Chapter 471 Nameless Tower

Those four simple characters seemed to come with a spirit of justice that suppressed all evil in the world, making one feel like being in the ocean of willful ocean.

Jiang Mo studied the information recorded in it word by word, and after half an hour, he already knew how to cultivate the first finger of the Nine Fingers of Suppressing Demons.

He sank into his dantian, put his fingers together, and shot out like lightning in the next moment.

The fierce gust of wind burst out, directly causing waves in the space in front of him.

Looking at the slightly fluctuating air in front of him, Jiang Mo shook his head in disappointment. Such power had not yet met his expectations.

With his eyes closed, Jiang Mo frowned and thought for a moment, then put his two fingers together again.

The energy in the dantian flowed into Jiang Mo's right arm along a specific vein, and then was concentrated into his closed fingers.

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and then moved his fingers out again hastily.

The space was torn apart again, and there was a sound of breaking wind. This momentum was much stronger than before, and there was a faint whistling sound.

Jiang Mo shook his head again, apparently still not very satisfied with the power of this finger.

The world can only see the joyful grievances and enmity of masters killing all directions in front of others, but they cannot see that those real top masters have paid unimaginable hardships in secret.

Just like Jiang Mo at the moment, practicing one move after another repeatedly, constantly looking for flaws in his moves, and then improving in the next move, but he always found other problems.

The process of practicing martial arts is so boring, it has always been like this throughout the ages.

I haven't heard of any monk with amazing talents who can avoid this process and enter the ranks of top masters.

Jiang Mo has always been a patient person. He practiced martial arts without arrogance or impetuosity, taking one step at a time.

Five days passed, and under his tireless training, the first finger of the nine fingers of suppressing demons was finally displayed with great momentum!
"Drink!" Jiang Mo stood on the spot, his feet sank slightly, and immediately put his fingers together, and then suddenly poked them out.

In an instant, a black light beam about the thickness of an arm suddenly shot out from his fingertips, tearing apart the air, causing a loud roar to resound around him.

If someone looks carefully, they will be able to find that there are slight cracks in the space where the dark beam of light passes by. In that situation, it is as if under this finger, even the space cannot bear such horror Like the power!
Looking at the roaring black beam of light, a rare smile finally appeared on Jiang Mo's face.

"If I use all my strength to use this finger, there will probably be a blood hole in the chest of the One-Star Martial King!" Jiang Mo grinned.

The five consecutive days of sleepless nights caused the fingers of his right hand to become swollen, as thick as a baby's arm.

After withdrawing the Yuanli, the sharp pain came suddenly, making Jiang Mo gasp continuously between his teeth.

Temporarily stopping the cultivation of the Nine Fingers of Suppressing Demons, Jiang Mo turned to practice the standing method, and the pace of the ghost shadow fan was urged to the extreme by him, and the entire Zichen space was full of afterimages.

Occasionally, several afterimages are superimposed together, and a phantom of Jiang Mo slowly emerges. It is so realistic that if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

At the same time as his figure flashed, Jiang Mo pulled out the ancient sword of punishment, and his wrist shook rapidly, like a spirit snake waving it.

Brilliant sword lights filled the entire Zichen space, and the fierce sword energy raged wildly, destroying the place to be riddled with holes.

If it weren't for the self-healing power of this Zichen space, it would have been destroyed thousands of times by Jiang Mo.

After Jiang Mo unleashed a set of Devil May Cry sword skills in one breath, he drew his sword and stood cross-legged on a boulder.

And the ancient sword of Heaven's Punishment was inserted obliquely in the distance, and the hilt was still trembling. From this, it was enough to see how powerful Jiang Mo's throwing the ancient sword was just now.

At this time, a piece of dark red amber with a part cut off was placed in the palm of Jiang Mo's right hand.

This piece of amber was impressively obtained from the Styx River that day, and Jiang Mo cut off a tenth of it when he was on Tianzhu Peak.

"The power contained in this amber is extremely pure and huge. Just that small piece is enough to support me to kill the three-star Martial King by leapfrogging. It is conceivable that if the whole piece is swallowed in the stomach, I am afraid that it will be the Martial King. The strong will explode and die on the spot!" Jiang Mo thought to himself.

"Since this amber was obtained in the Styx River, and it is also related to the Styx Dragon. Why don't we call it Dragon Blood Amber!"

Thinking of this, when Jiang Mo looked at the amber again, he felt more and more that the slender, silk-like, interconnected filaments in the amber were blood threads in the dragon's blood.

"Anyway, this is a real treasure, and it will definitely come in handy in the future." After Jiang Mo put away the dragon's blood amber, he took out the jade slip with dragon language characters rubbed on it.

Jiang Mo has always felt that if he can learn all the dragon language characters printed on this jade slip, it will be of great help to him.

Not only does it display the power of speech, but it also has other huge effects.

"The wind rises, the fire comes, the rain falls..."

Accompanied by the spread of strange syllables, the entire Zichen space seemed to be in a state of mutation.

Screaming winds, roaring rainstorms, and raging flames are constantly appearing alternately. Such scenes, at a glance, seem to be the end of the world.

Jiang Mo stood in the center of the entire world, and the orders came from his mouth.

That is to say, the Zichen space is stable enough, otherwise it would have collapsed long ago if it was replaced by any weaker space treasure.

It wasn't until Jiang Mo felt a little exhausted that he stopped.

He sat cross-legged quietly, breathing evenly, adjusting the vitality between the heaven and the earth, tempering the veins of the physical body bit by bit.

While he was sitting quietly like this, several days passed in a flash.

On the tenth day, Guardian Canshan sent someone to invite Jiang Mo, saying that the battle for the golden-cloaked Cangming envoy had begun, and asked him to hurry over.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo didn't dare to be negligent, and after tidying up a bit, he rushed to the place where the most crowds gathered in Cangming Palace.

Today is the most lively time in Cangming Palace for decades.

There is no other reason, it is because another golden-cloaked Cangming envoy will be born in Cangming Palace today.

Moreover, it is said that the participants in the battle for the Golden Robe Cangming Envoy this time are all quite young beings, unlike those old men in the past.

What appeared in front of Jiang Mo was a nine-story iron tower, known as the Nameless Tower.

Around the iron tower, many people stopped here to watch, and bursts of noisy discussions continued to spread out.

After approaching, Jiang Mo noticed that there were three men and one woman standing quietly without making any sound.

From these four people, Jiang Mo felt an indescribable breath fluctuation gradually dissipating...

 Tang Tang drank a lot of wine with his roommate today, this chapter is posted late, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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