Chapter 465
Jiang Mo suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and with a movement of his divine sense, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword also flew out automatically, facing the slender and soft sword.

The blade of the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword is extremely wide and heavy, and it is more eye-catching than the sword worn by the man in white robe.

The two controlled their weapons from a distance, and in the midair, they began to confront each other fiercely.

Clang, Clang, Clang...

The sound of metal roaring continuously came from the midair, and the rest of the people turned their eyes slightly curiously. When they saw the flickering sword shadow in midair, they couldn't help but look sideways.

In Tianwu Continent, there are quite a few monks who practice swordsmanship, and there are also monks who can control swords in the air, but there are not many who can control them delicately.

Some people control their swords with hand tactics, and some use their minds to control their swords. Perhaps like Jiang Mo, monks who control their swords with the power of spiritual thoughts are also very rare.

After the two flying swords bombarded each other for dozens of rounds in mid-air, the slender and soft sword obviously fell below.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword was large in size and suppressed with a sense of weight, making the slender and soft sword like a lonely boat in a storm, which might capsize at any time.

"How could that kid's sword control skills be better than mine? I've studied it for more than [-] years!" The white-robed man was shocked. He looked at Jiang Mo, who was shaking black wings in the air, and the latter had a calm expression on his face. , it seems that Yujian fighting is an extremely easy thing.

After just a short fight, Jiang Mo knew that although the white-robed man's martial arts cultivation was profound, he was no match for him in sword control.

After all, the style of Qianli Yujian that Jiang Mo practiced came from the Devil May Cry swordsmanship comparable to earth-level martial arts!

The two swords defended hard again, and the majestic power of the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword poured down, directly flying the slender soft sword, and landed on the ground with a clang.

"Damn boy, come down if you have the ability!" The white-robed man's saber was knocked down, and he suddenly looked a little helpless, and shouted coldly.

Jiang Mo ignored the white-robed man, flapped his wings behind him, and rushed towards Luo Biao.

It is not easy to find a reliable ally. Jiang Mo can't just fall into danger like this. If he misses this opportunity, it will be even more difficult to kill Luo Biao in the future.

"Boy, do you really think that I, Luo Biao, are a soft persimmon?" Seeing Jiang Mopiao approaching, Luo Biao also had a ferocious look on his face.

While speaking, he spread out his palms, and the joints continued to grow, making a crackling sound, and a faint golden light lingered.

"Coffin Cracking Claw!"

Luo Biao sneered coldly, and immediately between those claws, violent Yuan force surged out, tearing through the air, and hitting Jiang Mo.

This blow was extremely fierce and domineering, even from a distance of several feet, one could feel the murderous aura rushing towards his face.

"The wind rises, the fire comes!" Jiang Mo didn't make a move, the Yuan force oscillated between the chest, and then uttered two strange syllables along his throat.

The moment those two strange syllables came out, the vitality between the heaven and the earth suddenly rioted, and gusts of wind surged violently.

Invisibly, the temperature on Tianzhu Peak also increased quietly, and some bushes and trees spontaneously ignited.

The gust of wind and flames took shape in front of Jiang Mo, and then, with a movement of Jiang Mo's spiritual thought, the gust of wind and flame slowly merged together.

"What the hell is that?" Seeing the gust of wind and flames in front of him, Luo Biao suddenly showed panic in his eyes, and cried out in a voice.

Even the man in the white robe has a horrified expression, can he mobilize the power of heaven and earth?It is said that only the peak powerhouse with extraordinary strength can do it, right?

However, there was not much time left for Luo Biao to be shocked. When the gust of wind merged with the flames, a frightening wave of terror spread out.

Boom, boom.

It was a storm of flames, the flames took advantage of the power of the strong wind, and the strong wind fueled the blazing flames, coming ragingly!

Wherever the flame storm passed, everything was burned into nothingness, even the rolling boulder was burned into fly ash.

Although Luo Biao's coffin-splitting claw was powerful, it only tore apart the flame storm for a short moment, and then gathered again.

"Brother Su, save me!" It's not that Luo Biao couldn't resist the flame storm, but because he was too afraid of death, he didn't even want to block it, so he retreated in a hurry.

The white-robed man snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and suddenly bursts of energy blasted on the flame storm.

After being hit by an external force, the flame storm first shrank slightly inward, and then expanded suddenly. The fiery flame waves became stronger one after another, and finally included the entire Tianzhu Peak.


The moment the flame storm swept away, the entire mountain was shaken violently, a large amount of broken stones rustled down, and countless ancient trees and weeds spontaneously ignited at this moment.

The mountain trembled for a long while, and when the flame storm dissipated, a huge pothole appeared below, which was black and about a few feet deep.

"Good guy!" Tie Toutuo quietly swallowed as he looked at the desolate mountain.

His opponent, the man with the broken eyebrow from the Legion of Dead Soldiers, had already been defeated. With Tietutuo's one-star Martial King Perfection's strength, it's not surprising that this happened.

Luo Biao fled relatively quickly, looking at Jiang Mo from afar, with lingering fear in his heart.

And the white-robed man stood beside Luo Biao with a cold expression on his face.

Jiang Mo's hole cards emerged one after another, and even the white-robed man had a hard time dealing with them.

"There's that guy here, and Luo Biao is a very cunning person. It's really difficult to kill him." Jiang Mo stood there, frowning slightly, thinking about how to kill the enemy.

After a while, Jiang Mo finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind, and took out the dark red amber from Zichen's ring.

The energy contained in this amber is extremely pure and huge. If I swallow some of it, it may temporarily increase my strength a lot.

With this in mind, Jiang Mo stopped hesitating. With a light swipe of his finger, one-tenth of the dark red amber was cut off and thrown into his mouth.

When the small piece of dark red amber entered his mouth, Jiang Mo suddenly felt as if a flame passed through his throat, his mind roared and his whole body trembled.

"What's wrong with that kid? Could it be that he accidentally swallowed some poisonous pill and died suddenly?" Luo Biao watched this scene from a distance, praying silently.

The white-robed man stared at Jiang Mo solemnly. Judging from the powerful aura rising from the latter's body from time to time, Jiang Mo must be doing something dangerous.

At this moment, Jiang Mo roared in a low voice, his eyes were red, his fists were clenched tightly, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and his whole body was filled with terrifying waves.

The energy in the dark red amber dissipated in Jiang Mo's body, like a wild horse, rushing through the meridians in his body.

Jiang Mo also knew that if he could tame this wild horse, he would be able to kill Luo Biao.

But the man in white robe and Luo Biao did not intend to give Jiang Mo this chance.

"Shoot together and kill that kid!" The two looked at each other, and immediately bombarded Jiang Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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