Chapter 451
Thinking of this, Jiang Mo's spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and after a faint light flashed, the Chilian Snake appeared from Zichen's space.

Looking at the Chixu little snake with its weak breath, Jiang Mo couldn't help feeling guilty.

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be so seriously injured." Jiang Mo said with self-blame.

Then he took out the bottle of bone-washing and muscle-building liquid that Guardian Canshan gave him, and poured it slowly on the wound of Chi Lian Snake.

chi chi-
After the emerald green crisp liquid fell on the body of the Chilian Snake, it immediately penetrated along its skin, repairing its severely injured body.

With the infiltration of the emerald green liquid, the cracked scales and bones on Chilian Snake's body are rapidly recovering from the wounds at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After about half a stick of incense, Chi Lian Snake's motionless body finally squirmed, and its small snake pupils slowly opened. Although the breath was still very weak, it was much stronger than before.

Jiang Mo can also prepare medicinal liquids like the Bone Washing and Muscle Regenerating Liquid, and the effect of the preparation is only stronger than the Bone Cleansing and Muscle Regenerating Spiritual Liquid.

But to make the liquid medicine, it needs medicinal materials. Jiang Mo couldn't get enough medicinal materials, so he could only cook without rice.

As the emerald green medicinal liquid slowly penetrated into the skeleton of the Scarlet Snake, its broken bones and flesh were rapidly connecting and growing.

After half an hour, a burst of vitality emanated from the Chilian Snake, and its pair of dark snake eyes also became brighter.

"This bone-washing and muscle-building liquid has a good effect." While speaking, Jiang Mo stretched out his hand, and with a flick of Chilian Snake's tail, it jumped into Jiang Mo's palm.

The little soft head kept rubbing against Jiang Mo's palm, looking very intimate.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mo also felt relieved. The most serious injury of Chilian Snake has been repaired, and within half a month, it will be able to return to its previous state again.

"It's time to go to the Magic Wind Valley!" Jiang Mo glanced around, all the members of the Cangming training camp had left, including the Guardian Canshan.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mo headed towards the bustling capital city where Cangmingyu was located, where there were flying desolate beasts that could be rented.

In addition, Jiang Mo also needs to buy a map about going to Magic Wind Valley, otherwise, it would be too slow to find it by himself.

The place where the Styx River was located was originally the outskirts of the Cangming Domain, so it took Jiang Mo less than an hour to enter the capital city.

"I'm only renting your green-scaled eagle for a few days, and the price is 50 gold coins. Isn't it too expensive?" Jiang Mo said with a frown as he looked at the brightly feathered green-scaled eagle.

Opposite Jiang Mo was a bald middle-aged man, whose eyeballs were rolling round and round, looking very shrewd.

"Guest officer, you don't know that when I bought this green-scaled eagle, it cost a lot of money. And it costs a lot of gold coins to feed it every day. Therefore, if you rent it for three days, 50 gold coins is really not expensive. If you don't believe me, you can go to other places to compare prices, my price is definitely the most fair." The bald middle-aged man said with a look of injustice.

As long as the flying distance of the Green Scaled Eagle is within ten thousand miles, it can fly back by itself after delivering the guests, without the owner needing to worry.

"30 gold coins, no more." Jiang Mo bargained. Although he did not lack gold coins, he was unwilling to be taken for a ride.

"Guest officer, it's not easy for us to run a small business. Let's make a compromise, 40 gold coins! Do you think so?" The bald middle-aged man said with a smile on his face.

Seeing Jiang Mo's frown, the bald middle-aged man went on to say: "Guest officer, I guess you rented the green-scaled eagle for a long trip, right? I happen to have maps for sale here, how about this, I'll give you a map , plus this green-scaled eagle, a total of 40 gold coins!"

Hearing this, Jiang Mo nodded. If there is a map here, it will save him the time to go to other places to buy it.

Seeing Jiang Mo nodding, the bald middle-aged man also smiled.

"I'm going to Magic Wind Valley, do you have a map there?" Jiang Mo asked.

Hearing this, the bald middle-aged man's complexion changed slightly, and while handing out the map, he said: "Guest officer, I can persuade you! The Magic Wind Valley is a chaotic place, and people die all the year round. You need someone to accompany you." Fortunately, if there is no one, I advise you to think about it."

Although this balding middle-aged man is very shrewd in business, he is still a good person. Jiang Mo can see that what he just said is also from sincerity.

"Thank you for your kindness." Jiang Mo smiled, then took out the purple card from Tianwu Bank, and directly transferred 50 gold coins to the bald middle-aged man.

Among them, 40 gold coins are the price of the green-scaled eagle and the map, and [-] gold coins are Jiang Mo's thanks for the kind reminder from the bald middle-aged man.

After getting what he needed, Jiang Mo left Cangming Realm.

A resonant eagle cry rang out from a distance, and Jiang Mo sat firmly on the broad back of the blue-scaled eagle, letting the strong wind blow his robe, making a sound of hunting.

On the way to Magic Wind Valley, Jiang Mo did not stop practicing.

He sat cross-legged on the back of the green-scaled eagle, quietly absorbed the vitality of the world, and tempered his own bone meridians.

After the refined heaven and earth vitality swam through his body for a great cycle, Jiang Mo opened his eyes and slowly let out a mouthful of turbid air.

He took out a jade slip, on which was rubbed the dragon language characters on the skeleton of the underworld dragon.

Soon, Jiang Mo Bainian began to ponder the dragon language characters engraved on it.

The dragon language is very obscure and profound. When I first started to study it, I was still relaxed, but after the time of Liang's two incense sticks, Jiang Mo's forehead was also slightly sweaty.

The process of studying Dragon language characters is very energy-consuming, but invisibly, Jiang Mo's spiritual power is also growing at a slow but constant speed.

Because Jiang Mo had some impressions of this kind of dragon language in his previous life, and because his spiritual power had reached the fourth level, this process was not without progress.

Every time he looked at it, Jiang Mo uttered vague words, mixed with the release of Yuan force, which would always cause a strange fluctuation in the energy between the heaven and the earth.

Just like that, a day later, Jiang Mo sat cross-legged on the back of the green-scaled eagle, and suddenly opened his mouth, and a strange syllable came out of his mouth while his chest was shaking.

"Wind blows."

After this syllable came out, suddenly, in the calm sky, a gust of wind suddenly howled, and when the whirlwind hit, it made the green-scaled eagle tremble violently.

When the gust of wind blew up, Jiang Mo showed a happy smile on his face.

"Sure enough." Jiang Mo murmured in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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