Chapter 450
Jiang Mo also took a jade tablet, and after Yuanli was poured into it, Luo Biao's information automatically emerged.

"Luo Biao, ten years ago was the Cangming Guard in the golden robe of the Cangming Palace. Because of committing heinous crimes, he was expelled from the Cangming Palace and included in the must-kill list!"

"For ten years, Cangming Palace has never stopped chasing and killing him, but he is so cunning that he can always get away with it!"

"His methods are extremely cruel. In the past ten years, due to chasing and killing this person, our Cangming Palace has also lost many good players!"

"Currently, Luo Biao has pulled up an army composed of dead soldiers to stand on the top of the mountain and occupy the mountain as king!"

"Luo Biao's location should be the Magic Wind Valley, which is known as the three-way zone."

In just a few words, Jiang Mo had a rough understanding of this Luo Biao. Ten years ago, this man was the golden-cloaked Cangmingwei. Perhaps now his strength has entered the realm of Martial King!
After reading Luo Biao's message, the rest of the people all showed serious expressions on their faces.

As the final assessment of the Cangming training camp, its degree of difficulty is indeed extraordinary.

"You should have read Luo Biao's information. Although beheading Luo Biao is extremely difficult for you now. But, don't forget, you still have nearly half a year. During this half year, you should do your best to kill Luo Biao. Improve your strength as much as possible, and then go to complete the task." Guardian Canshan said.

"And, in the past six months, whoever can complete the task first will have the opportunity to compete for the position of the Golden Robe Cangming Envoy!"

When the "Golden Robe Cangming Envoy" in the mouth of Guardian Canshan was spoken, the breathing of the members of the training camp became heavy at that moment.

Perhaps Jiang Mo was not very clear about the weight of the 'Golden Robe Cangming Envoy', but the rest of the people were very clear about the meaning it represented.

In Cangming Palace, the levels are as strict as barriers, and the division of each level is very strict.

From Cang Ming Guard to Cang Ming Envoy, to Cang Ming Dharma Protector, Deputy Palace Master, and Cang Ming Palace Master, every level of promotion is extremely difficult.

Moreover, each level is subdivided into gold robes and silver robes according to its own strength.

Corresponding to the strict level, each level has rights, status, and any martial arts monk is a cultivation resource that is very concerned about.

To put it simply, the power and status held by the golden-robed Cangming Envoy is many times higher than that of the silver-cloaked Cangming Envoy.

And the Silver-robed Cangming Envoy's power and status in Cangming Palace, as well as the cultivation resources he can mobilize, are many times higher than Cangmingwei's!
The reason for all these uneven distributions is brought about by their respective strengths.

In the Cangming Palace, one can become a Cangming Envoy without reaching the level of a Martial King.

Before that, they still need to pass a series of assessments like Jiang Mo and the others, and only after passing can they become Cangming envoys.

What's more, the golden-cloaked Cangming Envoy with an even higher status!
It can be said that if the members of the Cangming training camp can pass the final assessment first, they will get a fast promotion channel, one step earlier than others, and gain more power and status, as well as cultivation resources.

These things are fatally attractive to every martial arts monk.

This is also the reason why everyone was so excited when they heard about the 'Golden Robe Cangming Envoy'.

"It seems that the temptation of this 'Golden Robe Cangming Envoy' is very strong! Since this is the case, I have to work harder to see if I can come out on top!"

Looking at the slightly excited expressions of the crowd, Jiang Mo couldn't help licking his lips, and said with fiery eyes.

The reason why he came to Cangming Palace was to use the power of Cangming Palace to fight against Wuji Temple.

With Jiang Mo's current meager strength, trying to fight against the Wuji Temple is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. Only by relying on the big tree of Cangming Palace can it be sheltered.

Secondly, he took a fancy to the abundant training resources in Cangming Palace, as long as he can show outstanding talent here, he can be vigorously cultivated.

Looking at the excited expressions of the crowd, a look of relief flashed across the face of Guardian Canshan.

In the face of danger, anyone will instinctively want to escape, but if they can use external objects to motivate them and make them willing to throw their heads and blood for their goals, then the goal of the Cangming training camp will be achieved!
"In addition, if anyone can perform well in this final assessment, then he will also get a chance to enter the secret realm of Cangming Palace!" Guardian Canshan said solemnly, "As far as I know, the secret realm this time , even for a strong Martial King, it is a rare opportunity!"

Hearing these words, Jiang Mo couldn't help but move slightly.

Even if the guardian of Canshan said so, then this secret realm must be a good opportunity.

"I want to get that opportunity in the secret realm." Jiang Mo clenched his fist slowly, with a firm expression, and said inwardly.

"Okay, that's all I want to say. I hope that after half a year, someone of you will be able to complete the task!" After the words fell, Canshan Dharma Protector waved his sleeve robe, and suddenly beams of brilliance flew towards everyone.

"This is the last cultivation resource that Cangming Palace gives you, you must not disappoint Cangming Palace's cultivation!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at the rosary stored in their hands with surprise on their faces, and cupped their fists to the guardian of Canshan Mountain to express their thanks.

"Haha, I actually got 2000 yuan stones this time."

"The value of my three fourth-order pills is not lower than your 2000 yuan stone!"

"What are you guys, Lord Protector gave me a Tier [-] True Martial Weapon!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Jiang Mo couldn't help but become weird.

If their 2000 yuan stones, a few fourth-order pills and real martial arts treasures are considered treasures, then in the storage rosary given to him by Guardian Canshan, there are at least 5000 yuan yuan stones, and nearly [-] yuan stones. What are the ten fifth-order pills?
"It seems that Guardian Canshan still takes good care of me!" Jiang Mo smiled heartily, and immediately cast a grateful look at Guardian Canshan.

Seeing this, Guardian Can Shan also smiled, with an encouraging look in his eyes.

After they each got the treasures, everyone left the place one after another, preparing to go to the Magic Wind Valley to complete the task.

Jiang Mo was no exception, and he also began to think about his next plan.

Magic Wind Valley is about [-] miles away from here. If you only rely on your feet to travel, you don't know when you will be able to arrive.

Moreover, Luo Biao was able to escape his life again and again during the decades of pursuit in the Cangming Palace, and he pulled up an army of dead soldiers in the extremely chaotic Magic Wind Valley.

Its strength must not be underestimated!

"Go get a flying desolate beast first, then reach the Valley of the Magic Wind, and then think carefully about how to deal with that Luo Biao!" Jiang Mo thought to himself.

However, before that, the Chi Lian Snake who has been severely injured must be treated...

(End of this chapter)

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