Chapter 419 Boom
Under Ye Wuqing's guidance, Jiang Mo came to a large school grounds, and after bringing Jiang Mo there, Ye Wuqing left.

Jiang Mo strolled into the school grounds and found that there were already a lot of people, about a hundred people.

Including Jiang Mo, the Cangmingwei here are all below the six-star Martial Lord.

However, since they can be selected into the Cangming training camp, even if their martial arts cultivation is not high, their combat power should not be underestimated. It is impossible to say that there are monsters like Jiang Mo who can challenge by leapfrogging.

In the direction directly facing Cangmingwei, sat a rough man with gnarled muscles. His left eye was tied with a black bandage, and only his slightly vicious right eye was exposed.

Beside him, there was a middle-aged man standing with his hands down, with a very respectful expression.

"Let's start." The one-eyed rough man said.

Hearing the rough man's order, the man took a step forward and stood in front of the crowd. After his soft coughing sound fell, the crowd fell silent.

"Originally, only 20 people were needed for this session of the Cangming training camp. However, due to the recommendations of the Cangming envoys, the number of people this time has surged to as many as one hundred!"

"Our Cangming training camp aims to cultivate the truly strong, not the mediocre."

"Therefore, a large amount of cultivation resources will be poured into every Cangming guard who is selected to enter the Cangming training camp."

"However, cultivation resources are always limited, and the number of people entering the camp this time is still 20."

"So, it is destined that among the 100 of you, 80 will be eliminated!"

After the man finished speaking, the school grounds suddenly fell into a low-pitched discussion.

This noisy voice came to the ears of the one-eyed rough man above, which made him slightly displeased.

He stood up, walked to the front of the school field, and patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder.

"There are too many people, let me clean up a batch first!"

After the rough man's voice fell, he chopped the sole of his foot lightly on the ground, and suddenly circles of invisible force oppressed and spread out, covering the bodies of the one hundred Cang Mingwei!

The invisible terrifying aura, like a mountain, oppressed everyone, making their bodies tremble, like sifting chaff.

"Whoever of you can persist for ten breaths will be considered as having passed the first round of the test." The rough man said indifferently, while speaking, the aura he released strengthened a bit.

The selection rules were randomly assigned by rough men.

Most of the Cang Mingwei on the school field gritted their teeth and persisted. Their legs trembled, their backs were bent, and their sweat kept dripping down.

Plop, plop,

When this oppressive momentum lasted until the fifth breath, several Cangmingwei couldn't bear the terrifying oppressive momentum, and fell to their knees on the ground with a thud.

This also means that they were eliminated in the first round of tests.

Jiang Mo also stimulated the energy in his body to resist the all-pervasive oppression, but compared to others, his condition was much better.

When he was in the body training state, he had reached the state of perfect body training, and he had received the perfect level of Yuanli baptism in Yunchui Martial Arts Academy. Compared with other people, his martial arts foundation was only stronger than weaker.

"This person's martial arts cultivation has probably reached the realm of the Martial Emperor?" Jiang Mo looked at the rough man with a calm expression.

Obviously, that person hasn't used all his strength, otherwise, among the people present, no one can survive ten breaths.

The ten breathing time will soon pass, but for these Cangming Wei who are undergoing the test, it is as painful as centuries.

At this time, the rough man lost his oppressive aura.

Jiang Mo scanned his surroundings and found that there were actually 22 Cang Mingwei who could not bear the oppression and fell down.

"This first round is to eliminate people from the second floor." Jiang Mo secretly said in his heart.

The middle-aged man walked forward slowly at this time, and said: "As you can see, the lord who made the move just now is one of the guardians of my Cangming Palace, the guardian of Canshan Mountain!"

"Guardian Canshan is the person in charge of this training camp."

Hearing this, everyone showed shock. According to the rules of Cangming Palace, anyone who can become a Dharma protector must at least be a strong person of the Martial Emperor rank.

That is to say, the person responsible for training them this time is a genuine Martial Emperor!

"Now, there are still 78 of you left, in order to save time..." While speaking, the middle-aged man waved his hand on the school field, drawing an invisible mask, and then said: "You will decide the winner here Well, the last 20 people who can stay inside will be able to accept this training!"

The 22 people who were eliminated had already left the school field reluctantly, and the 78 people who stayed on top, after listening to the middle-aged man's words, looked at the people around them, showing a look of vigilance in their eyes.

"Okay, don't hesitate, let's start now!" The rough man shouted.

This sentence was the last fuse that detonated the gunpowder barrel. After saying that, a fierce battle broke out on the school field.

The closest to Jiang Mo was a short man with a knife. The knife in his hand had a strange shape, but when he chopped it down, it made a shockingly sharp sound.

Jiang Mo's eyes were fixed, and the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand also swung out suddenly, slashing at the short man.

A sound of clashing iron and steel rang out immediately, sparks flew everywhere, and the short man had been retreated several steps away by Jiang Mozhen.

"Boy, isn't your strength weak? Try my mountain-opening saber technique again!" After being shaken back, the short man's expression changed immediately, and he swung the saber light, and swung it fiercely at Jiang Mo again.

His attack this time is much more fierce than before. With his level of attack, it is estimated that even an ordinary four-star Martial Lord cannot catch it.

However, it was a pity that it was Jiang Mo who got closer to him.

With Jiang Mo's current strength, even if he meets a six-star Martial Lord, he can fight head-on without losing the wind.

"Get out of here!" Jiang Mo shouted coldly, and then the ancient sword suddenly slashed out, and violent air waves rushed out all around, and the sword in the short man's hand was also directly shaken away.

However, before the little man came back to his senses, Jiang Mo stepped forward, stepped on the ground with his foot, turned around, and kicked the little man in the chest.

The latter's figure was immediately blown away like a sandbag.

By the time it landed on the ground, it had already left the invisible mask.

Seeing Jiang Mo finish off an opponent so quickly, the Cang Mingwei around him also cast jealous eyes on Jiang Mo...

(End of this chapter)

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