Chapter 466 Killing the Martial King
Jiang Mo only cut off one-tenth of the amber, and the energy was so violent, he couldn't imagine what would happen if he swallowed the whole piece of amber.

That violent wild horse-like power raged endlessly in Jiang Mo's meridians, causing fine blood beads to ooze from his skin. From a distance, it seemed to be covered with a coat of blood.

However, such inhuman pain is not without benefits, at least Jiang Mo felt that his strength was increasing at an extremely terrifying speed under the crazily running of the Devouring Martial Vessel.

ka ka ka ---
The dark red amber brought Jiang Mo not only an increase in strength, but also a change in body shape.

His bones were crackling and growing at a slight rate, his nails were sharper and sharper than before, and even dark red scales appeared on his skin. The light flickered, giving people an indestructible feeling. Feel.

Looking at Jiang Mo's strange appearance, the white-robed man and Luo Biao's eyes were full of murderous intent. The more Jiang Mo behaved strangely, the more frightened they felt in their hearts.

The two approached Jiang Mo's body in an instant, and then rushed towards Jiang Mo's head together.

They had used all their strength in this punch, and they obviously wanted to kill Jiang Mozhen with one punch.

During the turbulent air, the terrifying wind blew Jiang Mo's black hair up, but just as the punch was about to fall on Jiang Mo, there was a loud crash behind the latter, and the pair of black wings suddenly shot out .

The Nirvana Wing seemed to have absorbed the power in the amber, and was covered with a layer of dark red light. When it was flapping, a strong wind blew up, making Jiang Mo's body appear tens of feet away, as if teleporting.

"This kid's speed is a bit faster than before!" The white-robed man's eyes froze, and he was shocked.

In the distance, Jiang Mo had gritted his teeth and gradually controlled the violent power in his body. His eyes were bloodshot, and he was staring at the two in front of him coldly.

"Luo Biao, you and I joined forces and killed that monster!" The white-robed man shouted, Jiang Mo's state at this time, even he dared not be too careless.

"Okay!" Luo Biao nodded heavily. The terrifying aura coming from Jiang Mo's body at this moment made his heart skip a beat, and he didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest.

With the fall of Luo Biao's voice, the golden body of King Wu, which had been blasted away by the Nirvana Xuanlei, somehow Luo Biao condensed it again.

The six-clawed golden toad was crouching in the void, with pale golden eyes looking down, exuding a majestic aura.

The white-robed man also chops the sole of his foot abruptly, and an invisible ripple spreads quickly. In the blink of an eye, a white-clothed phantom about six feet long is formed, which is somewhat similar to the white-robed man.

In the distance, Tietutuo stared blankly at the scene in front of him. Two strong Wu Kings dealt with a nine-star Wu Jun, and they all activated the golden body of Wu Wang!
If this is said, no one will believe it.

When the two golden bodies of the Martial King came out, Luo Biao took the lead. He slapped his chest with both hands, and let out an ear-piercing scream.

"Golden Toad Howls!"

As his words fell, the quietly crouching golden toad suddenly raised its head, its short and thick neck lifted, and there was a confusing whistling sound as it swelled. Those strong men held their heads with their hands, and there was blood overflowing from their mouths and noses.

This Golden Toad Howling Sky is an extremely terrifying sonic martial skill!

Against the background of Luo Biao's vigorous cultivation, his power is even more astonishing.

However, for Jiang Mo, whose spiritual power has reached the fifth level, the lethality is greatly reduced.

Jiang Mo stood on the spot without moving, and the power of divine thoughts spread out, forming an invisible protective barrier around him, resisting all the sound waves that kept sweeping in.

"Let you taste mine too!" A moment later, Jiang Mo stomped heavily on the ground with his foot, then opened his mouth, and a stronger sound wave suddenly swept out.

"Slaying Monsters - Slashing Waves!"

The Sanskrit-like sound waves, under Jiang Mo's deliberate control, surrounded Luo Biao, directly causing the latter's heart to tremble and spurt out a mouthful of blood.

Some low-strength monks didn't know what happened. Only a few people including the white-robed man could barely see that Jiang Mo directly crushed Luo Biao's Golden Toad Xiaotian with his sonic martial arts!

After being impacted by Zhu Yaoyin, the golden six-clawed toad crouching in mid-air dissipated instantly.

Luo Biao staggered, barely supporting his crumbling body, his eyes were dull.

He never expected that Jin Chan Xiaotian, which he was so proud of, would be destroyed by Jiang Mo's blow.

Not far away, the white-robed man let out a loud shout as his mind shook.

"The ghost king picks the moon!"

As his voice came out, the six-foot-sized phantom in white clothes suddenly stretched out its huge palm, and grabbed Jiang Mo with an irresistible force.

"Hmph!" Jiang Mo snorted coldly, the muscles on his right arm swelled, and the veins bulged.

Immediately, he directly grasped the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, and swung it at the grasped palm.

"Pierce the sky!"

This sword not only gathered the original power, but also mobilized all the pure energy in the amber and poured it into the ancient sword of Tian Xing.

On the broad sword body, blue and red lights flashed alternately, and the sword body trembled and hummed, cutting through the void, bringing a shocking power, and bombarded the protruding palm heavily.

A dazzling sword light slashed across, and the palm was cut off violently. It seemed that the majestic sword power had not been exhausted, and even the six-foot-high golden body of the Martial King was blasted into nothingness.

The power of this sword is so terrifying!

King Wu's golden body was broken, and the white-robed man who was connected to it spewed out a mouthful of blood. His body was like a kite with a broken string, and he flew tens of feet away in embarrassment.

The mountain peaks along the way were smashed to pieces, which is enough to see how powerful Jiang Mo's sword is!
After the white-robed man flew out, the alternating black and red wings on Jiang Mo's back shook violently, and he rushed towards him.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand drew a sharp arc and slashed towards the neck of the man in white robe.

"Boy, do you dare to kill me?" Seeing this scene, the white-robed man's eyes were filled with shock and anger.

"Hehe, why don't you dare?" Jiang Mo smiled coldly, and the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword cut off the white-robed man's head neatly.

After finishing all this, his wings flapped again, and he flew towards the stunned Luo Biao.

Luo Biao knew that Jiang Mo would never let him go easily, so he turned around and ran away without even begging for mercy.

Jiang Mo glanced at Luo Biao who was running away in a panic. The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword flew out like thunder, and caught up with Luo Biao in an instant. The sword penetrated from his back to his chest, nailing him to an ancient above the tree...

(End of this chapter)

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