Chapter 489 Urging the Golden Body of the Martial King
After Xuerentu's order came down, Lei Hao stopped talking and his face was extremely cold.

On the bronze glove, bursts of dark red ripples rippled like waves of water, making one's heart skip a beat!

At this moment, Lei Hao's momentum has reached its peak, infinitely approaching the realm of a six-star martial king.

Jiang Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, Lei Hao is indeed a troublesome opponent, and it is not easy to defeat him.

After taking a deep breath, the secret technique of moving mountains was also activated, and the strength of the body directly climbed to three times.

"Let's fight!" After a low growl, Jiang Mo tapped his toes to the ground, and with a flash of his figure, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword waved towards the burly figure in front of him.

There was a sound of breaking wind, and Lei Hao's fists wrapped in bronze gloves slammed out, colliding with the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword brazenly.

"Clang, clang, clang..."

A series of metal roaring sounds sounded one after another, and the strong wind scattered in all directions, causing the bluestone paved ground under his feet to crack inch by inch.

Under the pressure of Xue Rentu, Lei Hao's speed also increased a bit. Although it was not as good as Jiang Mo's, the disadvantage in speed was offset by his strong defense.

For a while, the two fought inseparably, and were extremely stalemate.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword collided with the bronze glove, and sparks were scattered all over the place. The surrounding onlookers were all staring at the fierce scene in the arena. Afterwards, the speed of the two became faster and faster. They could only Hearing the sound of weapons attacking, it was difficult to see the figures of the two.

It was another powerful confrontation, and the energy ripples spread, forming gusts of howling wind, and the whole scene was very intense.

"Changhong pierces the sun!" After more than a dozen rounds of fighting, Jiang Mo suddenly shouted, and the ancient sword of Heavenly Punishment pulled out a series of sword flowers, and the bright sword glow, like the scorching sun, bloomed directly from the sword flowers He went out and went straight to Lei Hao.

"This move is so powerful!" Lei Hao's eyes flashed a look of astonishment, which was also extremely dignified.

That sun-like sword glow, with unparalleled momentum, directly slashed down from afar.

Before the attack landed, the terrifying aura had already enveloped Lei Hao. The people around him were beating and making noises in their robes. All of them were mobilizing their energy to form a protective shield around their bodies to block the incoming terrifying force. wind.

Standing at the very center of the sword, Lei Hao chopped the sole of his foot on the ground fiercely, and let out a low growl.

"Thunder King Fist!"

After the roar fell, Lei Hao's pair of bronze gloves rose sharply, and even increased in size.

Afterwards, he kept pounding down with his fists, his voice rumbled like rolling thunder, and his aura was extremely powerful!
In that situation, it was like an angry Thor hammering the earth, trying to tear the world apart.

The fist shadow smashed out, and finally collided with the sun-like sword light. For a moment, the surrounding air fluctuated, and the wind swept through, as if the end was coming.

Bang, bang, bang!

The deafening muffled sound continued to radiate out, but the roaring Sunshine sword glow was extremely condensed, despite the furious blows of the shadow of the fist, it still went forward with that violent storm-like offensive!
"I don't believe it anymore!" Lei Hao gritted his teeth, took out a blood-red pill from the stored rosary, and swallowed it directly.

This scene fell in the eyes of the two deputy palace masters on the towering pavilion, they couldn't help but look at each other, the shock in their hearts was hard to calm down.

"Is this boy named Jiang Mo really so strong? He forced Lei Hao to swallow the blood-refining pill!" Xue Rentu's eyes became more and more surprised, and at the same time, he was curious about Jiang Mo. A rising tide lifts all boats.

"Vice Palace Master Blood, I have already said that that little guy is not simple, so don't underestimate him!" Bai Sha replied softly.

After that Lei Hao swallowed the blood-refining pill, his aura rose again, and he had faintly broken through to the realm of a six-star Martial King.

Feeling the aura of the six-star Martial King, the people around him all looked sideways with shock on their faces.

"Lei Hao swallowed something, and his cultivation has skyrocketed."

"Lei Hao, the Six Star Martial King, is not something that Jiang Mo can compete with!"

"Jiang Mo is going to lose now!"

Although the onlookers were very optimistic about Jiang Mo at first, they changed their minds when Lei Hao's aura grew again.

After his cultivation base increased, Lei Hao threw out a few more punches again. The Shining Sun Sword Glow, which was originally powerful, finally stopped at this moment, unable to make any further progress.

Under Lei Hao's indiscriminate bombardment, fine cracks began to appear on the sword glow, and after a while, the cracks covered the entire Shining Sun sword glow.

Finally, under everyone's watchful eyes, the sword glow exploded with a loud bang, turning into countless sword qi and blasting out, causing the surrounding buildings to be ravaged and dilapidated.

But fortunately, with the restoration ability of Cangming Palace, it is not difficult to restore these destroyed buildings to their original appearance.

In the end, the sword glow shattered, and Lei Hao apparently also accumulated strength for the next final blow, and stopped the indiscriminate bombing offensive.

After the offensive stopped temporarily, both of them were able to breathe for a while. The entire field was very silent, no one spoke, and they all quietly watched the two on the field.

Jiang Mo's chest rose and fell slightly, and his face was a little pale after such a battle that consumed his energy.

Lei Hao on the opposite side was not much better. Although he swallowed the blood refining pill and his cultivation had improved temporarily, he would definitely leave a lot of sequelae in the future.

At this moment, Lei Hao's face turned blue and white, obviously because he swallowed the elixir and his body was enduring the violent force.

"Come on, last blow, if you can stop me, then I, Lei Hao, would be willing to be thrown into the Nether Battlefield by Master Xue!" Lei Hao said gruffly, "But, if you can't stop me next, May be mortally wounded!"

"I will go all out, just let go and fight!" Jiang Mo laughed heartily, this Lei Hao is very powerful, and for Jiang Mo, it is a good whetstone.

As soon as Jiang Mo's words fell, Lei Hao crossed his fists and screamed to the sky. Under the sound of this majestic voice, a huge golden body of King Wu suddenly floated behind him!

The golden body of King Wu is about five feet in size, like a fist that lifts the sky, from a distance, it is very eye-catching!
When Lei Hao condensed the golden body of the Martial King, he also poured the power of his own martial arteries into it, so this scene happened.

The battle between the two had reached a fever pitch, especially when Lei Hao pushed out the King of Martial King Jin behind him, it even drew exclamations from the surroundings.

"Is King Wu's golden body? I have it too!" Looking at the five-foot-high fist that lifted the sky, Jiang Mo curled his lips into a smile.

In the smile, the knot in Jiang Mo's hand changed, and the momentum around him suddenly bloomed.

Behind him, a golden body of King Wu about four feet in size, glowing with deep and gloomy light, slowly emerged under the amazement of everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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