Chapter 416 Qualifications for Cang Ming Training Camp
"It seems that you, the young sect master, are very miserable. Even the guards abandoned you." Jiang Mo looked at Gou Ze with a half-smile.

Hearing this, Gou Ze's face turned cold, and he said, "If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you. You don't need to criticize me here!"

"Hey, you have a lot of backbone." Jiang Mo was slightly amused, and immediately took out a pill and threw it at Gou Ze.

Seeing this, Gou Ze caught the elixir, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Jiang Mo coldly: "What are you doing? Suspecting that killing me will dirty your sword, so, give me the poison?" ?”

"This is a elixir that can heal your wounds and replenish some energy." Jiang Mo explained calmly.

Hearing this, Gou Ze's body visibly shook, and then he gently brought the elixir to his nose and sniffed it.

With the current state of the two, Jiang Mo didn't need to use poison to kill him.

Thinking of this, Gou Ze showed a complex look on his face, he looked at Jiang Mo and said, "Why did you help me?"

"The only one who wants to kill you is Cangming Palace. I don't have any deep hatred with you. Now that I have got what I need, why should I kill you?" Jiang Mo asked back.

Jiang Mo is not the kind of person who will kill everything, unless the other party really offends him and touches his bottom line, Jiang Mo's killing intent will be aroused.

Seeing that Jiang Mo had no intention of killing him, Gou Ze was visibly relieved.

He swallowed the pill resolutely, and after recovering for a while, he immediately fled in another direction deep in the forest.

"Your Excellency's grace of not killing, I, Gou Ze, will remember it, and I will definitely repay you when I have the opportunity in the future."

Gou Ze's voice reached Jiang Mo's ears from afar, and he smiled lightly, but didn't care.


At this moment, in front of the Dark Wing Gate, there was a mess, with dozens of corpses piled up all over the ground, and the blood merged into a stream, flowing slowly.

Those corpses are all the corpses of the disciples of the Dark Wing Sect.

Compared to Jiang Mo's tolerance, these Cang Mingwei, whose hands had been stained with blood, were not so kind.

"I'm asking you one last time, Blood Demon Fruit, where did you hide it?"

At this moment, the majestic Dark Wing Sect Master was half-kneeling on the ground, his robes were torn, his hair was stuck to his head with thick blood, and he no longer had the momentum of a sect master.

On his neck was a gleaming long knife.

The breath in his whole body was already disordered, his tendons and hamstrings were severed by Cang Mingwei, and he was like a disabled person, looking forward with scattered eyes.

"Forget it, don't ask any more, just give him a good time." Ye Wuqing waved his hand lightly with his back to the master of the Dark Wing Sect.

After he finished speaking, the silver-robed Cang Mingwei raised his knife and dropped it, blood was scattered, and a head rolled down.

In the Cangming Palace, every Cangmingwei is an out-and-out executioner when carrying out the orders of the Cangming Envoy. Years of training have already made outsiders feel terrified of the Cangmingwei. degree.

If it is said that the reason why the Wuji Temple is so afraid of Cangming Palace, then these ruthless Cangmingwei are definitely one of the most important reasons.

"Go, go in and look for it, and see where they hid the Blood Demon Fruit." Ye Wuqing said with a finger on his forehead, feeling a little headache.

This blood demon fruit is a medicinal material personally named by a master of alchemy in the palace. If it cannot be brought back smoothly, even Ye Wuqing will not be easy to deal with.

"There's no need to look any further, I've already found the Blood Demon Fruit."

Hearing these words, Ye Wuqing and the other Cang Mingwei turned their heads and saw a thin figure in black robe standing there, the blood demon fruit in his hand was beating with dazzling red light.

"Haha, you kid, you keep bringing surprises to people!" Ye Wuqing laughed heartily after seeing the Blood Demon Fruit in Jiang Mo's hand.

Jiang Mo was not pretentious, and directly threw the blood demon fruit at Ye Wuqing.

After getting the Blood Demon Fruit, Ye Wuqing was in a good mood and asked, "How did you get the Blood Demon Fruit?"

Hearing this, Jiang Mo smiled slightly, and explained the reason of the matter, but he let go of the young sect master Gou Ze, but was passed by Jiang Mo without elaborating.

"Hehe, you are quite clever. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would all have made this trip in vain this time." Ye Wuqing glanced at Jiang Mo appreciatively, and then said: "For this mission, you The credit is indispensable, tell me, what reward do you want?"

What Ye Wuqing said was the truth, if it wasn't for Jiang Mo, it would be difficult for them to break the sect-protecting formation of the Dark Wing Gate.

Even if the defensive spirit formation could be broken, if Jiang Mo hadn't been there, perhaps Gou Ze would have already taken the Blood Demon Fruit to the Wuji Temple.

"Master Ye, I heard from Brother Zujie that this session of the Cangming training camp is about to start. If possible, I would like to go there to hone myself!" After pondering for a moment, Jiang Mo directly said his idea.

Instead of letting others guess what's on your mind, it's better to say it directly.

"Huh? Cangming training camp! You are quite well informed." After mentioning Cangming training camp, Ye Wuqing's face became serious.

After a while, he said slowly: "Judging from the performance of today's mission, you are not only very talented in formations, but also very sharp in mind. However, the Cangming training camp is in the palace, and it is a very special training camp." The institution has extremely high requirements on monks' martial arts talent, I don't know if you have this ability."

At this time, Zu Jie also took a step, clasped his fists at Ye Wuqing and said: "Master Ye, Jiang Mo once held on for a stick of incense with the joint efforts of the six war puppets during the palace examination."

Obviously, he was speaking for Jiang Mo.

Hearing these words, Jiang Mo also cast a grateful look at Zuo Jie.

"Six Battle Puppets? It's a good talent!" Ye Wuqing rubbed his chin with his palm and fell into deep thought.

Jiang Mo knew that if he didn't show some strength at this time, it might be difficult to win Ye Wuqing's attention.

This session of Cangming training camp may be a rare opportunity for Jiang Mo.

If he wanted to quickly improve his martial arts cultivation, he had to rely on the cultivation resources of the Cangming Training Camp. Only with the help of this pedal could he complete a magnificent transformation.

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, stood up, clasped his fists at Ye Wuqing and said, "Master Ye, in fact, my strength is far beyond the point of the original assessment. In that assessment, the strength I displayed was not as good as my real strength." Half of the strength."

"Oh? That's interesting!" Hearing this, Ye Wuqing's eyes lit up, and he immediately told Zujie: "Zujie, try it with Jiang Mo, and let me see if he has won the Cangming training camp. Qualifications."

(End of this chapter)

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