Chapter 417 Two Inscription Patterns
Hearing this, Zuo Jie stepped forward and stood in front of Jiang Mo.

Zuo Jie's strength may have reached the level of a seven-star martial lord, or even an eight-star martial lord, much stronger than the horse-faced man before.

Facing Zujie, Jiang Mo's eyes were also very dignified, without the slightest slack.

"Zu Jie, don't hold back, let me see Jiang Mo's true strength." Ye Wuqing ordered.

The rest of the Cangmingwei also folded their arms with great interest, wanting to see, this silver-robed Cangmingwei who just entered the palace, in the hands of an extremely senior gold-robed Cangmingwei like Zujie, How many tricks can you stick to.

"Jiang Mo, you have to be careful." After the words fell, Zuo Jie's figure flashed out, clenched his fists, and rushed out flatly towards where Jiang Mo was.

"bring it on!"

Jiang Mo let out a low cry, ten thousand catties of brute force was on his arm, surging rapidly, causing the veins to bulge, showing waves of tyrannical strength.

There were muffled sounds in the air, and the shadows of fists flickered, and the two of them were already fighting together.

Bang, bang, bang.

The angle of Zui Jie's fist is not fancy, but it has a force that cannot be underestimated. Every time he punches, it makes the air turbulent.

Although Jiang Mo's strength was not as strong as that of Yu Jie, his speed was extremely fast. With his elusive and weird speed, it was impossible for Yu Jie to gain the upper hand for a while.

After fighting for a while, Zuo Jie also wanted to see where Jiang Mo's true strength was. He mobilized the energy of the ninth layer in his dantian, poured it into his fists, and slammed at Jiang Mo.

With such a powerful punch, it would be difficult for Jiang Mo to resist it with his current speed.

"Bengshan Fist!"

Jiang Mo let out a low growl, and immediately the speed of punching increased suddenly, and shadows of fists appeared in front of him continuously, and then slowly gathered into a phantom like a mountain.

The phantom of the mountain shrouded it, making Yu Jie feel a strong pressure.

As a six-star martial king, Ye Wuqing, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was more sensitive than anyone present.

The moment Jiang Mo's Bending Mountain Fist of perfect state was cast, Ye Wuqing knew that what Jiang Mo said just now was not false, and that he indeed possessed extremely strong strength.

The fists of the two collided fiercely, and suddenly a violent wave of energy, centered on the place where the two met, spread madly in all directions.

Under the shock of such tyrannical force, the hard bluestone under the two people's feet exploded and turned into powder.

All of a sudden, in front of the entire Dark Wing Gate, a gust of wind blew up, and gravel flew across.

After punching him, Jiang Mo stood back and stood. Although he hadn't used the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword yet, as the golden-cloaked Cangmingwei, Zuo Jie naturally had the means of suppressing the bottom of the box and didn't use it.

They were just simply sparring and fighting, not a real life-and-death contest, it was enough for Ye Wuqing to see his own strength.

Pop, pop.

Following two crisp clapping sounds, Ye Wuqing's indifferent face squeezed out a smile again.

"You kid, you're hiding something. Even our golden-cloaked Cang Mingwei, you can fight hard!" Ye Wuqing looked at Jiang Mo appreciatively.

Xu Jie also smiled wryly, and said, "I almost used nine levels of strength in that punch just now, but I didn't expect that Jiang Mo's strength was so tyrannical!"

The golden-robed Cangmingwei and the nine silver-robed Cangmingwei around them all had a hint of shock on their faces.

With their eyesight, they could naturally see that Zuo Jie had already used eight or nine levels of strength in that punch just now, but Jiang Mo still took it abruptly.

Although Jiang Mo took a few steps back, such achievements are enough to make a silver-robed Cang Mingwei proud.

"Master Ye was joking." Jiang Mo smiled modestly.

"Okay, with the strength you have shown now, you are eligible to enter the Cangming training camp. After you go back, I will help you apply for this spot." Ye Wuqing said.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo was also a little surprised. Even Ye Wuqing, who is the envoy of Cangming, had to apply for the Cangming training camp quota instead of directly giving it to Jiang Mo.

This also invisibly shows the preciousness of the quota.

"Jiang Mo thanked Mr. Ye." After Ye Wuqing agreed to apply for the quota for Jiang Mo, the latter said immediately with fists in his hands.

Ye Wuqing's words of promise to Jiang Mo also made the rest of the Cang Mingwei, including Zu Jie and the other golden-cloaked Cang Mingwei, look envious.

They are very clear in their hearts how precious a spot in the Cangming training camp is.

"Okay, you don't have to thank me. With your talent, if you don't enter the Cangming training camp, it may be a loss for the palace." After Ye Wuqing finished speaking, he waved his sleeve robe immediately, and the green-scaled eagles immediately froze. It circled up from the resting place and landed in front of everyone.

"The task has been completed, now return to the palace."

After the words fell, Ye Wuqing stepped on a green-scaled eagle first, and then everyone followed.

After Ye Wuqing and his party left for about a stick of incense, two men and women wearing black robes with eager expressions appeared in front of the Dark Wing Gate.

If Ye Wuqing was still here, he would be able to tell that this man and woman both possessed the strength of a Martial King.

The man's eyes swept across the scattered corpses in the open space, and finally stopped on a headless corpse.

"This is the sect master of the Dark Wing Sect. Unexpectedly, he was also beheaded with the strength of a six-star Martial King! It seems that Cangming Palace's actions this time are quite fast!" The man said with a trembling face.

This man and woman are envoys sent by the Wuji Temple to protect the Dark Wing Gate, and they want to get back the Blood Demon Fruit.

From the moment they received the order, they rushed here non-stop, but they were still one step too late.

The woman's expression was cold, she glanced at the dilapidated and blood-stained ground, looked at the black-robed man, and said, "Now, do you still want to chase?"

"What are you chasing after? I guess the people from Cangming Palace have already returned to the base camp." The black-robed man shook his head, "It's really bad luck, it's a waste of time!"


Cangming Palace, in Jiang Mo's room.

He took out the flywheel he had snatched from the two guards.

Jiang Mo put his palm on the flywheel and rubbed it lightly, as if he felt that the texture of the flywheel was a bit different, and his eyes stayed on it for a moment.

"There is actually a trace of meteorite mixed in this flywheel, no wonder it has such a strong power." Jiang Mo said to himself.

Afterwards, his spiritual power invaded the flywheel and began to check the engraved inscriptions inside it.

After a while, Jiang Mo slowly withdrew his spiritual power, and there was a hint of surprise on his face.

"Unexpectedly, inside this flywheel, there are actually two inscription patterns engraved, one is a fourth-level hidden inscription, and one is five-level speed inscription!"

(End of this chapter)

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