Chapter 470 Nine Fingers of Suppressing Demons!

Jiang Mo's palm slowly rubbed Cang Ming Token in his palm, and a fiery fighting spirit also flashed in his heart.

He is not a newcomer who has just entered Cangming Palace, so he naturally knows that there are so many people who want to fight for the position of Cangming Envoy in the golden robe.

There is no other reason, just relying on this identity, you can receive a huge amount of cultivation resources that make people jealous every year from Cangming Palace.

It is very difficult for individuals to gather together such a huge amount of cultivation resources.What monks care about most is the time for cultivation, and they don't want to spend so much time looking for cultivation resources.If there are ready-made ones, it would be great for them.

If you can win the position of the Golden Robe Cangming Envoy, then you will save the time of searching for training resources. This attraction is undoubtedly fatal to those monks.

Moreover, in the Cangming Palace, which is as strict as a barrier, the golden-cloaked Cangming Envoy can be said to have an extremely high status, and at the same time can mobilize some of the Cangming Palace's power.

This has also created countless Cangming Guards, all of whom dreamed of becoming the respected golden-cloaked Cangming Envoy one day.

As for the Cangming Protector who is under one person and above ten thousand people, the ordinary Cangming Guards don't have the guts to think about it yet.

"During this time, you should prepare well first. Ten days later, the battle for the Golden Robe Cang Ming Envoy will begin. I have to remind you, kid, that the ones competing with you this time are all the strong Martial Kings.

Although I know your kid's cards are not weak, but you can't take it lightly.

After all, the position of the golden-robed Cangming Envoy is a coveted piece of fat! Can Shan Hufa patted Jiang Mo's shoulder earnestly and said in a deep voice.

Jiang Mo could also hear the solemn meaning in the words of Guardian Canshan, and nodded immediately: "Jiang Mo will go all out!"

After a few more instructions, Canshan Guardian left the side hall, and Jiang Mo did not stay, and went directly to the place where the Xuangong Pavilion was located.

The position of Xuangong Pavilion in Cangming Palace is very important. The martial arts and martial arts recorded here are among the top three in the entire Cangming Domain.

Not long after Jiang Mo's walk, a quaint hall appeared in front of him.

The main hall has five floors, and on the top floor is a small attic, which looks unique.

Holding the jade slip in his hand, Jiang Mo entered the Xuangong Pavilion without hindrance.

The moment I entered, a unique antiquated atmosphere of ancient books rushed towards my face.

He just turned around on the first floor, and then stepped onto the second floor, where rows of wooden bookshelves were separated in an orderly manner.

The collection of books in Xuangong Pavilion is divided into several areas, including alchemy area, tool refining area, and formation area, etc.

As for the area of ​​martial arts and martial arts, it is in the most visible position. After all, most of the monks in Cangming Palace are monks who make a living by martial arts. Similar to Jiang Mo, who is proficient in refining medicine, he also dabbles in refining weapons. In the field, it is rare.

Jiang Mo first stopped in the alchemy area for a while, flipped through a few volumes of ancient books, and then put them down without interest.

Jiang Mo had been familiar with the experience of refining medicine recorded in the ancient book as early as 900 years ago. Now these things naturally cannot arouse his interest.

As for ancient books such as refining weapons and formations, Jiang Mo didn't pay much attention to them.

He knows better than anyone the truth that he can't chew through too much. In this life, for Jiang Mo, refining weapons and formations are just heresy.

Only the way of martial arts will make him devote himself to study.

In the end, Jiang Mo stopped at the area of ​​martial arts and martial arts, and he began to flip through the volumes from left to right, top to bottom.

Time passed by slowly, and when the sky was getting dark, he was already holding a volume of some yellowed ancient books in his hands, and he was concentrating on it.

This ancient book is called the Nine Fingers of Suppressing Demons, and it is a volume of low-level earth-level martial arts. According to its records, if the Nine Fingers of Suppressing Demons is cultivated to great success, and the nine fingers are superimposed, its power is comparable to that of intermediate-level earth-level martial arts!

"That's it!" Jiang Mo closed the ancient book and put it into the Zichen space.

"Little guy, although the Nine Fingers of Suppressing Demons is famous and powerful, there are not many people who can successfully practice it.

Moreover, this volume of exercises is only a fragment, and the second half of the volume has been lost somewhere.Therefore, the old man advises you, it is better to choose a simpler martial art. "

But just as Jiang Mo put away the volume of ancient books, a hoarse old voice sounded from behind Jiang Mo.

Jiang Mo turned his head, and was horrified to find that behind him stood an old man with white hair and a somewhat stooped figure.

The white-haired old man's eyes were cloudy, and he looked very ordinary. He didn't have the slightest breath coming out from his body. He was no different from an ordinary old man lying on a chair basking in the sun.

But it was such an ordinary white-haired old man who seemed to be blown by a gust of wind, but Jiang Mo's pupils suddenly constricted, and a sense of danger flashed in his heart for no reason!
Can quietly appear behind Jiang Mo, how can this white-haired old man be an ordinary person?

"Don't worry, little guy. This old man is the guardian of the Xuangong Pavilion, and he has no malice towards you. I just thought you were weird, so I just came here to persuade you." One cannot be on guard.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo wiped the sweat off his brow in embarrassment, and smiled embarrassingly.

With the opponent's terrifying strength, if he wanted to attack him, even ten Jiang Mo might not be able to match him.

Looking at the white-haired old man in front of him, Jiang Mo clicked his tongue, gaining a deeper understanding of the background of Cangming Palace.

Even an ordinary old man who guards the pavilion possesses the super strength of the Martial Emperor level, which shows how huge the Cangming Palace is!
"Thank you for the old man's advice. It's just that the boy likes the Nine Fingers of Suppressing Demons very much and wants to try it." Jiang Mo said modestly with a smile on his face.

"Hey, young man..." The white-haired old man shook his head, hands behind his back, and gradually walked away.

It wasn't until the white-haired old man left for a while that Jiang Mo suddenly realized that his back was a little wet with sweat.

Holding the jade slip in his hand, Jiang Mo left the Xuangong Pavilion without hindrance and headed for his residence with the scroll of Nine Fingers of Suppressing Demons.

After entering the room and closing the door with his backhand, Jiang Mo entered Zichen's space.

He was not in a hurry to start practicing the Nine Fingers of Suppressing Demons, but sat down cross-legged first, and adjusted his breathing to a state consistent with the vitality of heaven and earth.

There is a trace of black vitality mixed in the faint milky white airflow, which is the void power in the Zichen space and the chaotic magic stone. Although it is extremely weak, long-term practice will bring no harm to Jiang Mo.

When this special vitality of heaven and earth wandered through the meridians in Jiang Mo's body for a week, his closed eyes slowly opened.

The yellowed ancient book was spread flat on his knees. Jiang Mo turned the first page, and the four characters of Zhenmo Nine Fingers suddenly came into view...

(End of this chapter)

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