harsh word, the two left Gou Ze behind and retreated into the depths of the forest.

Seeing the two fleeing quickly, Jiang Mo just glanced at them, and did not chase after them, but walked slowly towards the seriously injured Gou Ze...

(End of this chapter)

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