Chapter 418 Basic Realm
After recognizing the two inscription patterns inside the flywheel, Jiang Mo couldn't help but feel joy flashing across his face.

That day, he had personally seen the power of this flywheel, and even he had to be very tricky under the driving force.

"It's just that these two inscription patterns have been weakened due to the passage of time." Jiang Mo thought to himself, "If I can connect the weakened inscription patterns again, then what it can do The power of the explosion will probably be even more terrifying!"

After making up his mind, Jiang Mo went to the Utensil Hall of Cangming Palace, where there were various materials and weapons.

Jiang Mo's move was to exchange some materials for seal engraving and inscription patterns. Although the Utensil Hall needed to contribute points to exchange items, because of Jiang Mo's outstanding performance in the mission this time, Ye Wuqing rewarded him with a lot of contribution points.

It is more than enough to exchange for some seal engraving and inscription materials.

After getting what he needed, Jiang Mo went back to the room, closed the door, and devoted himself to studying the inscription pattern.

Although it was a long time ago, with Jiang Mo's memory, he still has some impression of the method of engraving the inscription.

The origin force flow route of the inscription pattern in the flywheel already existed, and what Jiang Mo had to do was to re-open the blocked route, which was much easier than carving a new inscription pattern.

But if this is the case, there is a little sweat on his forehead. This requires a very high level of spiritual power. If you are not careful, it will break the inscription pattern built into it, so you must be careful.

After nearly an hour of painstaking research, Jiang Mo finally re-outlined the somewhat broken hidden inscription pattern inside the flywheel.

The moment the hidden inscription pattern was reconstructed, Jiang Mo showed a look of satisfaction on his face.

In his palm, the energy gathered and turned into silk threads, which penetrated into the flywheel and stimulated the hidden inscription pattern to rise.

Accompanied by the soft humming sound, the flywheel, which was originally shining bright silver, gradually became illusory, and in the end, it was actually hidden in the air.

Although looking carefully, you can still see the edges of some flywheels, but if you rush, you can't find the existence of flywheels at all.

"Hey, this is a good thing." Seeing the almost invisible flywheel, the corners of Jiang Mo's mouth curled up.

In a battle, such a hidden flywheel, caught off guard, will definitely cause a big loss to the opponent!
After a short rest, Jiang Mo began to seal the speed inscription pattern again.

This speed inscription pattern is a fifth-level inscription pattern. After spending a lot of spiritual materials, Jiang Mo finally outlined it.

"If you want to test the power of the speed inscription pattern, you can't do it in this room." He said secretly, and Jiang Mo entered the Zichen space with a thought.

This brilliant silver flywheel is heavy in the hand, as if it weighs hundreds of catties, but if this weight is bombarded on the opponent at an extremely fast speed, it will also produce great power!
In Jiang Mo's palm, the Yuan power surged, and the speed inscription and the concealment inscription were activated at the same time, and then under Jiang Mo's slight force, they burst into the void and shot out!

chi chi-
In an instant, there was only a piercing buzzing sound in the air, followed by a terrifying wave, which flashed past like thunder!
After the flywheel passed by for a while, the air was still turbulent, but nothing could be seen.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Mo smiled slightly, and immediately squeezed his palm, and the flywheel automatically returned.

"This brilliant silver flywheel is an excellent hidden weapon!" Jiang Mo secretly said in his heart, "In the future, there will be another way to suppress the bottom of the box!"

Not only possessing terrifying speed, but also being able to hide its shape, this brilliant silver flywheel was designed, probably also for hidden weapons.

Putting away the Canyin Flywheel with great satisfaction, Jiang Mo began to hone the Devil May Cry sword technique in the Zichen space.

Although the fifth form piercing the sky is extremely powerful, it also consumes a lot of energy. With Jiang Mo's current martial arts cultivation, he can't perform it a few times at all.

Only by strengthening one's understanding of swordsmanship and understanding the essence of the fifth form can one release its power to the maximum extent!
Swish, swish, swish...

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo pulled out the ancient sword of punishment, and practiced hard here.

Under Jiang Mo's tireless cultivation, five days passed in a flash.

When the sixth day came, Jiang Mo was still immersed in the Devil May Cry swordsmanship, but outside his room, Ye Wuqing came in person.

"I don't know if Lord Ye is here in person, so don't be surprised!" Jiang Mo wiped the sweat from his brow, and clasped his fist at Ye Wuqing.

"No problem." Ye Wuqing waved his hand and said, "I'm here today to tell you some good news."

Hearing this, Jiang Mo's heart skipped a beat, but his expression remained calm.

Seemingly knowing what Jiang Mo was thinking, Ye Wuqing smiled and said, "Your application quota has come down, and the high-level officials in the palace agree to your participation in this Cang Ming training camp!"

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Jiang Mo said sincerely, clasping his fists together.

He knew very well in his heart that even the gold-cloaked Cangming guards in the Cangming training camp were envied for a place. Without Ye Wuqing's help in it, it would be difficult for him to get this place.

But Ye Wuqing's ability to let go of her airs and come to tell Jiang Mo the news doesn't mean that Jiang Mo has much face.

Rather, as long as Jiang Mo can enter the Cangming training camp, his future potential will definitely be terrifying!
Even for this potential, it is worth Ye Wuqing's friendship with Jiang Mo.

"This time, there are a total of 20 silver-robed Cangming Guards who have applied for the Cangming training camp, and only 100 of them can actually enter the training camp. In other words, the [-] of you still need to go through Compete and fight for the limited twenty places." Ye Wuqing said.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo frowned slightly, and after a moment's pause, he asked just now: "Master Ye, don't you have a golden-cloaked Cangming Guard to apply to join the Cangming training camp?"

If these 100 people are all silver-robed Cangmingwei, Jiang Mo need not worry too much, after all, with his current combat power, he is comparable to a six-star Martial Lord.

It is not difficult to stand out from the 100 people and squeeze into the top [-].

"Yes, these 100 people are all silver-robed Cangmingwei, because in the eyes of the high-level officials in the palace, the real strong need to be cultivated from the most basic level. And the silver-cloaked Cangmingwei, just in line This condition." Ye Wuqing said slowly.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo couldn't help but smacked his lips. Perhaps in the entire Cangming Domain, only the three major overlords like Cangming Palace have the qualifications and background to regard the realm of Martial Lords as the basic realm, right?

Jiang Mo also understands why Zuo Jie and the golden-cloaked Cang Mingwei envied him so much at the Dark Wing Gate...

(End of this chapter)

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